hey andy, DINNER!!!

so this is what i made for dinner tonight, with the mess in the kitchen cropped out.

i know its not a good shot, not is the plating especially good. but it is a photography site, so i thought id post a pic.

i know its not a good shot, not is the plating especially good. but it is a photography site, so i thought id post a pic.
I can only hope to progress to the point of one day being a second rate photographer, wish me luck.
awesome! thanks for the second dinner BURP
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by the way, i think it's a fine shot. shooting food from the side, of course, you only get about one bite in focus, i like my entire meal in focus
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"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
no no no, marinated in a nice mission fig olive oil mixture, thats a fig/red win reduciton you see. risotto. and blanched veggies.
you know better than to ask me if i used teriyaki.
I bet it tasted good too
There's no need to apologize about your food shot. There are no "bad" food shots, IMO.....lol Plus, it's always good to follow Andy's lead and take pics of everything you eat. That way if the doctor wants to know what you might have ingested that caused your stomach ache, you've got the prints in your back pocket:lol :lol :lol
Nice shot and FWIW, I thought it was teriyaki too :uhoh
yeah the sauce, wich is really me just deglazing the pan with some red and some shallots and fig slices looks alot darker int he pic than it actually was, which i think is odd considering the bright colors of the veggies.
When you use words like "deglaze" and "reduction"; we think you're like
a god in the kitchen or something