UMass Hockey HE Quarter Finals
Just a quicky:

Look for the puck!

Getting out of the way of a slappah from the point. Said Slappah results in goal.

Just a couple. My goal is to update sportsshoter today because I have been a total slacker and the photos are months!! old.
Hope you enjoyed!

Look for the puck!

Getting out of the way of a slappah from the point. Said Slappah results in goal.

Just a couple. My goal is to update sportsshoter today because I have been a total slacker and the photos are months!! old.
Hope you enjoyed!
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Very sharp and crystal clear... Do you do anything special?
Nice job!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 19:1
We now need to not destroy it and capture its beauty for all to behold.
I posted this months ago and never came back to see Andy giving me props!!! How figgen cool is that!
Ok my jackass answer is I just shoot through it.
But there are obvious challenges to shooing through the glass. And actually I think these 3 photos, were from the penalty box, which is this season glassed in. But I often with hockey do have to shoot through glass (UMass and the TD Banknorth garden I am lucky enough to have holes to shoot through).
The challenge with glass is you general lose a stop on light, and that if you are tracking with autofocus it will get confused from time to time, so I get auto focus photos when I shoot through glass, that doesnt happen when I have an open spot. The other challenge with hockey is they move so fast, so if I am tracking action towards me, they just move to fast.
Anyways, with the glass there isnt much you can do. If its actually glass I am thankful, cause it can be washed off and clear of puck marks. You do what you can and dont shoot from the corners. With squash I would imagine that is not a problem. You cant use a flash, and if you get right up on the glass you should see overall it shouldnt be much of a problem. Plexi sucks because it gets all marked up and you need chemicals to get it off.
But try that before the next game, wash the glass on both sides of where you plan to shoot and then get right up close to the glass. Thats really all I have for you.