Recent Girls HS Basketball
All were shot with the D50, 85 1.8 with ISO at 1600, manual mode 1.8/320-500.
I used a gray wall to set WB. I am planning on getting an expodisc for better WB. I am not totally happy with the focus of the 85mm as it seems to have focus issues with moving objects, but it could be related to the camera itself. It is pretty sharp for still objects though.

I used a gray wall to set WB. I am planning on getting an expodisc for better WB. I am not totally happy with the focus of the 85mm as it seems to have focus issues with moving objects, but it could be related to the camera itself. It is pretty sharp for still objects though.

Nice grabs!
I don't think it's the D50. I use a D50 and D70 and I prefer the D50 and find it focuses faster than those girls will EVER move. So it may be the lighting conditions. Remember your shooting @ ISO 1600.
Nice Work
Even if your eyes say well lit. A meter reading will tell you exactly. You don't need an expensive meter to do this. Your meter in camera will get you close enough for a reading.
What I do is put the camera in A mode and then take shots. I get a decent average of the shutterspeed and then go in M mode adjust from there. It's propably not the way to do it, but I am still learning.