
Okay, so I've kept quiet on this one for a long time, but now feel the urge to say something. I miss Shay. It has now been a month (I believe) since his last post and this forum contains so many great people, but it's just not the same without him.
To my knowledge we've had no explanation as to why things have changed so drastically. I am grateful for this forum as it has caused me to grow tremendously, but it was his diligence and perspective that made it complete and totally irresistable. Who of us did not wait up until midnight (on the east coast anyway) waiting for the new theme, for the close of each round, and especially the following night...constantly clicking the refresh button just waiting for those results that we knew would show up any second without fail? It was an "edge of your seat" kind of thing for sure! And then his feedback was always a learning experience in itself. (And I FULLY appreciate anyone and everyone who takes the time to give input or feedback.)
I am assuming that whatever the reason for his absence, that it is, of course, personal. I am not complaining, I am just saddened and wanted to publicly send good thoughts and wishes his way...and hoping that someday LPS returns to its former, fully fascinating, uniqueness.
To my knowledge we've had no explanation as to why things have changed so drastically. I am grateful for this forum as it has caused me to grow tremendously, but it was his diligence and perspective that made it complete and totally irresistable. Who of us did not wait up until midnight (on the east coast anyway) waiting for the new theme, for the close of each round, and especially the following night...constantly clicking the refresh button just waiting for those results that we knew would show up any second without fail? It was an "edge of your seat" kind of thing for sure! And then his feedback was always a learning experience in itself. (And I FULLY appreciate anyone and everyone who takes the time to give input or feedback.)
I am assuming that whatever the reason for his absence, that it is, of course, personal. I am not complaining, I am just saddened and wanted to publicly send good thoughts and wishes his way...and hoping that someday LPS returns to its former, fully fascinating, uniqueness.
Psalm 62:5-6
I'm sure your well wishes will find their target, thanks.
In the meantime, I may not be the artistic driving force, but things are continuing as normal. I don't have the judging speed that Shay did, but LPS is designed so that is not essential to the workings of the rounds (see, we planned ahead).
On a closing thought, maybe Shay is hiding on purpose... he's always said all along that LPS was meant to teach you something. Perhaps this is his way, in these last few rounds, of seeing how you all handle the pressure on your own.
I certainly miss his continuity and unique way in getting our motors running for yet another challenge.
I to feel I have grown so much and even ventured out of my comfort zone a few times to try and stretch my skills.
I am saddened by his absence to and hope we hear something soon.
Peace, gail
The last information that we officially received about Shay is that he is/was sick, he also mentioned to several people including myself that he was in the middle of moving to California. I suspect that he still may be in the growing pains of the move and possibly still recovering from whatever illness hit him.
I hope that he still is not sick and I doubly hope that his move is or has been a successful one, because I would love to have him back, once again bringing his spice and insights into this really fun and challenging contest.
Oh and a Big Thanks to Erik for keeping us going through his absence!!!!!
you actually get to see the future, don't you? since you are 15 hours ahead of us?
For him it was a working party; he spent it taking pictures of the guests in costume. At the time he mentioned the move to California and, while he was optomistic about the potential for weddings in his new location, clearly along with the the move, the flu, and the holidays, he must be busy rebuilding his photography business in his new location. I can only imaging how daunting it must be to start fresh in a new place.