December Surfing
Just a few shots from the month of December here on Vancouver Island. I'm in the hunt for a 300mm f2.8 without VR. Can't be able to afford one and find one.

Thanks for looking. If you want to see more there should be a link here somewhere to my site. Off to hockey...

Thanks for looking. If you want to see more there should be a link here somewhere to my site. Off to hockey...
Thomson, Ga. USA
The surf here can be amazing. More often then not I miss the good shots though because I'm surfing. I lost a couple fins on a log today though. Smashed the fin boxes right back about an inch.
Here are a few more. Thanks, and if you have any insight on the 120-300 I'd love to hear it.
I love that last one, don't know why but it seems so clean.
Nice pictures thanks for sharing, what is in the water just outside of the break.
if you keep this up they will be 50 people in the waves next year
Cheers, Ed
You can never get enough surf pics, no matter how big, small dark, or bright!