So this means if you'd have the money, you'd exchange the Nikon kit lens with the 17-55? I am still looking for someone who used both, and are able to tell me if the 17-55 really is worth all that extra money. I feel it is, since a 2.8 on my main lens sounds great, but as I haven't had hands on experience, I'm soaking up other peoples experiences.
Can't wait to get my hands on experiences with the Canon gear!
I don't think I'd replace the kit 18-70 lens. Although it's low cost, the quality of both build and result is very high. I would use it as the main lens for my D70 and use the 17-55 as the main lens on my D2H.
Because I shoot a number of weddings, there are times having two cameras with lenses in that zoom range would be a help.
Now, if money were indeed no problem, I'd have a D2X with the Tokina 12-24 and Nikon 17-55 and be all set. (Of course I would also have the cash to buy new laptop and desktop to handle those bloody great files).
I would still have a D70 with 18-70 lens though. This combination fits nicely into the Roadwired Podzilla so it's perfect for taking just about anywhere.
This is exactly what i found in all my searching & annoying people.
There is no 'better' camera just a 'more suited' camera.
If i was only going to have the one kit lens then the nikon is much better with its kit lens. The D70 has a very very nice feel to it when you hold it. I do have hands like a gibbon though.
So the nub of the question is - would I notice the difference between the kit lenses in my photography? On the other hand, would the D70 be so large I would leave it at home?
I guess the only way to find out is to buy one and try it.
So the nub of the question is - would I notice the difference between the kit lenses in my photography? On the other hand, would the D70 be so large I would leave it at home?
I guess the only way to find out is to buy one and try it.
The kit lens & which other ? ...I have no idea as i have only played with a D70 in the shop but i did a lot of research & spoke to a lot of photographers here & everyone agrees that the kit lens for the D70 is a keeper. Canon on the other hand did not enjoy the kit lens support of those i spoke with.
Its size ?.. prob a bit larger than my canon AE-1 but that shouldnt stop you. Its a hell of a camera. It feels lovely to hold & thats a good 1st impression.. very well made & no cheap feel to it.
So the nub of the question is - would I notice the difference between the kit lenses in my photography? On the other hand, would the D70 be so large I would leave it at home?
I guess the only way to find out is to buy one and try it.
When I upgraded from a Canon S60 to my D70, the D70 seemed huge. "How would I be able to keep such a beast with me?" I thought.
Now that I have a D2H as well, the D70 seems tiny. Everything is relative.
I mean between the kit lens of the D70 and the kit lens of the 350XT.
To be honest, I wouldn't worry about the lens too much. You can always get new lenses, most dSLR owners end up with a bunch.
You will probably be using the body for a few years, so I would say get the body that works best for you and feels most comfortable. You don't have to even think about what lens is best, it's us guys and gals who make great pictures, not a slightly better lens. Your good pictures will be very good and your poor pictures poor, regardless of the name on the lens. Just buy a Canon or Nikon, doesn't matter which, they're both fantastic - you're a winner either way.
Matthew SavilleRegistered Users, Retired ModPosts: 3,352Major grins
edited March 20, 2005
In all seriousness, buy the 350D if you're a point-and-shooter, buy the D70 if you want more control etc.
Canon shot themselves in the foot, on purpose, with the Digital Rebel lineup. They left off a primary control knob, Canon's giant wheel on the back that you see on the 10D, the 20D, and all the other high-end cameras. This infinitely slows down the camera, especially if you often shoot in M mode, or use exposure compensation, because instead of just twirling that big wheel on the back like I do with the 20D, you've got to hold down a button while spinning the front command dial, which doesn't sound too hard a task, but trust me it's just plain slow compared to Canon and Nikon's usual "dual dial" setup.
But that doesn't stop the 350D from being an awesome camera, with infinitely faster AF than a P&S among tons of other advantages over P&S. However, If I were THAT interested in going light, cheap, and simple, I still don't think I would buy the 350D. I would either go all the way cheap and get the 300D, or I would go all the way light, and get TONS more features, with a Pentax DSLR, the lightest and smallest DSLR's on the market, if only by a few hairs...
You're not buying a camera body, you're buying a family of lenses. The body will be long gone by the time you outlive the lenses (assuming you're not kin to Andy. )
You're not buying a camera body, you're buying a family of lenses. The body will be long gone by the time you outlive the lenses (assuming you're not kin to Andy. )
The rest of us mortals agonise over each purchase as though we were going through an adoption process. He went from the ridiculous to the sublime when he bought a same model camera for the 2nd time after rejecting and selling it the first.
How I wish I was made of money too. :cry
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
You're not buying a camera body, you're buying a family of lenses. The body will be long gone by the time you outlive the lenses (assuming you're not kin to Andy. )
hey, i still have and own, as orig purchases, 70-200 f/2.8L i.s., my 50 f/1.4, and my 100mm macro
thus sayeth the man with and i quote directly from underneath your avatar, " Homes in: Somerville, MA USA; Cebu, Philippines; and Kamagaya, Japan, etc
actually, what i am charles, is smart enough to know what works for me, and not afraid to go back to it. man, the 20d is an awesome camera. so's the 1Ds Mark II, and i don't regret for a minute owning it. btw, do you know how much i paid for that 1Ds Mark II? or sold my first 20d for? i didn't think so.
thus sayeth the man with and i quote directly from underneath your avatar, " Homes in: Somerville, MA USA; Cebu, Philippines; and Kamagaya, Japan, etc
All rentals unfortunately and both the Somerville and Kamagaya places will be history by Sept.
actually, what i am charles, is smart enough to know what works for me, and not afraid to go back to it. man, the 20d is an awesome camera. so's the 1Ds Mark II, and i don't regret for a minute owning it. btw, do you know how much i paid for that 1Ds Mark II? or sold my first 20d for? i didn't think so.
No I don't and I do not need to know, but presumably your buyers knew your purchase/sell prices.
But this is all in fun Andy. Don't get your knickers in an uproar
lets try to be friends
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Canon shot themselves in the foot, on purpose, with the Digital Rebel lineup. They left off a primary control knob, Canon's giant wheel on the back that you see on the 10D, the 20D, and all the other high-end cameras.
How is that shooting themselves in the foot (feet)? I don't think Canon publishes sales numbers of individual models, but as far as I can tell, the drebel was the hottest selling dSLR in 2004.
This infinitely slows down the camera, especially if you often shoot in M mode, or use exposure compensation, because instead of just twirling that big wheel on the back like I do with the 20D, you've got to hold down a button while spinning the front command dial, which doesn't sound too hard a task, but trust me it's just plain slow compared to Canon and Nikon's usual "dual dial" setup.
Which actually demonstrates the brilliance of Canon's product placement and marketing strategy. Take a gander through the flea market and see how many people sold their drebels to upgrade to 10D, 20D, or 1DsII. Canon gets two body sales from a lot of people. I really think you are looking at the situation from a bit of a Nikon-induced tilt.
If you want to talk about companies shooting themselves in the feet, let's discuss Nikon's dSLR strategy. Nikon's sole mortal dSLR for several years was the D100. Poor ergos, ordinary CCD, heavy, and just not very cutting edge. During this period, Canon introduced 50 new cameras (waxy, i'm going to need some help here, cuz I know you posted that article about 18 months ago that talked to this subject). Nikon had nothing in the sub-$1k category and their highend was limited to a 4mp film "conversion". dRebel, 10D...and then the 8mp 20D right about the time Nikon saw the light and introduced the D70. Even so, it's still only 6mp, still CCD, and STILL isn't under $1k. Day late, dollar short.
and before you jump on me too hard... (1) I was a dyed-in-the-wood Nikonian before I switched to Canon. I still have three bodies and a bunch of glass; and (2) the Nikon D70 is a fine camera. People who already own good Nikon glass should seriously consider that camera before switching systems to Canon. I didn't have any really good nikkor glass, so the switch was no big deal for me.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
How is that shooting themselves in the foot (feet)? I don't think Canon publishes sales numbers of individual models, but as far as I can tell, the drebel was the hottest selling dSLR in 2004.
No question about it but Canon is top dog when it comes to marketing and Nikon will never be in its league in that area. The Rebel was a brillant marketing ploy tying thousands to its line of glass & knocking the high end prosumer cameras out of the game. The only problem is the Rebel is a sucky camera. The image quality is fine but its handling doesn't make the grade. The D70 is a far superior piece of equipment.
Right now Nikon has three outstanding cameras in the D70, D2H (with the D2Hs around the corner), and the D2X. Unfortunately there is no mid-range model in its line-up to compete with the 20D. Hopefully the rumors of an upgrade to the D100 being released this year are true (a fine camera BTW when it was released).
I kind of like Nikon's slow progression of its line better than Canon's new model every 6 months approach. Look at poor Andy, he's been buying buying and selling and the buying back cameras since he bought the Rebel. The poor guy is spinning like a top.
Harry member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Matthew SavilleRegistered Users, Retired ModPosts: 3,352Major grins
No question about it but Canon is top dog when it comes to marketing and Nikon will never be in its league in that area. The Rebel was a brillant marketing ploy tying thousands to its line of glass & knocking the high end prosumer cameras out of the game. The only problem is the Rebel is a sucky camera. The image quality is fine but its handling doesn't make the grade. The D70 is a far superior piece of equipment.
Right now Nikon has three outstanding cameras in the D70, D2H (with the D2Hs around the corner), and the D2X. Unfortunately there is no mid-range model in its line-up to compete with the 20D. Hopefully the rumors of an upgrade to the D100 being released this year are true (a fine camera BTW when it was released).
I kind of like Nikon's slow progression of its line better than Canon's new model every 6 months approach. Look at poor Andy, he's been buying buying and selling and the buying back cameras since he bought the Rebel. The poor guy is spinning like a top.
Very well put reply to that question. Just for the books, I also use and enjoy shooting with the D60, 10D, and 20D at school. L glass rocks! I simply forgot to state that Canon knew what they were doing when they shot themselves in the foot. In fact, they didn't shoot THEMSELVES in the foot, they simply "crippled" the rebel lineup a little, thus perfecting their strategic moves to get people to buy more, as you've stated.
I wouldn't think of Nikon as intentionally doing something to disable or limit a camera. They're in fact doing quite the opposite; they put out the best camera they can for a certain type of photographer, and put a price tag on it. Sure they may be harming themselves bigtime by being years "behind" Canon, but that's not an intentional delay on their part, it's just the price they pay being a small company that likes to do things right the first time. I'm sure if they could, they'd love to be as "current" just like everyone else would like to be. The D200 will be out fall 2005 and I'm pretty sure that like the D2x, it will be revolutionary. You never know what the dark side is cooking up!
I kind of like Nikon's slow progression of its line better than Canon's new model every 6 months approach.
I don't. As a Nikonian, it was always frustrating to see the Canon film guys get the goodies long before Nikon woke up and smelled the coffee. That procrastination extends to their warranty process too, unfortunately. It's like they have no concept of sense of urgency. Besides, they buy their IS technology from Canon. Where's the value with Nikon again?
Look at poor Andy, he's been buying buying and selling and the buying back cameras since he bought the Rebel. The poor guy is spinning like a top.
You know as well as I do, that it has nothing to do with brand. Andy is ADD, schizo, and just plain looney. He'd be turning over stuff no matter what the brand was. I just wish he were into BMW motorcycles, so I could get a new one from him really cheap.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
You know as well as I do, that it has nothing to do with brand. Andy is just plain looney.
i resemble that remark
this is my source of ca$h
i keep my ca$h in here
don't mess with me, fish...
i'm going cookoo, woo woo.
here comes the choo choo, woo woo
i'm so gooney, looney-tooney tetched-in-the-head
please pass the ketchup, it's time to go to bed!
am i the screwball, woo woo
throw me the eight ball, woo woo!
Very well put reply to that question. Just for the books, I also use and enjoy shooting with the D60, 10D, and 20D at school. L glass rocks! I simply forgot to state that Canon knew what they were doing when they shot themselves in the foot. In fact, they didn't shoot THEMSELVES in the foot, they simply "crippled" the rebel lineup a little, thus perfecting their strategic moves to get people to buy more, as you've stated.
1. I'll take that as a retraction.
2. "Cripple" is a strong word. The dRebel is a quite capable camera, certainly for the price.
The D200 will be out fall 2005 and I'm pretty sure that like the D2x, it will be revolutionary. You never know what the dark side is cooking up!
I hope so. I'd love for Nikonians to have something to boast about like 20D owners have.
Thanks for the ping-pong game, matt.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
i'm going cookoo, woo woo.
here comes the choo choo, woo woo
i'm so gooney, looney-tooney tetched-in-the-head
please pass the ketchup, it's time to go to bed!
am i the screwball, woo woo
throw me the eight ball, woo woo!
Thanks for supporting my point, andy.
I love you, man...but not in a :ymca way, ya know? :uhoh
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
The rest of us mortals agonise over each purchase as though we were going through an adoption process. He went from the ridiculous to the sublime when he bought a same model camera for the 2nd time after rejecting and selling it the first.
That's kinda like a left uppercut, followed by a deep french kiss on the mouth.
I worry about you, chuck. I really do.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Matthew SavilleRegistered Users, Retired ModPosts: 3,352Major grins
edited March 22, 2005
Yep, waiting for Nikon to come out with products is pretty boring. Although quite frankly, my equipment simply gets the job done, no matter what is "new"... And I live right next to Torrance so Nikon service is a snap...
I guess I can't say Canon "crippled" the Digital Rebel. At least, not for the thousands upon thousands of photographers who are the Digital Rebel's target. I suppose I do not fall into that category since to me the Rebels are "crippled", but I must make it clear that yes there is a huge genre out there to whom the D-rebs are directly aimed at, and they'll love their cameras. They might want to upgrade in 6 months, unlike myself and my D70, but that is on Canon's part an acceptable tactic, I believe.
Hello Matthew, gonna come meet us all in April? Nikon in Torrance knew me all too well, I think I kept an entire wing of that building open with my needed repairs. Us So. Cal. folks are pretty lucky in that respect.
When I went looking for a replacement for my S1 Pro, I looked at and handled both the 20D and the D70. The 20D is a extremely nice piece of gear. I really wanted it. But the cost of replacing my whole Nikon lens and flashes kit would have been prohibitive.
The cost breakdown was like this:
New 20D with 18/70 lens: $1999, replacement flash $300, replacement strobe control $250, replace 50 mm 1.4 $400, 105 Micro 2.8 $600, backup body $1350, grand total to switch: $4899. Cost of new D70 with 18/70 lens, $1100 after rebate. Is the 20D worth $3800 more than the D70? Not to this guy. If I didn't have all this Nikon gear? Yup, faster AF, more pixels, smaller, lighter, all in all, worth every penny. I'm just a prisoner of my previous choices.
-I really believe self-delusion is the only true happiness. Please don't destroy my happiness by telling me the truth.
I DO like my D70, don't get me wrong. It does everything I want, it fits my hands better than the Canon and the flash control is amazing, even with my old TTL Promaster. I am very, very happy I bought it. But the Canon was enough better that I would have bought it in a heartbeat if we were talking about hundreds of dollars in difference instead of thousands. I've got two S1 Pros and about $2000 invested in lenses. I have to have backups. There was no way I could switch even selling off my Nikon/Fuji stuff no matter how much I liked the 20D.
I DO like my D70, don't get me wrong. It does everything I want, it fits my hands better than the Canon and the flash control is amazing, even with my old TTL Promaster. I am very, very happy I bought it. But the Canon was enough better that I would have bought it in a heartbeat if we were talking about hundreds of dollars in difference instead of thousands. I've got two S1 Pros and about $2000 invested in lenses. I have to have backups. There was no way I could switch even selling off my Nikon/Fuji stuff no matter how much I liked the 20D.
I imagine most of you guys have already seen this, but if not, here is an interesting comparison of D70 vs. 20D:
Help with wife
I started to make a new thread of this, but then it wouldn't look like a "gear" question.
I need some help here. I've bought a new digital camera every year for the past 3 years, usually about this time of year. All so far have been P&S. I started with the Nikon 775 (2MP), then went to Nikon 4300 (4MP), and last year the Nikon 5700 (5MP, 8x zoom). The wife now uses the 4300 and loves it. It's perfect for the kind of pictures she takes.
Now I have a serious lust for a D70. Wife says "why?".
Because I shoot a number of weddings, there are times having two cameras with lenses in that zoom range would be a help.
Now, if money were indeed no problem, I'd have a D2X with the Tokina 12-24 and Nikon 17-55 and be all set. (Of course I would also have the cash to buy new laptop and desktop to handle those bloody great files).
I would still have a D70 with 18-70 lens though. This combination fits nicely into the Roadwired Podzilla so it's perfect for taking just about anywhere.
I guess the only way to find out is to buy one and try it.
Its size ?.. prob a bit larger than my canon AE-1 but that shouldnt stop you. Its a hell of a camera. It feels lovely to hold & thats a good 1st impression.. very well made & no cheap feel to it.
Now that I have a D2H as well, the D70 seems tiny. Everything is relative. To be honest, I wouldn't worry about the lens too much. You can always get new lenses, most dSLR owners end up with a bunch.
You will probably be using the body for a few years, so I would say get the body that works best for you and feels most comfortable. You don't have to even think about what lens is best, it's us guys and gals who make great pictures, not a slightly better lens. Your good pictures will be very good and your poor pictures poor, regardless of the name on the lens. Just buy a Canon or Nikon, doesn't matter which, they're both fantastic - you're a winner either way.
Canon shot themselves in the foot, on purpose, with the Digital Rebel lineup. They left off a primary control knob, Canon's giant wheel on the back that you see on the 10D, the 20D, and all the other high-end cameras. This infinitely slows down the camera, especially if you often shoot in M mode, or use exposure compensation, because instead of just twirling that big wheel on the back like I do with the 20D, you've got to hold down a button while spinning the front command dial, which doesn't sound too hard a task, but trust me it's just plain slow compared to Canon and Nikon's usual "dual dial" setup.
But that doesn't stop the 350D from being an awesome camera, with infinitely faster AF than a P&S among tons of other advantages over P&S. However, If I were THAT interested in going light, cheap, and simple, I still don't think I would buy the 350D. I would either go all the way cheap and get the 300D, or I would go all the way light, and get TONS more features, with a Pentax DSLR, the lightest and smallest DSLR's on the market, if only by a few hairs...
My SmugMug Portfolio • My Astro-Landscape Photo Blog • Dgrin Weddings Forum
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
How I wish I was made of money too. :cry
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
hey, i still have and own, as orig purchases, 70-200 f/2.8L i.s., my 50 f/1.4, and my 100mm macro
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
thus sayeth the man with and i quote directly from underneath your avatar, " Homes in: Somerville, MA USA; Cebu, Philippines; and Kamagaya, Japan, etc
actually, what i am charles, is smart enough to know what works for me, and not afraid to go back to it. man, the 20d is an awesome camera. so's the 1Ds Mark II, and i don't regret for a minute owning it. btw, do you know how much i paid for that 1Ds Mark II? or sold my first 20d for? i didn't think so.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
But this is all in fun Andy. Don't get your knickers in an uproar
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Which actually demonstrates the brilliance of Canon's product placement and marketing strategy. Take a gander through the flea market and see how many people sold their drebels to upgrade to 10D, 20D, or 1DsII. Canon gets two body sales from a lot of people. I really think you are looking at the situation from a bit of a Nikon-induced tilt.
If you want to talk about companies shooting themselves in the feet, let's discuss Nikon's dSLR strategy. Nikon's sole mortal dSLR for several years was the D100. Poor ergos, ordinary CCD, heavy, and just not very cutting edge. During this period, Canon introduced 50 new cameras (waxy, i'm going to need some help here, cuz I know you posted that article about 18 months ago that talked to this subject). Nikon had nothing in the sub-$1k category and their highend was limited to a 4mp film "conversion". dRebel, 10D...and then the 8mp 20D right about the time Nikon saw the light and introduced the D70. Even so, it's still only 6mp, still CCD, and STILL isn't under $1k. Day late, dollar short.
and before you jump on me too hard... (1) I was a dyed-in-the-wood Nikonian before I switched to Canon. I still have three bodies and a bunch of glass; and (2) the Nikon D70 is a fine camera. People who already own good Nikon glass should seriously consider that camera before switching systems to Canon. I didn't have any really good nikkor glass, so the switch was no big deal for me.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Right now Nikon has three outstanding cameras in the D70, D2H (with the D2Hs around the corner), and the D2X. Unfortunately there is no mid-range model in its line-up to compete with the 20D. Hopefully the rumors of an upgrade to the D100 being released this year are true (a fine camera BTW when it was released).
I kind of like Nikon's slow progression of its line better than Canon's new model every 6 months approach. Look at poor Andy, he's been buying buying and selling and the buying back cameras since he bought the Rebel. The poor guy is spinning like a top. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Very well put reply to that question. Just for the books, I also use and enjoy shooting with the D60, 10D, and 20D at school. L glass rocks! I simply forgot to state that Canon knew what they were doing when they shot themselves in the foot. In fact, they didn't shoot THEMSELVES in the foot, they simply "crippled" the rebel lineup a little, thus perfecting their strategic moves to get people to buy more, as you've stated.
I wouldn't think of Nikon as intentionally doing something to disable or limit a camera. They're in fact doing quite the opposite; they put out the best camera they can for a certain type of photographer, and put a price tag on it. Sure they may be harming themselves bigtime by being years "behind" Canon, but that's not an intentional delay on their part, it's just the price they pay being a small company that likes to do things right the first time. I'm sure if they could, they'd love to be as "current" just like everyone else would like to be. The D200 will be out fall 2005 and I'm pretty sure that like the D2x, it will be revolutionary. You never know what the dark side is cooking up!
My SmugMug Portfolio • My Astro-Landscape Photo Blog • Dgrin Weddings Forum
You know as well as I do, that it has nothing to do with brand. Andy is ADD, schizo, and just plain looney. He'd be turning over stuff no matter what the brand was. I just wish he were into BMW motorcycles, so I could get a new one from him really cheap.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
i resemble that remark
this is my source of ca$h
i keep my ca$h in here
don't mess with me, fish...
i'm going cookoo, woo woo.
here comes the choo choo, woo woo
i'm so gooney, looney-tooney tetched-in-the-head
please pass the ketchup, it's time to go to bed!
am i the screwball, woo woo
throw me the eight ball, woo woo!
careful, i'll sick my attack tweety on you!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
2. "Cripple" is a strong word. The dRebel is a quite capable camera, certainly for the price.
I hope so. I'd love for Nikonians to have something to boast about like 20D owners have.
Thanks for the ping-pong game, matt.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Thanks for supporting my point, andy.
I love you, man...but not in a :ymca way, ya know? :uhoh
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
and then a few posts later...
That's kinda like a left uppercut, followed by a deep french kiss on the mouth.
I worry about you, chuck. I really do.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I guess I can't say Canon "crippled" the Digital Rebel. At least, not for the thousands upon thousands of photographers who are the Digital Rebel's target. I suppose I do not fall into that category since to me the Rebels are "crippled", but I must make it clear that yes there is a huge genre out there to whom the D-rebs are directly aimed at, and they'll love their cameras. They might want to upgrade in 6 months, unlike myself and my D70, but that is on Canon's part an acceptable tactic, I believe.
My SmugMug Portfolio • My Astro-Landscape Photo Blog • Dgrin Weddings Forum
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
The cost breakdown was like this:
New 20D with 18/70 lens: $1999, replacement flash $300, replacement strobe control $250, replace 50 mm 1.4 $400, 105 Micro 2.8 $600, backup body $1350, grand total to switch: $4899. Cost of new D70 with 18/70 lens, $1100 after rebate. Is the 20D worth $3800 more than the D70? Not to this guy. If I didn't have all this Nikon gear? Yup, faster AF, more pixels, smaller, lighter, all in all, worth every penny. I'm just a prisoner of my previous choices.
-I really believe self-delusion is the only true happiness. Please don't destroy my happiness by telling me the truth.
I imagine most of you guys have already seen this, but if not, here is an interesting comparison of D70 vs. 20D:
I started to make a new thread of this, but then it wouldn't look like a "gear" question.
I need some help here. I've bought a new digital camera every year for the past 3 years, usually about this time of year. All so far have been P&S. I started with the Nikon 775 (2MP), then went to Nikon 4300 (4MP), and last year the Nikon 5700 (5MP, 8x zoom). The wife now uses the 4300 and loves it. It's perfect for the kind of pictures she takes.
Now I have a serious lust for a D70. Wife says "why?".
What do I tell her ?
1) You can get a very good price for your 5700, so it will hardly cost a penny.
About you:
2) Photography a hobby that keeps you on the street in stead of in a bar and the 5700 limits you in your creativity.
About her:
3) It's currently the best camera to bring out her very fine features.
By all means: do *not* tell her that with DSLR lust comes lens lust as soon as the DSLR is in your possession......