
WTB: light stands, clamps

ChrisPChrisP Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
edited April 26, 2008 in The Kitchen Sink

I'm trying to get started on a portable, lightweight lighting setup for home and location portrait photography. I'm looking to build something like this, for a two speedlight setup:


I need some light stands for speedlights and reflector/diffusers, a boomstand, some Justin clamps, umbrella/hotshoe clamps, a reflector (gold/silver) and diffuser and maybe an umbrella .

I don't mind mismatched brands, nicked up equipment or older/discontinued grear. Send me a list of what you have, pictures (or BH links), and your shipped price.

I'm located in Sacramento, CA and am willing to pick up if you're local.

email to: chris (at) chrispiperphotography (dot) com



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