<<< MINI CHALLENGE #3 Winners >>>

davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
edited June 6, 2008 in The Dgrin Challenges
Hi folks.

First off.
I'd like to thank all of you for entering the challenge.
You all made my job very tough. I've looked through your shots for quite some time now,
and I had a heck of time picking a winner.


I know that these shots mean something important to each person that entered.
If I didn't pick any of your shots as the top 5, I still appreciate the importance of these shots to you.


My judging is based on both the shot, and the story behind it.
Some of you had great shots with very little explaining why it was important.
Some of you had somewhat average shots that had a moving story.

I tried to balance the two together to come up with the winner.

HM's (yes more than one)

I got it narrowed down to 8 shots, and couldn't decide which ones to leave out, so I didn't.

LadyTX, shot #2, Bible.
I like the mood of the shot. I like the lighting, but would have liked to have the entire book in focus.


Flyinggina, #2, Man with the blue umbrella.
I like the day that you took this with the muted sky, it allowed the photographers work
to stand out against the backdrop of the trees. The fact that the mans umbrella is a bright blue
adds a striking accent to the shot, and a foreground focal point.


Swartzy #2, Monument Valley.
This is another striking shot. The colors of the sunset, the usage of shadows and highlights
make this a very pleasant shot to look at. A little less watermark would have been nice though.


PyroPrints #2 Old Glory
This shot has WOW factor. I don't know if the shot came from the camera like that,
or if you did some magic in your post work. Whichever way, keep doing it.


3rd runner up, hschlessphoto - Mr Tucker.
As I said in the thread, this is the kind of shot I was hoping to see.
For this photo, the story is what made it for me.
I think with a little cloning of the "stuff" on the dock would have made this shot a bit better.


2nd runner up, Jwear - Yosemite, Tunnel view.
I made my first trip to Yosemite last year. We where at this spot mid day and didn't get anything
as good as this. The fog/mist really makes this shot different from most that I see from this spot.


1st runner up, Shudderz - Baby on flag.
This is a great studio shot using very nice highlight lighting and the use of shadows.
The story and what you are doing for folks that are away from their loved ones is great.


And the Winner is: Justiceiro - Brooklyn Bridge
This shot has a quality to it. It almost looks like a painting.
Once again the use of light and dark really carries this shot.
The story of how folks back then came up with new ways of creating tools to build
the world that we see is amazing.
We could use a few more of these people today.


So Justiceiro, the Mini Challenge is now yours.
Pick your theme and dates, and start up the thread.

Really folks, there are no losers in this challenge.
You have taken shots that mean a lot to you, and you've shown them and explained why.
How can any shot in this challenge not be a winner.:D


Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.


  • pyroPrints.compyroPrints.com Registered Users Posts: 1,383 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2008
    davev wrote:
    PyroPrints #2 Old Glory
    This shot has WOW factor. I don't know if the shot came from the camera like that,
    or if you did some magic in your post work. Whichever way, keep doing it.

    Mostly SOC, though i did some minor stuff - straightened it out and cloned out some weird dust that got in there.
    davev wrote:
    And the Winner is: Justiceiro - Brooklyn Bridge
    This shot has a quality to it. It almost looks like a painting.
    Once again the use of light and dark really carries this shot.
    The story of how folks back then came up with new ways of creating tools to build
    the world that we see is amazing.
    We could use a few more of these people today.

    So Justiceiro, the Mini Challenge is now yours.
    Pick your theme and dates, and start up the thread.


    Wooohooo, told you that shot was great ;) good job, now give us an awesome theme
    pyroPrints.com (my little t-shirt shop)
    pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
  • ShudderzShudderz Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2008
    davev wrote:
    Hi folks.
    1st runner up, Shudderz - Baby on flag.
    This is a great studio shot using very nice highlight lighting and the use of shadows.
    The story and what you are doing for folks that are away from their loved ones is great.


    Thank you. I'm actually shocked. I also realize I forgot to put the titles on my shots. I have just decided to enter this one into the WPPI's 8x10 print competition. I have titled it "Come Home Soon"

    davev wrote:
    And the Winner is: Justiceiro - Brooklyn Bridge
    This shot has a quality to it. It almost looks like a painting.
    Once again the use of light and dark really carries this shot.
    The story of how folks back then came up with new ways of creating tools to build
    the world that we see is amazing.
    We could use a few more of these people today.


    bowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gif Congratulations. This is a GREAT shot!!
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    "I look at life outside of the lens and capture the world through it." -Thomas Robinson
  • SwartzySwartzy Registered Users Posts: 3,293 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2008
    Fabulous shot of the bridge! Congrats. Heather, that is a perfectly lit, composed and meaningful shot....what a beauty! Sorry Dave, I linked it from a gallery and should have re-uploaded without the watermark.....thought about it afterwards but was after midnight (a guy really should be in bed ya know).mwink.gif

    Congrats to all who participated...lots of nice shots here this time.
    NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
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  • FlyingginaFlyinggina Registered Users Posts: 2,639 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2008
    I am honored and humbled to find my picture among the top 8.

    Congratulations Justiceirco for a gorgeous and historically meaningful entry, to Shudderz for a deeply touching and beautifully executed shot, to everyone else who placed (each one fabulous in a unique way) and especially to all who parricipated.

    I really like that this contest was about the story - a reminder that telling stories is one of the powers of photography.

    "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus

  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited June 6, 2008
    Congratulations to Justiceiro for a great shot. clap.gif Anyone know if that bridge is for sale? mwink.gif
  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2008
    Richard wrote:
    Congratulations to Justiceiro for a great shot. clap.gif Anyone know if that bridge is for sale? mwink.gif

    $29.95 and it is yours. OK, now I have to think of a topic for the next challenge. I hate repsonsibility.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • ShudderzShudderz Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2008
    Justiceiro wrote:
    OK, now I have to think of a topic for the next challenge. I hate repsonsibility.

    The benefits of being first runner up:D rolleyes1.gif
    My Blog My Facebook Page
    GIVING BACK - How will you give?
    "I look at life outside of the lens and capture the world through it." -Thomas Robinson
  • hschlessphotohschlessphoto Registered Users Posts: 207 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2008
    thank you so much for choosing me as third runner up. It's a good start to my first challenge on dgrin, even if it's a mini one! and congrats to Justiceiro, that is a truly amazing shot. Congrats to everyoneclap.gifthumb.gif

    Follow me on Instagram! @hankschlessphoto

    Nikon D90, 85mm f/1.8, 18-70mm f/3.5, 70-300mm f/4.5, Nikon SB-800, MX-600 tripod
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