cs3 tutorial book or CD/DVD

Hi All I am looking for a cs3 tutorial book CD/DVD to help me with the learning curve as I am new to the program do you have a suggestion as to the best or one that helped you out the most :dunno
Dat's Photography
Thanks for the info
Your Welcome
I like the Kelby's seven point system for CS3 and there is a bunch of stuff on the web including on youtube and various pod-casts on itunes.
+1 on the 7 point system. I bought the book a few weeks ago and it's been a tremendous help.
I agree with Mary, that for someone with no previous exposure to Photoshop, or pixel editing software, that Kelby's Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers will help get you up to speed as fast as possible.
It is not filled with lots of theory, but follow me and do as I say. Once you can do this, then you can begin to learn more and vary your approach to an image as you add skills to your repertoire.
Photoshop is a large, complex piece of software with a dozen different ways to do the same thing, so it takes a while to master. Learn the short-cut keys - they really speed things up a lot as you work. Here is a nice page of shortcut keystrokes for PSCS
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Hi all
Thanks for all the great information.
I will now enter the 7 step program
Kelby's CS3 book goes through tons of useful photoshop features and explains how to use them. It's sort of a reference book for all things photoshop.
The 7-point book is different. In it he takes several pictures and goes from start to finish in making them pop. He has seven points that you need to learn - some pictures use all seven, some use less. The idea is that by repetition and by seeing which steps he chooses to use on particularly photos you'll be able to make the right decisions (and remember how to use the tools) on your own pictures.
So the normal CS3 book has significantly more information but the 7-point book is a really great teaching tool.