noob CS3 ?s

I want to make a layer for my noise filter. I'm having trouble figuring out where in the line-up of layers this one should go. Same with USM. Do I make a layer via copy of the background? I've tried a few things, but obviously I don't have this layers stuff completely figured out because I can't make the noise filtering show up. Help? Thanks!
I'll assume it's correct, and provide an answer.
Assuming that you want to apply noise reduction to everything you've done to the image at this point, you can either flatten the image and duplicate the background layer, or stamp a new layer (on Windows, hold the ALT key while selecting Layers->Merge Visible). This generates a layer (on top) which incorporates everything below it (in effect, a layer with what you currently see on the monitor). You can use whatever noise reduction technique you want here, and adjust opacity to taste.
Some believe that noise reduction should be done early in the workflow, by the way. My experience in this isn't sufficient to form an opinion (other than it should be done before sharpening).
Yes, this is what I was after. Thank you!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography