Are you kidding me Adobe?!

Okay, my user profile has somehow become corrupted in regards to my Photoshop and it was crashing a ton... Turns out this particular error is common in SC3 but Adobe won't bother to release a patch.
Well I had to create a new user account and when I tested it the first time everything worked fine... Now I go to open Photoshop a second time in the new account and it says that my licensing is now voided! I didn't try to swap computers, I didn't try to copy the Photoshop, I just created a new user account on the same computer and it's voided?! Are you serious?!
FYI=This is a legal copy of PS as well, no hacking!!!
Well I had to create a new user account and when I tested it the first time everything worked fine... Now I go to open Photoshop a second time in the new account and it says that my licensing is now voided! I didn't try to swap computers, I didn't try to copy the Photoshop, I just created a new user account on the same computer and it's voided?! Are you serious?!
FYI=This is a legal copy of PS as well, no hacking!!!
However I've heard good things about Adobe tech support - have you tried callig them? For the cash we drop on their software it better be at least helpful.
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
While I can certainly understand Adobe's righteous desire to protect their intellectual properties, doing so by making it's customers jump through hoops is just plain wrong. They need to clean up their DRM scheme!
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
This a pet peeve of mine. I bought a Mac this spring, and it was a headache to get the license transferred. What irks me is that hey already allow you to run CS3 on more than one machine, and they do licensing online. There are no good technical reasons why you should be restricted to one platform.
"Hi, we've installed a bomb in your Professional-level software that may cause it to stop functioning and cause you to lose time fixing it. This bomb might go off at any time for no good reason, or might never go off. It's part of our security system."
Having said all that, I once had the "pleasure" of re-installing Quark on a desktop for one of our users. :bash
Isn't Quark the greatest? No wonder everyone is switching to InDesign!
Here's the weirdest tale of all. My daughter removed her hard drive when she had to have her computer taken to the Fix-It people (she blew out her firewire) so she could still access her files and programs. She put the hard drive into her own computer she brought to the office. When the computer was returned all fixed and she reinstalled the hard drive into the original computer Quark refused to work!
After calling tech support and having to wait an entire DAY. In the graphic design industry this is way too long not to have access to your program. For sure the clients don't care what your internal problems are, they just want their work completed. We had to share Quark on my computer, which was no fun. Finally they sent a new code we had to install, talk about a LOT of numbers to enter, it's easy to enter them wrong too...
When she blew out the second firewire card we all groaned, knowing we'd have to do the same thing all over again. I think we tracked the firewire problem to her iPod.
What I can't understand is how Quark was smart enough to determine that the hard drive was removed and then replaced. And what difference should it make, it's the same hard drive. Grrrrrrr. Don't get me started.
NONE of this worked... I have to remove everything and hope and pray I can reinstall everything normally