ps raw 4.5 presets help please

Hi all, I just joined NAPP and downloaded some presets for raw. Afterwords I opened a raw file in bridge and into raw and applied on of the presets. Now anything I select in bridge takes on that preset even without bringing it into raw and I can't get my shot back to it's original.
Can anyone help with this?
Peace, gail
Can anyone help with this?
Peace, gail
In Bridge, go into your Camera Raw Preferences (Edit menu) and uncheck the box that says "Apply Auto Tone Adjustments". You have your Bridge preferences for thumbnails set to "Convert to High Quality when Previewed", which means when you first open a folder you see Quick Thumbs (so it loads faster), and when you selected an image your new preset was being applied to the high quality thumb.
If you want to get rid of the adjustments that were done on your thumbs with your new preset, you can delete your cache and rebuild your thumbs.
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For images that have already been processed by Camera Raw, you can undo the preset in Bridge. Right click on the image (or set of images). Click Develop Settings->Camera Raw Defaults.
Peace, gail