A hike, fall colors and dramatic weather

annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
edited October 15, 2008 in Journeys
Hi everybody! I haven't posted in a while - I was away traveling in the summer, and since I got back I've had to concentrate on work. I did find some time to go hiking last weekend though, and I was awarded with both great scenery and great weather.

1. A few friends from the local photo club and I decided to visit the area around a small ski resort in the north-western Slovenia. The climb wasn't very long.

2. This was actually the second photo I took that day. I love backlit trees. :D

3. At the top of the ski slope (1549 meters above sea level) there is a bunker from the period between WWI and WWII.

4. The view towards the east and against the morning sun.

5. Looking back towards the slope we just climbed. The hill on the left was our next destination.

6. The valleys and hills on the other side were so colorful and picturesque we just couldn't stop taking pictures. But there were already dark clouds on the horizon announcing a change in the weather.

7. In a matter of minutes the sky turned from perfect blue to dark and ominous. Soon first snow flakes came dancing from the clouds.

8. We weren't discouraged though. After climbing the adjacent summit we could see the sea of fog in the distance even better. And that hiker seemed to be posing just for me! :ivar

9. Soon the sun broke through the clouds again ...

10. ... but it didn't last long! Clouds rolled in again. It's amazing how the scenery changes with light, isn't it?

11. Our final destination was another hill with another bunker. It can be seen in the distance in this photo.

12. The sun and the clouds put on a great show. There are the Julian Alps in the background.

13. A sunlit slope.

14. The weather changed a few more times before we made it back to our starting point. Finally, we descended to Lake Bohinj, one of the beautiful alpine lakes in the Julian Alps.

15. I take a photo of these trees and their reflections every year, and in different seasons, too. They are always so photogenic.

It was a great hike. Not too demanding, but the views were magnificent, and the ever changing weather made for an even better photo op.

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