D700 making it too easy for me...
Since there are a mix of images, I'll put these images in the other cool shots category.
I've had my D700 for a little over a week now (something like that). I tell ya this camera is making it too easy! It's as if I have a high priced point and shoot...I make some simple settings for aperture, etc...then I compose and shoot. I come away with many, many more keepers than I ever have. I'm loving it. Oh and the Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 lens is awesome on the D700. Almost all my images so far have been with this lens (and sometimes a Hoya CPL filter). I finally have a camera that gets out of my way and just lets me get back to taking pictures (without concern for - will the focus be right?...will there be too much noise at ISO xxxx?...will the colors look good at ISO xxxx?...etc, etc.
Here are some misc photos I've made over the last few days. Thanks for looking!

I've had my D700 for a little over a week now (something like that). I tell ya this camera is making it too easy! It's as if I have a high priced point and shoot...I make some simple settings for aperture, etc...then I compose and shoot. I come away with many, many more keepers than I ever have. I'm loving it. Oh and the Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 lens is awesome on the D700. Almost all my images so far have been with this lens (and sometimes a Hoya CPL filter). I finally have a camera that gets out of my way and just lets me get back to taking pictures (without concern for - will the focus be right?...will there be too much noise at ISO xxxx?...will the colors look good at ISO xxxx?...etc, etc.
Here are some misc photos I've made over the last few days. Thanks for looking!

I like the BW touch you have given photo 5.
Here's the rest of my D700 gallery since I've had the camera.
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
Other site
The very things you are mentioning are the very things I need
to more critically address. I think the learning curve curtails me
from doing the long read and then exercising the knowledge.
Say, is that your workbench with the Stihl on it?
That's my wife's grandpa's work bench (He's 80, still uses the saw and bench)...
And thanks to you too, Josh
Congratulations on the new Camera
I can see why your happy with it, the colours are beautiful.
The indoor and outdoor shots all have great colours and lighting.
Are your indoor shots hand held?
I particularly love that very first shot in this thread.
Happy Shooting Kygarden
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Lauren Blackwell