Does this work for you?

I took this shot today and I just can't decide on how I feel about it. I love the subject but not sure if the photo really works. This is as close to the statue that I could get. It was behind a fence. :cry Was wondering about your opinions on it or any improvements I could make on it with PS.

Yup it works for me, wish I could walk like that
I'd like to know more about it, what does it represent?
The characters look to be very well made, cartoon like in appearance.
You said it was behind a fence, so is it not for public viewing?
I like it, it certainly is unusual.
You have a bit of blue fringing, its more visible in the leaves at the bottom.
Be nice if they would let you in behind the fence to photograph it.
Interesting Shot
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I see you made a visit to Carnegie Mellon University campus? The structure is called: "Walking to the Sky" by alumnus Jonathan Borofsky. It's an interesting piece, although some find it controversial which I guess for art that's good
Take care,
- Deanna
Don't think this is the same piece. This is in Dallas, TX. And to the other posts I have no idea what it belongs to. I couldn't even figure out how to get to it. I bet there is a lot of interesting stuff behind that fence.
However, if you ever find yourself in Pittsburgh you might want to stop by CMU as I think you'll be able to improve your perspective for an image without much PS. Too bad the one in Dallas is so inaccessible.
Take care,
- Deanna