The Digital Download Thread (Tips, Questions)

SmugMug Help - Sell Digital Downloads
Product Description Page
View the licenses here
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Gotcha: you can't order your own digital download, when logged in. (You own the file, we'll not charge you for it )... so to see it in the shopping cart, you must be LOGGED OUT or better yet, have two browsers, we LOVE Firefox free at
Info: Metadata (© info, IPTC Caption, Description, etc) will reamin intact on your files.
IPTC Data update... here are the fields that, if filled in by YOU, will remain intact in your files:
Description Data: Document title, author, author title, description, description writer, keywords, copyright notice.
(Missing: copyright info URL, copyright status)
IPTC Contact: Creator, Creator's Job Title
(missing: Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Phones, Emails, Website)
IPTC Content: Headline, Description, Keywords, Description Writer
(missing: IPTC Subject Code)
IPTC Image: Date Created, City, State, Country
(missing: Intellectual Genres, IPTC Scene, Location, ISO Country Code)
IPTC Status: Title, Job Identifier, Instructions, Provider, Source, Copyright Notice
(missing: Rights Usage Terms)
Product Description Page
View the licenses here
Ask any questions here!
Gotcha: you can't order your own digital download, when logged in. (You own the file, we'll not charge you for it )... so to see it in the shopping cart, you must be LOGGED OUT or better yet, have two browsers, we LOVE Firefox free at
Info: Metadata (© info, IPTC Caption, Description, etc) will reamin intact on your files.
IPTC Data update... here are the fields that, if filled in by YOU, will remain intact in your files:
Description Data: Document title, author, author title, description, description writer, keywords, copyright notice.
(Missing: copyright info URL, copyright status)
IPTC Contact: Creator, Creator's Job Title
(missing: Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Phones, Emails, Website)
IPTC Content: Headline, Description, Keywords, Description Writer
(missing: IPTC Subject Code)
IPTC Image: Date Created, City, State, Country
(missing: Intellectual Genres, IPTC Scene, Location, ISO Country Code)
IPTC Status: Title, Job Identifier, Instructions, Provider, Source, Copyright Notice
(missing: Rights Usage Terms)
Is it possible to customize the licensing info?
Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
Stock Video:
What specifics to you have in mind?
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Well, I have a lot of international images from developing countries, that because no model releases were obtained, would not be suitable for commercial advertising purposes, but would have many uses for educational, editorial, and illistrative purposes.
I just tried it and nothing changed in the shopping cart. Is that something where I have to be logged out to see?
Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
Stock Video:
yes, you must be logged out - we can't be charging you for your own digital download now, can we?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The personal license, with additional language in your gallery description, specifically allowing editorial use? We'll consider an editorial use license, too. Thanks.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
Holy COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We now have digital downloads??????? When did this happen? This is amazing...
I am pumped. I get bothered so much about this that it is starting to hurt me in business. I was getting asked by friends and associates EVERY day "can i get this photo?" I was saying yes, yes, and lately NO, cause it took SO long o unlock a gallery, tell them how to download it and then relock the gallery. Other option was to go into a stack of 500 cds and dvds, find the correct event's media, load it onto my machine, email it to the client/friend, and then delete them again... amazing. I am soooooooooo excited... just folks bugging about MySpace photos alone... goiod grief. SmugMug is my hero again and again. If SmugMug was a chick I would propose. Seriously.
One issue I MIGHT foresee, but will live with is the fact that I charge $25-300 per jpeg depending on usage and image. I would like to be able to mark all images on my smugmug site (which is 104,700 images!) at a certain digital download price. And then be able to go in and mark others individually. Reson being is that I am selling soem images ALSO as fine art. If i sell a fine art photo for $500, and then digital download is set for $100, then I can ripped. BUT if I could set that one image to $400 for a DD then i would fee better. Big companies DO pay good $$ for simple JPEGS. The ease of use and UI taht SM just created is DEFINITELY going to help my business. I am blasting an email letting the world know!!!!!!!
Thanks, SmugMug!
If I'm understanding you correctly, you can already do this. Just set Portfolio pricing to $300 and then go set gallery and/or image pricing separately to any price you like.
We'll choose whichever is most specific.
Any hints or guidelines to what realistic prices might be??? Especially wrt commercial use of originals?
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Love the new features, just have to learn the set up. I went in to pro pricing and set the DD price. In the help section it said we could set prices for all DD. After setting the prices I logged off and checked them in the shopping cart and I only see two prices, 1- low-res. 1- orig. . does the orignal take place of the Hi-Res. ?
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Not just one photo or gallery but all photos and gallerys. Thank you.
This file: is 3.8megapixels. So, it's not large enough to be a 4Mpix high res file. So, you are getting the 1Mpix screen (low res) and then an Original size file (3.8megapixels). If you upload files that are larger than 4Megapixels in dimension, you'll get three sizes: 1Mpix, 4Mpix, and Original. Make sense?
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Is the some way we can view examples of the 1 MPix and 4 MPix files created for downloading from originals?
When the printer resizes to match printer characteristics we have to trust that an appropriate amout of sharpening will be performed by the printer after resizing. When SM evaluated printers you effectively evaluated this with test prints.
How can pro users evaluate the processing of the reduced size download files without logging out and paying for a download?
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
But, I have to say, I'm loving it!
Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
Stock Video:
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It's a great question. To tell the truth, I don't know the recipe at all (if there even is one!). I'll bring it up with Don today. But maybe this example will help. These are 100% crops from the different resolutions. Remember, Originals wouldn't be touched at all, no matter what. This original file of mine has not been sharpened at all.
EDIT: We are not compressing the 1Mpix or 4Mpix files at all. As to sharpening - same recipe as our display images:
Here's what the original file looks like:
Here's a crop from the Original (so it's untouched):
Here's a crop from the 4Mpix Hi Res Download
Here's a crop from the 1Mpix Screen Download
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~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
Yeah I know, gripe-gripe-gripe. You couldn't please some people if you were handing out gold bars.
Do love the enhancements.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
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I guess what i really what to know is ...if a client wants a 600 x 400 digital file for a web site what would be the best way to prepare it high rez vs low rez.
If the client isn't sure about the size what would be the best way for them to decide and then purchase it (240 vs 400 vs 600 pixel length)... as I usually sharpen for output what would be the best way to prepare the file in the previously mentioned scenerio?
1Mp : 1350 x 800
4Mp : 2475 x 1650
(using 1Mp as 1,000,000 pixels)
For 4:3 ratio (P&S)
1Mp : 1200 x 900
4Mp : 2320 x 1740
(using 1Mp as 1,000,000 pixels)
Your mileage may vary ...
Hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
I guess then I would have to make a second gallery w/ the 600 x 400 size of the same images then for web ?
thanks btw sebastian!
Not really, you could just offer the digital downloads on request, at which time you would resize the photo, or photo's requested to the size you want to offer. No extra work until there is a sale, or at least one requested. I have thought about the same thing, but haven't quite decided if I want to offer digital downloads, but I am leaning that way. If I do it, I will probably offer a resized one with my logo on the lower left of it. I am tinkering with a digital download gallery with a sampe image, and the instructions on how one can order digital downloads. It's not going to be "instant gratification" but I'm not quite sure I understand the 1mpx or 4mpx options yet, can't really wrap my mind around it yet.
1. the file is still large enough to make descent prints from
2. I don't want them to screw up on the downsizing of the image to their desired size (ie from the 1mp 1350 x 800 to a 600 x 400) and have it look like crap..after all that will end up reflecting on me (plus i want them to be " a happy customer"..
I hope the Folks here at the mug read this and begin offering web download options as well!!
Anyway, I did set up 2 additional galleries with web images (400 x 266 & 600 x 400) but I can't get it to work..
I zero'ed out all of the price slots except for the digital download slot but so far have been unable to get it to work... so Andy (or any other admin is out there HELP!).
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here ya go Andy