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Re: Oryx
Wow, I've played in New Mexico, riding the back roads and hiking trails for decades, and like Kdog, I never knew Oryx were wild in southern New Mexico.
Can you tell us anymore about the oryx near Dripping Springs? How many are there, are they solitary or occasionally in herds. Private land only or public lands? How hard to find?
I am very curious. Great video too!!
This High Country News article gives some background - not all New Mexicans are thrilled, but some definitely are.
There are more oryx in New Mexico than in the Kalahari desert - 🙀 Who knew??!!
Re: Mini-Challenge #318 Gone Fishing
Found a couple:
1) Yellowstone NP - fly fisherman caught while I was really in the hunt for buffalo photos. I wasn't paying attention to the low setting sun that blew the fisherman out, but liked seeing the line lit up.
2) I was trying to set up the tripod on the edge of a thundering (due to large snow melt) Merced River just outside Yosemite, when a friendly fisherman came up the bank with a huge grin and a fish on the hook.. Not the best shot, but he was sooo proud of his catch in the wilds.
3) Silver Lake on the east side of the Sierra Nevada Range. These fisherman were getting the last fishing in before the Fall close.
Not for the mini - but this is what Silver Lake looks like after the Fall closing - no more fishing before the snow hits.
He Said......She Said
A forum member has asked me if I would show a certain rust set I first posted a while back. I hope you guys don't mind if I do so.
The story is simple. A male and a female are tested on their reaction to identical stimuli.....tactile, aural, visual, etc. in the identical environment, but not with the other person around. The people tested were as equal in age, education, etc., etc. as possible. This set shows brain scans of each person, as they react to all the stimuli.
This is the male.
This is the female.
This might help explain why Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner went at each other, tooth and nail, in " War of the Roses ".
Re: Virgin River
That's superb, Phil. The fine adjustment to the background brightness was spot on.