Best Of
Re: The Never Ending Alphabet Game Challenge!
H is for Hoarfrost
Wow, it's feb 12 and we still can post
The reports of the DGrin death seem to be greatly exaggerated

Re: Retiring Digital Grin (DGrin) on February 13th
Oh heck, I am going to violate the most sacred of sacreds, and post something from a sub-forum that almost none of you ever knew about, The Moderator's Chambers. The what you say? Ahem, yes, the admins and mods had a whole lot of fun here behind the scenes that none of you could ever see. All forums have those for internal communications and discussions. So I am going to post a screen grab of a page from a whole lot of years ago. When we got a new moderator (we've had dozens), the Moderator's song came up to welcome them. So, here is one of those pages. Sorry, I can not divulge the contents of other 100,000 posts there.
Re: Mini Challenge #379: Comical Animal shots
Right under the buzzer, I've got a couple entries of the "toilet humour" kind
A male Hooded Merganser (with his missus in the background) "lightening the load" before going off for a quiet swim. Reifel Bird Sanctuary, November 2023
A Great Blue Heron flying overhead on a drizzly day, giving me the gift of... fertiliser. And I am so stoked I was able to capture the perfect moment! I truly believe this could be my masterpiece, and will spend the rest of my life deciphering these mysterious writings scrawled on the sky. Terra Nova Park, November 2024

Re: **Perpetual Shapes, Color, Texture & Patterns Game**
Shape of an octagon. Well, Vista House at Crown Point is an octagonal building. If I had been hovering above it to take this photo you would see all 8 sides. but since I was on the ground you'll just have to take my word for it.
Next: Texture of stone blocks