richtersl wrote: Have you tried a version of #3 with the HDR but without the plastic treatment?
AaronNelson wrote: i feel like im in a pinball machine .... #3 is great.....for futures sake try to not erase and replace pics just keep adding the new ones....
Flyinggina wrote: Your entry looks fabulous! Virginia
I'm with Aaron and on this one: #2!
Was just thinking that as I read your suggestion.
First post now edited.
Thanks for all the great feedback!
Now that I see the #3 with just the HDR processing and no plastic, I prefer that one to #2. I like the way how it captured the light.
#3 is great.....for futures sake try to not erase and replace pics
I still have them all - just took them down off the page. I can add them, if necessary?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thank you! I really appreciate all the feedback!