I'm simply used to having the whole two weeks to "get the shot" when I want to enter one of these challenges.
This time, though, I could have easily used three weeks and another big hard drive! I came up with my final idea by last weekend and have been working hard on it ever since. Even did one more session this bright, clear morning, "just in case".
So probably close to 1,000 shots taken over the course of the week (ok, the hawks showing up didn't help matters), a lot of watching and waiting for the right light, all to narrow it down to one single photograph that came out of the camera with all of my intentions and without any need for mega-post-processing.
My images | My blog | My free course
I think a number of us visted that drawing board for this challenge.
And I've got the lumps on the forehead to prove it.
My images | My blog | My free course
I hear that!
Ya wanna know what's nice in this challenge? It's how we're all supporting each other, hoping the others will do well. Love it.
A-men! :encore
that is exactly what it all should be about. I have learned more by doing this challenge than any other I have ever been in.
This time, though, I could have easily used three weeks and another big hard drive! I came up with my final idea by last weekend and have been working hard on it ever since. Even did one more session this bright, clear morning, "just in case".
So probably close to 1,000 shots taken over the course of the week (ok, the hawks showing up didn't help matters), a lot of watching and waiting for the right light, all to narrow it down to one single photograph that came out of the camera with all of my intentions and without any need for mega-post-processing.
It's definitely been a challenge!!! :twitch
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
It's nice to get applause. Even if it is just for showing up!:D
Great bunch of photos from you guys!
Every half-hour? Are you on dial up?
I need an automatic refresh button.
Heh, ayup. Thankfully, I have this down to an art. Check DGrin. Go watch anime episode. Check DGrin. Go watch anime episode. Rinse. Repeat.
nope just go help wash kids, then help pickup, then check status, then go start some wash, then help with homework, then status....
i need a txt message from someone when its posted by greensq'd:D