<o:p></o:p> Hope this helps someone. And I realize that for some, my post may be harder to follow or understand than the original tutorial. But I thought I would put it out there in case it helps someone else.<o:p></o:p>
thanks for the effort, but you can say that again - I got a case of vertigo trying to follow that, and I wrote some of the tutes in the first place!
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/lol3.gif" border="0" alt="" >
If you still have any problems, maybe you can boil them down for us. The link that Andy posted has the all the right information, there's no way anything in there is wrong.
Also, keep in mind, some of the tutes/instructions have to be written with non-smugmuggers in mind. Photos do not have to be posted from smugmug.
thanks for the effort, but you can say that again - I got a case of vertigo trying to follow that, and I wrote some of the tutes in the first place!
If you still have any problems, maybe you can boil them down for us. The link that Andy posted has the all the right information, there's no way anything in there is wrong.
Also, keep in mind, some of the tutes/instructions have to be written with non-smugmuggers in mind. Photos do not have to be posted from smugmug.
Good points, DoctorIT!
OK - I'll try to keep it simple.
1. When I click on the icon that looks like a postcard, then paste the URL of my image in the box that pops up. Problem is that I don't see the type the link to my photo, as it says in the tutorial - but instead I see the photo itself. So I tried the next step...
2. After copying the EXIF info from the Photo Information pop up window of my photo on Smugmug, I pasted it into this format as instructed:
I put my EXIF info where it says - between the , but when I posted it, I did not see the EXIF information.
So I started over and clicked on the 'postcard' icon, then pasted the URL to my photo, into the pop up window. This put the photo in my post.
Again, I was able to make it work. But apparently some haven't. I was just trying to point out where some of us "non-smuggers", and beginners may be having problems. It may just be that I'm doing something wrong, which raises the question: Am I unable to follow simple instructions, or are the instructions not that simple? For all I know it could be the former.
But belive me - I am not trying to be critical. Just the opposite. I think this is the best site there is, and the support is fantastic. I still don't understand how you guys are able to help so much. I'm just trying to let everyone know where I had a problem, and maybe someone esle had the same problem, or someone can tell me what I did wrong, which would still help others. So even though I was able to find a workaroun, I'm still not sure how it's supposed to work, and how people get the EXIF information as a hyperlink.
When I click on the preview, I don't see the EXIF info.
!!! HELLO !!!
After ALL of this, I just figured it out!!
I don't see the EXIF information, but if I click on the photo, it shows the EXIF info in another window. I was thinking that I should see EXIF with a hyperlink. Very sorry for my ignorance. And thank you for your patience and instruction!!
1. When I click on the icon that looks like a postcard, then paste the URL of my image in the box that pops up. Problem is that I don't see the type the link to my photo, as it says in the tutorial - but instead I see the photo itself. So I tried the next step...
2. After copying the EXIF info from the Photo Information pop up window of my photo on Smugmug, I pasted it into this format as instructed:
I put my EXIF info where it says - between the , but when I posted it, I did not see the EXIF information.
So I started over and clicked on the 'postcard' icon, then pasted the URL to my photo, into the pop up window. This put the photo in my post.
Again, I was able to make it work. But apparently some haven't. I was just trying to point out where some of us "non-smuggers", and beginners may be having problems. It may just be that I'm doing something wrong, which raises the question: Am I unable to follow simple instructions, or are the instructions not that simple? For all I know it could be the former.
But belive me - I am not trying to be critical. Just the opposite. I think this is the best site there is, and the support is fantastic. I still don't understand how you guys are able to help so much. I'm just trying to let everyone know where I had a problem, and maybe someone esle had the same problem, or someone can tell me what I did wrong, which would still help others. So even though I was able to find a workaroun, I'm still not sure how it's supposed to work, and how people get the EXIF information as a hyperlink.
you are not the only one ! I have been here for years and it took me hrs yesterday to do [almost} point for point the same thing you did . Did I learn how to place it in the photo so you just click on it ---nope or even rename the link to "exif" nope again .The instrutions are written so if you know how then it is easy
you are not the only one ! I have been here for years and it took me hrs yesterday to do [almost} point for point the same thing you did . Did I learn how to place it in the photo so you just click on it ---nope or even rename the link to "exif" nope again .The instrutions are written so if you know how then it is easy
Is this any better?
Upon clicking PHOTO INFORMATION, another browser window will open with what's below.
Click back to DGrin and open a REPLY to the thread.
Once you've put the EXIF link into your reply, you can then insert your photo.
Don't know how to do it for galleries other than Smugmug.
you are not the only one ! I have been here for years and it took me hrs yesterday to do [almost} point for point the same thing you did . Did I learn how to place it in the photo so you just click on it ---nope or even rename the link to "exif" nope again .The instrutions are written so if you know how then it is easy
So are you still not able to embed the exif information into your photo?
The instructions you're referencing, bsharp, are for embedding a photo in your post and having the image itself hyperlink to your EXIF. So it's working correctly per those instructions.
That always throws me, personally, as my instinct is not to hover over a photo to see if it's linked to EXIF. I like to have a separate, visible EXIF link. For that, I simply embed an image using the (IMG)photo url here(/IMG) tags, then hit Enter a couple times and use (url=EXIF url here)EXIF(/url) so the EXIF link shows up below the photo as the word "EXIF." Replacing all ( ) with [ ], of course.
The instructions you're referencing, bsharp, are for embedding a photo in your post having the image itself hyperlink to your EXIF. So it's working correctly per those instructions.
That always throws me, personally, as my instinct is not to hover over a photo to see if it's linked to EXIF. I like to have a separate, visible EXIF link. For that, I simply embed an image using the (IMG)photo url here(/IMG) tags, then hit Enter a couple times and use (url=EXIF url here)EXIF(/url) so the EXIF link shows up below the photo as the word "EXIF." Replacing all ( ) with [ ], of course.
Many ways to do this, all fall within the rules.
Thanks Llywellyn! That is exactly what I was looking for
And it was so EASY - if you know how Now my post has both!
It didn't really matter to me which way I did it, I just wanted to be able to do it, and I had a hard time with the instructions. Hopefully this will help others who also had a problem with posting EXIF info.
Yes VelvtRide!!! MUCH better. Your post, with examples, are very clear and easy to understand. Perhaps that's because I'm more familiar now than when I first added to this post. But for me it looks very good.
Thanks again for the clarification, and again, maybe it will help others too!
I think that is best explanation/illustration out there!! I followed the other instructions, but honestly (no offense to Erik or Andy, really) I muddled through it, and it really doesn't explain the EXIF linking like yours did....GREAT JOB!! and Thanks!!
Bill James www.BillJamesPhotography.com Attempting to find beauty in the simple things!! :huh
Nikon D80 - Nikkor 55-200 4-5.6 VR &
Nikkor 18-70 3.5-4.5
I don't see the EXIF information, but if I click on the photo, it shows the EXIF info in another window. I was thinking that I should see EXIF with a hyperlink. Very sorry for my ignorance. And thank you for your patience and instruction!!
In my usual habit, a few days before the end of the challenge round, I click on each of ya'lls EXIF data as well as looking over each photo.
I found several EXIF's that weren't linked properly or not even present. I also noted a few that had the original image EXIF linked - the color image. Not sure if having the color is alright, or not, but according to the rules, the EXIF for the photo entered should be the showing, which would be a b/w image.
Just wanted to bring this to ya'lls attention so each of you would go over your entry to make sure everything is copasectic. I have PM'd a coupla of ya, as I was going through the thread, but found more and more that needed attention so I thought I'd post a thread, instead.
The challenge won't be as much fun without any of you and you worked so hard on your image - I don't want to see anyone disqualified.
Good luck!
Just curious. Why not just use the "honor system" given you can't tell if the exif date is the actual date or just an edited one?
Just curious. Why not just use the "honor system" given you can't tell if the exif date is the actual date or just an edited one?
In essence, that's what we have to rely on anyway. Even with links to embedded data, we're well aware there are ways to hack it. But keep that quiet, yeah?
The idea, as with anything like this, is just to make it as transparent as possible, and add just enough complexity to keep folks honest.
In essence, that's what we have to rely on anyway. Even with links to embedded data, we're well aware there are ways to hack it. But keep that quiet, yeah?
It will be our secret. I would never doctor a photo.
In passing, this isn't even a hack, there are dozens of exif editors that will do it effortlessly and without opening a binary file to do mischief upon it.
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This is the tutorial I used to be able to paste the link to the EXIF information after typing in EXIF =.
I tried using this method:
in my image, but like I said, I didn't see the EXIF link when I posted it. It only showed the photo. Perhaps I did something wrong.
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/lol3.gif" border="0" alt="" >
If you still have any problems, maybe you can boil them down for us. The link that Andy posted has the all the right information, there's no way anything in there is wrong.
Also, keep in mind, some of the tutes/instructions have to be written with non-smugmuggers in mind. Photos do not have to be posted from smugmug.
"&ImageKey=2sxSN" from the link text.
Then it works fine.
You're right, that first box of the tute was a bit confusing.
I think I've fixed it now.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Good points, DoctorIT!
OK - I'll try to keep it simple.
1. When I click on the icon that looks like a postcard, then paste the URL of my image in the box that pops up. Problem is that I don't see the type the link to my photo, as it says in the tutorial - but instead I see the photo itself. So I tried the next step...
2. After copying the EXIF info from the Photo Information pop up window of my photo on Smugmug, I pasted it into this format as instructed:
I put my EXIF info where it says - between the
So I started over and clicked on the 'postcard' icon, then pasted the URL to my photo, into the pop up window. This put the photo in my post.
Then I followed Andy's tutorial (http://smugmug.jot.com/WikiHome/HowToSeeExif), and got my EXIF information, and pasted it underneath my photo in the post. And that worked.
Again, I was able to make it work. But apparently some haven't. I was just trying to point out where some of us "non-smuggers", and beginners may be having problems. It may just be that I'm doing something wrong, which raises the question: Am I unable to follow simple instructions, or are the instructions not that simple? For all I know it could be the former.
But belive me - I am not trying to be critical. Just the opposite. I think this is the best site there is, and the support is fantastic. I still don't understand how you guys are able to help so much. I'm just trying to let everyone know where I had a problem, and maybe someone esle had the same problem, or someone can tell me what I did wrong, which would still help others. So even though I was able to find a workaroun, I'm still not sure how it's supposed to work, and how people get the EXIF information as a hyperlink.
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com
Actual text: so you can see I have replaced the [ and ] with ( and )
I'm showing this you in case I have it wrong in my example, but not in the actual...
When I click on the preview, I don't see the EXIF info.
!!! HELLO !!!
After ALL of this, I just figured it out!!
I don't see the EXIF information, but if I click on the photo, it shows the EXIF info in another window. I was thinking that I should see EXIF with a hyperlink. Very sorry for my ignorance. And thank you for your patience and instruction!!
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com
Is this any better?
Upon clicking PHOTO INFORMATION, another browser window will open with what's below.
Click back to DGrin and open a REPLY to the thread.
Once you've put the EXIF link into your reply, you can then insert your photo.
Don't know how to do it for galleries other than Smugmug.
So are you still not able to embed the exif information into your photo?
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com
That always throws me, personally, as my instinct is not to hover over a photo to see if it's linked to EXIF. I like to have a separate, visible EXIF link. For that, I simply embed an image using the (IMG)photo url here(/IMG) tags, then hit Enter a couple times and use (url=EXIF url here)EXIF(/url) so the EXIF link shows up below the photo as the word "EXIF." Replacing all ( ) with [ ], of course.
Many ways to do this, all fall within the rules.
Thanks Llywellyn! That is exactly what I was looking for
And it was so EASY - if you know how
It didn't really matter to me which way I did it, I just wanted to be able to do it, and I had a hard time with the instructions. Hopefully this will help others who also had a problem with posting EXIF info.
Thanks again, Brad
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com
You're welcome.
'click click click click click'
Yes VelvtRide!!! MUCH better. Your post, with examples, are very clear and easy to understand. Perhaps that's because I'm more familiar now than when I first added to this post. But for me it looks very good.
Thanks again for the clarification, and again, maybe it will help others too!
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com
I think that is best explanation/illustration out there!! I followed the other instructions, but honestly (no offense to Erik or Andy, really) I muddled through it, and it really doesn't explain the EXIF linking like yours did....GREAT JOB!!
Attempting to find beauty in the simple things!! :huh
Nikon D80 - Nikkor 55-200 4-5.6 VR &
Nikkor 18-70 3.5-4.5
clear and to the point --understandable now that is a first
Just curious. Why not just use the "honor system" given you can't tell if the exif date is the actual date or just an edited one?
Visit The Wolf's Lair
The idea, as with anything like this, is just to make it as transparent as possible, and add just enough complexity to keep folks honest.
It will be our secret. I would never doctor a photo.
In passing, this isn't even a hack, there are dozens of exif editors that will do it effortlessly and without opening a binary file to do mischief upon it.
Visit The Wolf's Lair
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
It just means adding a post to a (usually important) thread to "bump" it to the top of the board where it will more likely get read and noticed. HTH!
My Site, My Book
Or it's something they give you in England on your birthday. But that has nothing to do with this.