A day in the life of dgrin! (an unofficial challenge)…#2
Your city, county or state; Your office, yourself, your dog, your frog, your family, your significant other; A revolving door, a ferry boat, a train depot, a bus station, a flower, a light house, a wallet; Your car, your local bar, your guitar…you get the picture.
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I’m thinking we should do this every 5th month so that we cycle through the seasons.
Each photographer chooses their own theme (or no theme) and then shoots to that theme as much or as little as they like in one predetermined 24hr period. Make it as artsy or as mundane you want. Then, the “Big Reveal” will be one week later (to give folks time for sorting and processing). Each photographer will upload between 1 and 10 of their best images from the day in a single post to the “A day in the life of dgrin! - the Big Reveal” entry thread that I will start one week after the day of the shoot (one photographer – one post – up to 10 photos). Each person is on their honor to post photos from the designated 24hr period…exif links are optional. The official “A day in the life of dgrin! - the Big Reveal” entry thread will only be for photos – all the fun conversation/discussion can happen here in this thread. In order to keep up the suspense for the "Big Reveal", pre-posting of images to discussion threads for comment is discouraged.
Let’s set Saturday, September 20th as the “day” for the shoot and Saturday, September 27th as the day to begin the “Big Reveal”.
No prizes, no critiques, no harshing on anyone’s work (if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it!) – just a fun exercise.
What do you think? Sound like fun? Who’s in?
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I’m thinking we should do this every 5th month so that we cycle through the seasons.
Each photographer chooses their own theme (or no theme) and then shoots to that theme as much or as little as they like in one predetermined 24hr period. Make it as artsy or as mundane you want. Then, the “Big Reveal” will be one week later (to give folks time for sorting and processing). Each photographer will upload between 1 and 10 of their best images from the day in a single post to the “A day in the life of dgrin! - the Big Reveal” entry thread that I will start one week after the day of the shoot (one photographer – one post – up to 10 photos). Each person is on their honor to post photos from the designated 24hr period…exif links are optional. The official “A day in the life of dgrin! - the Big Reveal” entry thread will only be for photos – all the fun conversation/discussion can happen here in this thread. In order to keep up the suspense for the "Big Reveal", pre-posting of images to discussion threads for comment is discouraged.
Let’s set Saturday, September 20th as the “day” for the shoot and Saturday, September 27th as the day to begin the “Big Reveal”.
No prizes, no critiques, no harshing on anyone’s work (if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it!) – just a fun exercise.
What do you think? Sound like fun? Who’s in?
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How many shots would each person post......is there a limit....maybe 8 to 12?
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Last time we limited it to 10 and it seemed to work well.
is but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" > my shutter will be getting a work out on the 20th
Thanks PTM
My only problem is that the weekend you're proposing is the busiest of the entire year for me. How ironic. :bash
Are you completely settled on that date?
Yep! and I'd love to see what the busiet day of your entire year looks like!
But hey, this is informal and meant to be fun - So if a day or two before or after works best for you then go for it! I'd hate to miss out on seeing your 'day' - just make 'em all from the same 24hr period.
Thanks for organizing again, Paul.
-- Lisa P.
I figured others may want to look back, so here's a link to A Day In The Life - round 1
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i found it so interesting to see the last day in the life, i look so forward to this one....and again like the last one i just so happen to be going somewhere very cool...ive been looking foward to it all summer!
anyway, everyone remember this is a great way to share something of yourself, its to let us in on your world...dont hold back, do it!
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
Sounds good to me. I'm excited!!
Thanks Paul for doing this again.
Peace, gail
I find your worrying about the weather funny. This being southern Finland in September, we're not gonna have any weather. +10 C or so, overcast cloudy, hardly any wind - nothing going on.
Attempting to find beauty in the simple things!! :huh
Nikon D80 - Nikkor 55-200 4-5.6 VR &
Nikkor 18-70 3.5-4.5
So glad to hear it! I'm glad to see new faces who are going to share part of their day!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
I love show and tell days!!!!
This was really fun last time, looking forward to it again. Just looked at my callendar and it is blank on the 20th...hmmm...endless options..........
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