>DSS #8 (Weathered or Polished) Feedback Thread

As soon as the judges have made their top ten selections, their critiques will be added to this thread. The voting poll will be posted at that time also. In the meantime, post your own personal feedback and favorites here.
The challenge theme was: Weathered or Polished
Your judges were:
Karrie McD - Feedback
Entry #2, dlplumer, Dehydrated: I love this photo! It fits the theme perfectly and it is so dramatic and the composition and pp is wonderful. Great job!!
Entry #9, Travis, Splintered: This is a great photo! I feel like I am in a dream when I am looking at it. The leading lines are great…I feel like I am walking right down the pier.
Entry #22 jeffmeyers, Polished Poodle: This photo makes me smile. Great idea -doing it in IR. The white trees with black poodle and the beautiful blue sky really work well for me.
Entry #23, VisualXpressions, Time tu harvest that thar corn: This one just really hit home for me. The family and I went for a walk amongst the corn field just last night. It fits the theme perfectly and the processing you did makes it very dramatic and I love dramatic photos. The composition is great too. You really did a great job with this who would have thought corn could be dramatic J
Entry #24, jeffreaux2, Nearsighted: When I first looked at this photo I said “sweet!” Love it! I feel like I am sitting right there amongst the rust. I wish I could see a little bit through the window -but even still, it is an awesome photo!
Entry #36, thebigsky, Pride and Joy: This photo fits the theme to the tee! I can also feel emotion in this photo…like a sense of pride. Great job with the theme and making a great photo.
Entry #47, cmorganphotography, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: The composition of this photo is great. It is very eye catching and I love the colors of it. Fits the theme perfectly as well. Great job.
Entry #56, NeilL, Lucid Dream: Wow! I don’t really know what to say except I love it! Very thought provoking and emotional! My kind of art!!! Great job.
Entry #63, pyroPrints.com, Bridge to Nowhere: Very cool! I’m a sucker for old abandoned places. You got great composition, sharpness and clarity. I love looking through the water at the remains down there and then looking down the remains of the pier.
Entry #85, Halite, Antique Silver: I just think this shot is really well done. It fits the theme wonderfully and the composition is great. I do not get much emotion from the photo and I usually go for photos that give me some kind of emotion. However, I picked this in my top ten simply because it fits the theme so well and well…it is just a great shot.
Greensquared - Feedback
#9 - Travis - Splintered
Lovely vanishing point and use of color at the focal point. Treatment gives it a surreal look. Very nice.
#20 - AaronNelson - Cooling
Nice composition, definitely polished. I keep looking for a smudge or fingerprint in there somewhere!
#23 - VisualXpressions - 'Time tu harvest that thar corn'
Excellent! Awesome texture and color. Totally works for me.
#24 - jeffreaux2 - "Nearsighted"
Another awesome one. Love the angle, comp, crop, light and texture.
#29 - PaulThomasMcKee - Turtle-waxed TT Tail at Twilight
Simple, sleek lines and gorgeous color. Very nice.
#36 - thebigsky - Pride and Joy
I absolutely love this one - pure perfection!
#40 - idiom - Retired...
Really, really nice. I love the unusual comp, the light and the texture here.
#46 - MrsCue - Weather the Storm
This one floored me too. Awesome.
#84 - vandana - "Braving it out"
Awesome leading lines to a vanishing point that pays off. Very dramatic!
#90 - Elaine - 1916
Total kudos for thinking outside of the box and keeping this rolled up. Makes me totally want to know the story behind it.
The challenge theme was: Weathered or Polished
Your judges were:
Karrie McD - Feedback
Entry #2, dlplumer, Dehydrated: I love this photo! It fits the theme perfectly and it is so dramatic and the composition and pp is wonderful. Great job!!
Entry #9, Travis, Splintered: This is a great photo! I feel like I am in a dream when I am looking at it. The leading lines are great…I feel like I am walking right down the pier.
Entry #22 jeffmeyers, Polished Poodle: This photo makes me smile. Great idea -doing it in IR. The white trees with black poodle and the beautiful blue sky really work well for me.
Entry #23, VisualXpressions, Time tu harvest that thar corn: This one just really hit home for me. The family and I went for a walk amongst the corn field just last night. It fits the theme perfectly and the processing you did makes it very dramatic and I love dramatic photos. The composition is great too. You really did a great job with this who would have thought corn could be dramatic J
Entry #24, jeffreaux2, Nearsighted: When I first looked at this photo I said “sweet!” Love it! I feel like I am sitting right there amongst the rust. I wish I could see a little bit through the window -but even still, it is an awesome photo!
Entry #36, thebigsky, Pride and Joy: This photo fits the theme to the tee! I can also feel emotion in this photo…like a sense of pride. Great job with the theme and making a great photo.
Entry #47, cmorganphotography, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: The composition of this photo is great. It is very eye catching and I love the colors of it. Fits the theme perfectly as well. Great job.
Entry #56, NeilL, Lucid Dream: Wow! I don’t really know what to say except I love it! Very thought provoking and emotional! My kind of art!!! Great job.
Entry #63, pyroPrints.com, Bridge to Nowhere: Very cool! I’m a sucker for old abandoned places. You got great composition, sharpness and clarity. I love looking through the water at the remains down there and then looking down the remains of the pier.
Entry #85, Halite, Antique Silver: I just think this shot is really well done. It fits the theme wonderfully and the composition is great. I do not get much emotion from the photo and I usually go for photos that give me some kind of emotion. However, I picked this in my top ten simply because it fits the theme so well and well…it is just a great shot.
Greensquared - Feedback
#9 - Travis - Splintered
Lovely vanishing point and use of color at the focal point. Treatment gives it a surreal look. Very nice.
#20 - AaronNelson - Cooling
Nice composition, definitely polished. I keep looking for a smudge or fingerprint in there somewhere!
#23 - VisualXpressions - 'Time tu harvest that thar corn'
Excellent! Awesome texture and color. Totally works for me.
#24 - jeffreaux2 - "Nearsighted"
Another awesome one. Love the angle, comp, crop, light and texture.
#29 - PaulThomasMcKee - Turtle-waxed TT Tail at Twilight
Simple, sleek lines and gorgeous color. Very nice.
#36 - thebigsky - Pride and Joy
I absolutely love this one - pure perfection!
#40 - idiom - Retired...
Really, really nice. I love the unusual comp, the light and the texture here.
#46 - MrsCue - Weather the Storm
This one floored me too. Awesome.
#84 - vandana - "Braving it out"
Awesome leading lines to a vanishing point that pays off. Very dramatic!
#90 - Elaine - 1916
Total kudos for thinking outside of the box and keeping this rolled up. Makes me totally want to know the story behind it.
Psalm 62:5-6
Good luck to everyone!
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
This was a fun and difficult round. At least for me. There are so many great pics in here. Here is my top 10. Great job everyone!
#4 Polished Off
#9 Splintered
#15 Well Worn
#34 Pins Up
#28 Ship Out Of Water
#36 Pride And Joy
#46 Weather The Storm
#63 Bridge To Nowhere
#84 Braving It Out
#92 Forgotten
Well done everyone!!
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
Good luck everyone!
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I'm struggling to narrow it down to 10 (judges, I do not envy you!) but I really enjoyed the following shots (and, btw, my 10 year old daughter has come and peered over my shoulder as I've been looking at the photos and is absolutely glued to the challenge now, too - we're starting 'em young!)
#4 Polished Off
#8 Rusted Blue II
#13 Weathered reflections while polishing a bowl
#15 Well Worn
#21 Old Glory
#29 Turtle waxed TT tail
#34 Pins Up
#36 Pride And Joy
#40 Retired
#44 The House of Last Resort
#46 Weather The Storm
#58 Climbers Trust
#62 Weathered by Time
#80 Teachers Pet
#86 Turbo Shell Polished
Thanks for letting this beginner play along!
One day I'll work out how you do those fantastic montages, good luck everyone
JFYI - That was actually a lovely sunny day there. I used my flash and settings to create a stormy sky
Thank you to those who have added me to their favs. There are so many great entries!
Very honored and humbled to have my pic liked by KevXman, WomanwithaCamera, divamum, Grly ... and anyone else I missed.
Thank you!
Here are mine in no particular order:
Polished...off -- Grly
Rusted Blue II -- tlee
Riverside -- douglas
Pin Ups -- VelvtRide
Countless Yrs of Service -- Quark
Teacher's Pet -- achambers
Precision -- SherwinJames
The Old Boat House -- Sam's Place
Antique Silver -- Halite
There were lots of great shots to choose from. Good luck everyone.
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Thanks to all who have picked one of our pictures.
We enjoyed having a mission to go out and take some shots. We had a very pleasant afternoon walking along the Portland, Maine waterfront looking for shots. We discovered Portland has a lot more weathered than polished. This probably has to do with the weather here and the age of the town. You can see some of our other shots from that afternoon in the end of the Maine section of stonecoast.smugmug.com.
Our picks; not in any order.
7 Finishing Touches
9 Splintered
24 "Nearsighted"
31 Pitch Perfect Performance
34 Pin Ups!
36 Pride and Joy
54 Precision
58 Climbers Trust
74 Liquid Wharf
75 Can I Park Here?
knapph and KisaKat
Knapp and Ella Hudson
Stone Coast Photography Facebook
Knapp, thanks for the inclusion
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Hey all I just wanted to say I am sorry about the wait today for the results. I thought I had sent my top 10 in to Emily around 3:30 this afternoon but apparantly that message never got sent. I'm not sure what I did because I thought I had sent it.
I'm sorry :cry
Results should be out soon now!
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Thanks to everybody who has included my photo in their top ten, it means a lot to me, also thanks to everybody who made suggestions to improve my image, including the PM I got about it, thanks!
Here is my top ten, and I had a hard time limiting it to ten.
Some unbelievable images this round. Here's what I liked best:
#17 Riverside
#23 Time tu harvest ...
#24 Nearsighted
#34 Pin ups
#40 Retired
#62 Weathered by Time
#75 Can I Park Here? (made me smile.)
#85 Antique Silver.
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It is never to late to become what you might have been.
Best of luck to everyone!
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