whoa -- new layout on control buttons



  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Just wondering...

    While the other buttons have changed, the "submit" button in the Photo timeline seems not to have changed (I'm using the SmugMug Gradient theme on my site).

    Not that it bothers me, but perhaps, some time this button will follow the new layout of the other buttons.

    The changes in this release are nice and a logic step forward.thumb.gif
    They will, in time thumb.gif
  • Luc De JaegerLuc De Jaeger Registered Users Posts: 139 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    They will, in time thumb.gif

    Wooow... thanks for responding and letting us know!!clap.gif :ivar wings.gifthumb.gifthumb.gif
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Andy wrote:

    Use this:

    #breadcrumb {display:none}
    #breadcrumb {visibility: hidden;}
    .loggedIn #breadcrumb {visibility: visible;
    display: block;

    it'll only show to you, when logged in.

    Andy, you are now my favorite ever. Thank you!
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Andy, you are now my favorite ever. Thank you!
    :D aw shucks

    So, for all reading this, if you use

    #breadcrumb {display: none;} you should also add

    .loggedIn #breadcrumb {display: block;} so that you can see the tools buttons. Just holler if you need help, it's a 10seconds CSS addition and we don't mind doing it for you :D
  • RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Fixed a long-standing, very obscure, but surprisingly common bug that prevented a Quick Setting on the Customize Gallery page from saving properly if you had an apostrophe in your password, password hint, or backprinting.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    The new tools button is not that bad but it requires scrolling up to find it, bad
    bad. Most will be viewing photos when this is needed and the tools button is
    out of view.I can see no reason why it's not below the main photo like it used to be.

    It's really irritable that customize gallery can't be quickly gotten to. At least
    move it to above "This Photo" in the drop and make the text red or something.
    Requires reading the list to find it and reading is hard.

    Just my .02 :D
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Thank you Andy thumb.gif
    Andy wrote:
    You have this line:

    .gallery_3606374 #breadcrumb {visibility: hidden;}

    remove that.
    Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips
    www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+

  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Sorry if I missed it in the release notes (read em quickly this morning but can't view them from work) or another thread...

    What does (will?) the "Attach Related Files" tool do?

    All I get is "I'm sorry, but you don't appear to be logged in, or don't have access to this gallery. Please try again." Has it not been implemented yet, or only apply to certain file types or what?

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    pilotdave wrote:
    Sorry if I missed it in the release notes (read em quickly this morning but can't view them from work) or another thread...

    What does (will?) the "Attach Related Files" tool do?

    All I get is "I'm sorry, but you don't appear to be logged in, or don't have access to this gallery. Please try again." Has it not been implemented yet, or only apply to certain file types or what?

    This is for SmugVault. I agree, the error message is dumb, we'll try and fix that.
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    This is for SmugVault. I agree, the error message is dumb, we'll try and fix that.

    Would it be possible to not show this command if the user isn't signed up for SmugVault? That would seem even better than letting them pick it and then have to understand an error message.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    Would it be possible to not show this command if the user isn't signed up for SmugVault? That would seem even better than letting them pick it and then have to understand an error message.
    We'll see, thanks :D It's being worked on thumb.gif
  • Erick LErick L Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    I see a "Tools" button but nothing happens when I click in the galleries and just "control panel" and "view pro sales" show up in the pull down menu in the categories and homepage.
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Erick L wrote:
    I see a "Tools" button but nothing happens when I click in the galleries and just "control panel" and "view pro sales" show up in the pull down menu in the categories and homepage.

    Your javascript code ModifyText (included below) is rendering the new buttons inoperable. Unfortunately, you can no longer modify the breadcrumb the way that scripts does it because it ruins the new YUI buttons. You can try changing "breadcrumb" to "breadCrumbTrail" and see if that fixes the issue. That change will work for modifying gallery breadcrumbs, but not category breadcrumbs. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do.
    function ModifyText () {
       var objElement = document.getElementById("breadcrumb")
       if (objElement != null) {
          var str = new String(objElement.innerHTML);
          str = str.replace('/Articles"', '/gallery/4365732_gQBD8"');
          objElement.innerHTML = str;
          str = str.replace('/Photo"', '/gallery/4441983_g8EUF"');
          objElement.innerHTML = str;
          str = str.replace('/Maps"', '/gallery/4556816_H8q6R"');
          objElement.innerHTML = str;
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    Your javascript code ModifyText (included below) is rendering the new buttons inoperable. Unfortunately, you can no longer modify the breadcrumb the way that scripts does it because it ruins the new YUI buttons. You can try changing "breadcrumb" to "breadCrumbTrail" and see if that fixes the issue. That change will work for modifying gallery breadcrumbs, but not category breadcrumbs. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do.
    function ModifyText () {
       var objElement = document.getElementById("breadcrumb")
       if (objElement != null) {
          var str = new String(objElement.innerHTML);
          str = str.replace('/Articles"', '/gallery/4365732_gQBD8"');
          objElement.innerHTML = str;
          str = str.replace('/Photo"', '/gallery/4441983_g8EUF"');
          objElement.innerHTML = str;
          str = str.replace('/Maps"', '/gallery/4556816_H8q6R"');
          objElement.innerHTML = str;
    Yeah and this was from a few releases ago, actually. Erick, Barb could probably fix you up in minutes - if you wish. Say the word.
  • PBolchoverPBolchover Registered Users Posts: 909 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    New photo tools make it much slower to manually change thumbnails
    The new photo tools are making my workflow for editing thumbnails much more awkward.

    1) I used to be able to click on the "tools" dropdown, and then type the initial letter of the menu item, in order to quickly access that particular tool. Now I am forced to use the mouse, making it significantly slower.
    2) The "adjust thumbnails" has been moved under the "more" tab, making it a two-stage process to click on the relevant tool.
    3) I have to hover over the "more" tab, in order for the additional tools to appear. If I try to click on the "more" tab, then the menu disappears.

    Here is my old workflow for editting thumbnails
    1) Open gallery in smugmug style, and middle-click on each of the thumbnails, to open that image in a separate tab
    2) Quickly go through each tab (using control-tab), clicking on the photo-tools menu, and typing "A" (for "adjust thumbnails" - I think that I actually had to type "A" twice to select the correct tool), then return to select that tool. [Being able to type the tool means that I didn't move my mouse pointer, and it was therefore in exactly the right place on screen to select the photo-tools menus on the next tab
    3) Go through each tab, and select the desired thumbnail. Click OK.
    4) Once each tab has saved, go through all of the tabs, and close them.

    Now that I'm used this workflow, I can go through a large gallery extremely rapidly. I reckon that the new workflow will take around 2-3 times as long.

    [As an aside, yes I am aware of the bulk thumbnails hack, but I found that it didn't suit my purposes, since 1) it forces all of the thumbs to be the same aspect ratio (while most of mine are square, I occasionally need to use a non-sqaure thumnail, in order to make the image look nice); 2) The images are smaller than I would like. And yes, I am also aware of the auto-square thumnails, but I prefer my thumbs to be slightly off-centred]
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    Yeah and this was from a few releases ago, actually. Erick, Barb could probably fix you up in minutes - if you wish. Say the word.

    Andy, perhaps you could pass this info onto the sorcerers.

    The category and sub-category displays still have their breadcrumb info in the breadcrumb object. They don't have a breadCrumbTrail like galleries do. So, if people are trying to modify a category or sub-category breadcrumb, but not cause a change to the gallery breadcrumb that will mess up the YUI buttons, it's easy to do it wrong and hard to do it right (the opposite of what we'd like).

    If, on the other hand, the breadcrumb info in categories and subcategories was also in a breadCrumbTrail div, then one could do it the same way everywhere and never risk messing up the YUI buttons (just use breadCrumbTrail everywhere). Here's an example of the more complicated code that I had to write for someone who was trying to change breadcrumbs everywhere without messing up any YUI buttons.

    We had to physically test for breadCrumbTrail and use it if it existed, but if it doesn't exist, then use breadCrumb. It would be a lot less code and easy to not make a mistake if one could just safely use breadCrumbTrail everywhere. Further, this work-around only works because there are no YUI buttons in the breadcrumb for categories. If any ever get put there, this code would break too.

    If the sorcerers could add breadCrumbTrail to the category and sub-category display, then it could safely be used everywhere.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    PBolchover wrote:
    The new photo tools are making my workflow for editing thumbnails much more awkward.


    Great feedback - thanks for this - I'm making sure that our UI guys see it!
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    Andy, perhaps you could pass this info onto the sorcerers.
    {JT}'s got it, John, thanks so much for the awesome feedback.
  • {JT}{JT} Registered Users Posts: 1,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    This has been added and will go out with the next update.
    jfriend wrote:
    Andy, perhaps you could pass this info onto the sorcerers.

    The category and sub-category displays still have their breadcrumb info in the breadcrumb object. They don't have a breadCrumbTrail like galleries do. So, if people are trying to modify a category or sub-category breadcrumb, but not cause a change to the gallery breadcrumb that will mess up the YUI buttons, it's easy to do it wrong and hard to do it right (the opposite of what we'd like).

    If, on the other hand, the breadcrumb info in categories and subcategories was also in a breadCrumbTrail div, then one could do it the same way everywhere and never risk messing up the YUI buttons (just use breadCrumbTrail everywhere). Here's an example of the more complicated code that I had to write for someone who was trying to change breadcrumbs everywhere without messing up any YUI buttons.

    We had to physically test for breadCrumbTrail and use it if it existed, but if it doesn't exist, then use breadCrumb. It would be a lot less code and easy to not make a mistake if one could just safely use breadCrumbTrail everywhere. Further, this work-around only works because there are no YUI buttons in the breadcrumb for categories. If any ever get put there, this code would break too.

    If the sorcerers could add breadCrumbTrail to the category and sub-category display, then it could safely be used everywhere.
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    {JT} wrote:
    This has been added and will go out with the next update.
    Thanks JT and Andy.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    Are the new buttons supposed to be stacked vertically or in a row horizontally?

    All my pages have them stacked which eats up vertical real estate.

    Is there anyway to change this?


    SunGlo Photography
  • SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    SunGlo wrote:
    Are the new buttons supposed to be stacked vertically or in a row horizontally?

    All my pages have them stacked which eats up vertical real estate.

    Is there anyway to change this?



    Here's two screen shots...


    SunGlo Photography
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    SunGlo wrote:
    Here's two screen shots...

    The first thing you need to do is to change your ModifyText javascript code like in this thread (the function there is called ChangeHome, but it's the same thing). You can no longer change the innerHTML on the breadcrumb object like you are doing because it messes up the buttons. That thread has alternate code that you can use. This same issue is probably why your slideshow button doesn't work either.

    If you change to this new code, then remove the call to ModifyText from the onLoad handler in the body tag because YE.onContentReady() as used in the new script is an easier and more maintainable way to do that.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    The first thing you need to do is to change your ModifyText javascript code like in this thread (the function there is called ChangeHome, but it's the same thing). You can no longer change the innerHTML on the breadcrumb object like you are doing because it messes up the buttons. That thread has alternate code that you can use. This same issue is probably why your slideshow button doesn't work either.

    If you change to this new code, then remove the call to ModifyText from the onLoad handler in the body tag because YE.onContentReady() as used in the new script is an easier and more maintainable way to do that.

    I replaced the ModifyText javascript code as you suggested and it seems to be working fine.

    Now, I not sure what you are referring to with the "...change the innerHTML..." comment.
    SunGlo Photography
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    SunGlo wrote:
    I replaced the ModifyText javascript code as you suggested and it seems to be working fine.

    Now, I not sure what you are referring to with the "...change the innerHTML..." comment.

    I was just trying to explain that what ModifyText was doing (setting the innerHTML property) is no longer allowed on the breadcrumb object. In addition to helping fix things, I try to explain what's going on (it's a tendency I have). If you're working good now, then we're all set.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    I was just trying to explain that what ModifyText was doing (setting the innerHTML property) is no longer allowed on the breadcrumb object. In addition to helping fix things, I try to explain what's going on (it's a tendency I have). If you're working good now, then we're all set.

    The code change that I made is doing what it's supposed to do, but it didn't change the problem with the new buttons...they still look like the screen shots I posted.
    SunGlo Photography
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    SunGlo wrote:
    The code change that I made is doing what it's supposed to do, but it didn't change the problem with the new buttons...they still look like the screen shots I posted.

    OK, I'll delve into your CSS and see what I can figure out. The problem for me is that I can't see those buttons since they are only when you are logged in, but I'll see if I can guess what might be causing it by looking at my own site.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • colourboxcolourbox Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    PBolchover wrote:
    1) I used to be able to click on the "tools" dropdown, and then type the initial letter of the menu item, in order to quickly access that particular tool. Now I am forced to use the mouse, making it significantly slower.

    Yes, I miss this too. I used to type "re" to get Replace Photo and it was much faster than mousing especially when replacing multiple photos (since Smugmug has no bulk replace).

    It started to break back when Smugmug made it hierarchical, but at least Page Up/Page Down to get to top/bottom of the menu still worked and I decided to live with it. But now the only shortcut that still works is using the arrow keys.

    The problem now is that two of the functions I use the most, Replace and Arrange, are on the second level of the hierarchical menu. So not only are they out of reach of the type-ahead letters, but they require a third click for access. Now that the controls are at the top level, maybe the menu could be flattened since it starts much higher up on the page now? As it is, what used to take one click and typing a letter or two now takes three spatially precise mouse actions: aim and click to drop primary menu, aim (but don't click) to drop secondary menu, aim and click to select command. (i.e. more fatiguing, especially when scaled to many photos).

    Edit: I just discovered that if a command is highlighted, you can press Return. That's good, but it makes me want even more to regain full keyboard control like on the application menu.
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    SunGlo wrote:
    The code change that I made is doing what it's supposed to do, but it didn't change the problem with the new buttons...they still look like the screen shots I posted.

    OK, it looks like it's caused by one line of your CSS. Change:

    .loggedIn .share_button {display: block;}

    to this:

    .loggedIn .shareButton {display:block; display:-moz-inline-box; display:inline-block;}
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    OK, it looks like it's caused by one line of your CSS. Change:

    .loggedIn .share_button {display: block;}

    to this:

    .loggedIn .shareButton {display:block; display:-moz-inline-box; display:inline-block;}

    All right...thanks John that took care of the problem. I appreciate your patience and help.

    SunGlo Photography
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