Sad smuggy on homepage
I noticed this early this past week, our logo on our homepage was replaced by the sad smuggy. I haven't had much time to investigate, but did verify that the original logo is still in the gallery. What's up?
I noticed this early this past week, our logo on our homepage was replaced by the sad smuggy. I haven't had much time to investigate, but did verify that the original logo is still in the gallery. What's up?
Missing photos
I uploaded 69 photos to around 1pm, and so far only 44 have appeared. Are the remaining photos in queue somewhere waiting to be processed, or do I need to reupload them?
I must have been uploading photos during the time you went into read only mode. There were 139 pictures that looked to have uploaded successfully, but after several hours, do not appear in the gallery. Should I give it some more time or just reload them all now that you are back up.
The gallery is here and missing images begin with IMG_53367 and end with IMG_53522. There were a total of 139 in that group, so some numbers were not included.
I uploaded a video shortly after we came back up, it is as of yet still unviewable, could this be a side effect of whatever issue SM was having and do I need to Re-Up
Stay tuned, engineers are working on it right now.
I have noticed it is fixed and do not want to be a pain. Noticed problems today and the first place I went to was and there was the stuff from Friday night/Saturday. Nothing from today. I found out on twitter folks where having issues...
I noticed this early this past week, our logo on our homepage was replaced by the sad smuggy. I haven't had much time to investigate, but did verify that the original logo is still in the gallery. What's up?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I uploaded 69 photos to around 1pm, and so far only 44 have appeared. Are the remaining photos in queue somewhere waiting to be processed, or do I need to reupload them?
Mine seems to be back to normal....thanks.
Well now, of course you would!
thanks for your help
The gallery is here and missing images begin with IMG_53367 and end with IMG_53522. There were a total of 139 in that group, so some numbers were not included.
High Desert Racing Photography
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
That's weird -- I haven't changed anything since I set up the site a couple of years ago. thanks for fixing it!
Thank you !
Keith - Champion Photo
I have noticed it is fixed and do not want to be a pain. Noticed problems today and the first place I went to was and there was the stuff from Friday night/Saturday. Nothing from today. I found out on twitter folks where having issues...
David Member