The Portrait Project

A New Participatory Exercise
Here's a fun little project for dGrinners that I hope will appeal to many.
I'm going to start this off in Southern California where there's a large group of dGrinners
and I'm hopeful others may take an interest in doing the same in other regions.
So here's the idea:
Everyone interested in participating submits their name to me via PM.
When everyone's names are in I start drawing pairs of names. The first name drawn is "photographer" the second name drawn is "subject".
Each pair arrange to meet within two weeks, at a place and time convenient to both to create a portrait of the "subject"
This can be on location, in studio, at home, where ever, but it's the "photographer's" choice.
After all "subjects" are shot a new round of random drawings is done and each "subject" then gets to be "photographer".
You can approach this like Avedon or Leibovitz shooting a magazine cover or you can approach this like a corporate headshot for an annual report.
It doesn't matter what equipment the photographer chooses to use or not use. This is a creative exercise in artistic expression not a contest. No rules, no judging.
You can begin submitting your names to me now via PM. Please make sure your city of residence is included.
After I've received, oh let's say 10 - 12 names, I'll begin the assignment part of the exercise. We can set a date to complete all portraits; for now let's aim for March 1
When all portraits are complete we'll post them in their own gallery and each photographer will have the opportunity to explain what decisions they made to achieve the final portrait.
So, who's in? :thumb
GOOD NEWS!!! Paul (pupator) has agreed to organize this exercise in the mid - south atlantic states. see here
The only rules:
1) If you submit your name; follow through!
2) "Photographer" is "in charge" of the shoot
3) No dangerous locations or situations; no nudity
4) Photographer may not impose demands on subject resulting in monetary expenditure, such as specialty clothing.
5) This is a completely volunteer exercise in assignment photography. This is not an official DGRIN or SMUGMUG event or contest.
By submitting your name as a volunteer participant you agree to hold harmless all parties participating in this project.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
This sounds like fun to me...
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
You want to organize an east coast group?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Canon 7D w/BG-E7 Vertical Grip, Canon 50D w/ BG-E2N Vertical Grip, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 580EX II Flash and other goodies.
Ignorance is no excuss, so lets DGrin!
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
The list is growing slowly so come on all you SoCal shooters, let's bump it up!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Good luck with the project!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Yes, David is working on promoting. We're getting a lot of inquiries for out of state so I hopeful others will take the project on in those other regions.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
So, you're saying that anyone who lives in the southeast and is interested in participating should PM you their name and location?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Okay guys and gals - If you live in one of the Carolinas, in Georgia, or in Virginia, and you want to participate send me an e-mail or PM. Rather than a totally random drawing, I'll try to handle these geographically to keep travel times to a minimum. It will be a random drawing for photographer/subject however. Let's get going!
atta boy; that's the spirit
thank you.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Hi Guys,
I'm in Charlotte NC and very willing to have some fun with this project........
Please direct... sending Angelo email .......
Greendoor Imaging
Greendoor Imaging
"My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon"
I've got you down - e-mail sent!
Let's try to get this number up to at least 10 to make this interesting!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I'd be interested if anyone else in a reasonably close distance to SE Michigan wants to. (ex: you live in Ann Arbor, I live in Brighton. Wishful thinking?
Midwesterners, unite!
Member, Livingston County Photographers Group (
If responding to a picture I've posted: please, provide constructive criticism. Destructive criticism can go take a flying leap.
If we don't know what could be improved or could have been done differently, we'll never know how to get better at what we're doing.
I need lots more from the southeast and at least one more from eastern Virginia.
Live today like you'll wish you would have 10 years in the future. You only get one life; this is it up. - Joy Nash
Anyone in the Toronto, Ontario area interested?
Andrea Kollo on Flickr
I live in Oxford, Alabama. I can go to Birmingham or Atlanta, no problem!
So in the Southeast we're looking for someone in the Western Ga/Eastern ALA area and someone in the Eastern Virginia area.
& Nik, waiting in the wings
Wish us all luck!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots