Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge #17
Welcome to Round #17 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, January 12, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to Monday, January 26, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Hair
dlplumer (Winner of DSS Round #15)
JAG (Guest Judge)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a Smugmug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Welcome to Round #17 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, January 12, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to Monday, January 26, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Hair
Short, long, curly, straight, frizzy, glossy, human, animal or simply giving the appearance of...
Whatever you do with this one, HAIR should be the main message. Get it lit well, show texture, be creative and above all…have fun!
Your Judges:Whatever you do with this one, HAIR should be the main message. Get it lit well, show texture, be creative and above all…have fun!
dlplumer (Winner of DSS Round #15)
JAG (Guest Judge)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a Smugmug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Psalm 62:5-6
This is going to be interesting.
I second that notion...
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
Too bad it's not still 1988.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
This one should be FUN! And for those of us sitll new to this and learning it is a huge relief to have an honest-to-god theme again - letting a n00b out of the house without a leash was quite intimidating!!!
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
I still have a decent head of hair (knocks on wood) but I was thinking the same thing. Actually gave me one possible idea to work with.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
however, i need to get some black socks ....
Canon 7D w/BG-E7 Vertical Grip, Canon 50D w/ BG-E2N Vertical Grip, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 580EX II Flash and other goodies.
Ignorance is no excuss, so lets DGrin!
That's just WAY too much information .... :giggle
That's given me an idea. I'm off to the zoo lol
might be difficult to get someone to were the same
LOVE IT............
no amount of photoshop could make me really attempt that....haha
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
Oh, Aaron, I TRIPLE dog dare you....
Kerry, enter your picture from your dailies... Garanteed to win! ;-)
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
You too? What a coincidence!
Dunno what happened - my template was applied (I set one up for submissions), but it was wrong. I'll blame it on Em
Forgive me if this has been mentioned before or covered but....
Is the way I have linked to all the extra EXIF's that make up my image in the challenge gallery, acceptable?
If it is unnecessary then I will remove it, but I was under the impression we needed to link to all parts and all EXIF that make up our final entry.
Thank you!