Oooo.... thanks. It's actually a standard bw conversion as far as I know, so I'm not sure what to do about that! I'll post in the thread and see if the mods have an opinion on that issue...
Thanks for the heads up!!
Lisa, you're absolutely right - I found it buried in a LR preset, just a hint of split toning. So, in the interests of honesty... back to the drawing board. The frustrating thing on this is that that preset was the ONLY one that seemed to convert it attractively, and I can't figure out what in the conversion it was that worked so well (the others all keep giving me really nasty pixelation and contrast problems)
Ah well... time to go figure it out! Thanks for the heads up
Lisa, you're absolutely right - I found it buried in a LR preset, just a hint of split toning. So, in the interests of honesty... back to the drawing board. The frustrating thing on this is that that preset was the ONLY one that seemed to convert it attractively, and I can't figure out what in the conversion it was that worked so well (the others all keep giving me really nasty pixelation and contrast problems)
Ah well... time to go figure it out! Thanks for the heads up
Just turn the toner off and enter the picture already!
And lucky you with an ace like that up your sleeve. I still need a break in the clouds and a horse...
Just turn the toner off and enter the picture already!
And lucky you with an ace like that up your sleeve. I still need a break in the clouds and a horse...
Unfortunately, I didn't figure that out until I had made so many other trial and error changes that I got completely lost (even with the history listing). And anyway, when I changed that leeeeettllle bit of toning and saturation it changed the contrast and ... the entire house o' cards came a'tumbling down. :cry
So I started from scratch. :bash Ah well - I've learned a lot about bw converting (and also to check ALL elements of a preset to see what it's doing even if it doesn't LOOK like it changed certain things!!!!)
"Ace up my sleeve" - what, you mean "Messiest 10 year-old the world has ever known"??!!?? I only wish I could say she was a throwback but no, i fear she comes by her untidiness all too honestly. (You know that adage about "a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind"? That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!! )
Sorry that it made things worse to try and take the tint out. Better to find out now with time to fix then to get DQ's right? :cry
you could try your original entry (if you can still make it) and then take that entry and run it through the greyscale filter. That shouldn't change much and then you can bump up the contrast if you need to. Just an idea. good luck
"Ace up my sleeve" - what, you mean "Messiest 10 year-old the world has ever known"??!!?? I only wish I could say she was a throwback but no, i fear she comes by her untidiness all too honestly. (You know that adage about "a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind"? That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!! )
Not The Child, the picture
Get her an eat-everything pet? A rabbit worked wonders with my untidy habits at that age.
Lisa, you're absolutely right - I found it buried in a LR preset, just a hint of split toning. So, in the interests of honesty... back to the drawing board. The frustrating thing on this is that that preset was the ONLY one that seemed to convert it attractively, and I can't figure out what in the conversion it was that worked so well (the others all keep giving me really nasty pixelation and contrast problems)
Ah well... time to go figure it out! Thanks for the heads up
Just turn the toner off and enter the picture already!
And lucky you with an ace like that up your sleeve. I still need a break in the clouds and a horse...
Unfortunately, I didn't figure that out until I had made so many other trial and error changes that I got completely lost (even with the history listing). And anyway, when I changed that leeeeettllle bit of toning and saturation it changed the contrast and ... the entire house o' cards came a'tumbling down. :cry
So I started from scratch. :bash Ah well - I've learned a lot about bw converting (and also to check ALL elements of a preset to see what it's doing even if it doesn't LOOK like it changed certain things!!!!)
"Ace up my sleeve" - what, you mean "Messiest 10 year-old the world has ever known"??!!?? I only wish I could say she was a throwback but no, i fear she comes by her untidiness all too honestly. (You know that adage about "a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind"? That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!!
you could try your original entry (if you can still make it) and then take that entry and run it through the greyscale filter. That shouldn't change much and then you can bump up the contrast if you need to. Just an idea. good luck
Not The Child, the picture
Get her an eat-everything pet? A rabbit worked wonders with my untidy habits at that age.