
Hi guys,
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still waiting on results from one of our judges. Sorry to keep you all in suspense!
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still waiting on results from one of our judges. Sorry to keep you all in suspense!
Psalm 62:5-6
peace, gail The Photo Section
how about a little violin music while we wait??:tough
mine are already all chewed off.... JK
Thanks for the update Emily!
Click here.
Now, that doesn't mean I haven't been hitting f5 a lot, of course....
One of the n00bs won the most recent mini.
Just hang in there.
Good luck all.
You mean like keep us in the DARK? Get it? Huh? Huh?
Jeff Meyers
i thought it would be Friday... so now im excited/nail bitting ...
it could be today? The Photo Section
It's ok take your time. We're all okay
PS: (f5) just one more The Photo Section
oh my gosh, I have to work at 9am :cry
patients is a virtue
Looks like you're on Pacific time though.
I knew you'd be checking in. I was getting those same errors.
The only one who's email addy I was able to find was Aaron's by googling his site so I emailed him to find out what's going on. But he must still be asleep.
what huh?...i just checked in.... i wont get to see my e-mail til tonight...
im here though!!!
Just curious, gail
That's OK. You can ignore it. I was going nuts this morning and the only individual who's site name I would remember was yours: pictureworks. I googled that and Aaron Nelson and there you were! :ivar
HA!! I took a different route. I went to smugmug to see if it was running and/or had a bulletin announcing a problem and while there remembered that Andy is the Supremo in the dgrin support section and sent him a note via the form on his website (rife with apologies, of course)
None of the judges are required to give critiques. I will try to add my comments to the gallery, but this week is a crazy one for me. If anyone wants a personal critique, please PM me.
I'm not getting email from dgrin so I came back to look.
I guess what Shay said about failure being feedback and the fact that I didn't score a point kinda sums it up.
Thanks Emily.