Gallery view questions/feature requests
As I was setting up a gallery for my family, I encountered several "wishes". I'm interested in whether there is a way to do these that I just haven't found or, if not, these are feature requests.
1) I want the gallery to "default" to Journal style and start out in that style, but still allow the viewer to switch to another view if they want. So far, all I can find that will start out in Journal view is to lock it in Journal view.
2) I'd like to offer a link in my introductory email that starts them in slideshow view. As it is, if I want to offer both Journal and Slideshow view, I have to send them an email with a link to the gallery. If they click on that link, the gallery will likely be in neither journal or slideshow view. If have to then explain in my email how they switch views. I'd rather just send them two links, one that starts in journal view and one that starts in slideshow view. By any chance, are there "?style=xxx" parameters that can accomplish this. When I watch the URL as I change styles, nothing changes so by default, smugmug isn't using the URL to track the current style.
3) When I offer a link to slideshow view, I'd like to be able to pre-set a bunch of default options. In this case, I'd like it to default to full screen, large size, 7 seconds per image, show captions. fade pm. The idea is that they click on a "slideshow" link I send them and the slideshow just starts with all the right options already set. They don't have to learn anything about navigating smugmug.
4) Is there a way for journal view to offer a larger view of the images. It's showing for me as a 200x300 (small size). The Elegant view shows a 299x450 (medium size). Ideally, I'd like Journal view with something a little larger than medium, but I'd take medium if I could get it.
Any helpful thoughts will be appreciated.
1) I want the gallery to "default" to Journal style and start out in that style, but still allow the viewer to switch to another view if they want. So far, all I can find that will start out in Journal view is to lock it in Journal view.
2) I'd like to offer a link in my introductory email that starts them in slideshow view. As it is, if I want to offer both Journal and Slideshow view, I have to send them an email with a link to the gallery. If they click on that link, the gallery will likely be in neither journal or slideshow view. If have to then explain in my email how they switch views. I'd rather just send them two links, one that starts in journal view and one that starts in slideshow view. By any chance, are there "?style=xxx" parameters that can accomplish this. When I watch the URL as I change styles, nothing changes so by default, smugmug isn't using the URL to track the current style.
3) When I offer a link to slideshow view, I'd like to be able to pre-set a bunch of default options. In this case, I'd like it to default to full screen, large size, 7 seconds per image, show captions. fade pm. The idea is that they click on a "slideshow" link I send them and the slideshow just starts with all the right options already set. They don't have to learn anything about navigating smugmug.
4) Is there a way for journal view to offer a larger view of the images. It's showing for me as a 200x300 (small size). The Elegant view shows a 299x450 (medium size). Ideally, I'd like Journal view with something a little larger than medium, but I'd take medium if I could get it.
Any helpful thoughts will be appreciated.
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To set a different default gallery style via a hyperlink, using the following format...
where <template> is as follows...
3 - SmugMug
4 - Traditional
7 - All Thumbs
8 - Slideshow
9 - Journal
10 - SmugMug Small
11 - Filmstrip
12 - Critique
Hope this helps,
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There are some potholes we need to think about in order to pull these suggestions off, but we will mull them over.
We love getting clear feedback like this.
All the best,
Thanks. This helps a bunch. This works to get someone started in the right style, while still letting them switch to other styles. So, as is, I can use this to get someone started in the Journal style.
For starting them in the slideshow style, I wish I could start them out in a full screen slideshow. The default size slideshow doesn't show them anything more than they see with other views (images are small). I'd really like to start them out in a full screen slideshow. Any hidden parameters for that one?
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Glad it helped. Unfortunately, things aren't as easy to do with the full screen version of the slideshow, it's a fair bit more complex.
SmugMug API Developer
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For the smugmug folks. I've been thinking about this "starting style" for a gallery some more. What we want is the ability to set the default style for a gallery, but still allow the user to change it themselves if they want. In my particular case today, this would let me set the default style to Journal, but still let people use slideshow or elegant if they want.
What would work for me would be to take the "Style" drop-down in the customize gallery page and make it be the "Default Style". Then, add an item right below it that says "Allow User to Change Style" and make that a Yes/No option with a default for Yes. Existing settings for the current field that are NOT viewer controlled would set "Allow User to Change Style" to No and get the same behavior they have today (thus maintaining backward compatibility, but giving everyone more choice going forward).
This would let you set the "starting style" for a gallery and would allow you to either let users see other styles or not.
I'm also still interested in a link that starts a full screen slideshow with captions on.
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The problem was that once someone clicked on a link, the player's pictures were only shown in journal style (it doesn't look like we can allow the user to set the style for a keyword search).
I used your code above to create a link for each player, e.g., like this my son.
This way, I ended up with the team photo in journal view and the resulting player's pictures in smugmug small.
This question came by email today.
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I forced all my galleries to journal... and the user still has access to the slideshow since there is a button for it in journal view.
Example here
This code goes in the footer section... (it's a little hacked up right now, but it works) Check out the customization forum for more advanced versions.
I'm a new Smugmug user and while navigation is fine once you're familiar with Smugmug, it'd be great if we could better control the viewer's initial experience to make it simple. And to make our photos be delivered to the viewer in the manner we think best suits them (with, of course, the option for the user to change.)
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Where do I call this script? I put it in the footer, but my image sizes didn't change...
did you get this working? I just noticed your question.... I know, almost a month later...<img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Check a couple gallery settings...
Make sure you don't have "hide owner" set on the gallery (stops customization)
make sure the 'appearance' setting is set to custom
also, make sure the url you are using uses your nickname.smugmug, not www.smugmug...
last thing I can think of is make sure you are viewing a gallery, not a keyword, I've had trouble getting my keywords results to be displayed in my custom journal view. (I thought this had worked before, but recently I noticed it doesn't.... I asked here on dgrin about it, but nobody responded.)
lastly again, the hack I had above has been improved, by the customization gods, try this one now:
css code
footer code
And thank you, dmc, for the help here in this thread
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I donot see anywhere in the code where what galleries are specified?
tried entering the code and nada.
Any gallery viewed in Journal style will use this hack...
Also, double check for the gotcha's here
and here
and lastly, make sure the gallery has some description defined for it. The code has a bug that if there is no description to read, it doesn't work.
I was also hoping to be able to force a visitor to a particular viewing style (filmstrip) but still want them to be able to change to their choice. Is this possible? At the moment I have everyone forced on the filmstrip and they can't change. I have a pro account: e.g:
In the beginning of this thread, it shows a way to do this by URL, but what if I just want a hack so that everytime any gallery is opened, it opens in the filmstrip, then the viewer can change if they like to another viewing style.
Many thanks in advance.
get rid of the isClass function...and use the built-in yui version.
YD.hasClass(document.body, 'journal')
SmugMug API Developer
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This link is great, it half solves my my problems of linking to my site externally direct to keywords, but unfortunately people who wander in via a non gallery link still wont get this forced style.
Knowing this hack exists now however raises the question to me that if this code exists within the smugmug codebase why can it not be worked into the system so that when any page of photos is called (gallery or keywords or other), if its not a gallery with its own settings then it calls this code with default settings that the user can customize. Voila!
If we can now set a default theme, why not a default style?
umm... well I just happened to peruse this thread and noticed this posting directed at me! I made the change and my pics look much better now, thanks!
congrats on your new job! looking forward to you making quick work of the many outstanding feature requests! especially the easy ones like, "gee... why can't I download my own pic when I'm logged in??" and such.
let me know when you have the "configurable journal" style working... You know, the one that lets me pick how many pics per page, and what size, etc... and some other cool features that even I haven't thought of
I'm having a little trouble w/the syntax in my navbar...can you see what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks.
<li><a href="<smugmug small>&origin=<<A href="">Most">">Most Popular Photos</a></li>
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
use this:
<li><a href="<10>&origin=<<A href="">Most">">Most Popular Photos</a></li>
NOT the words, smugmug small, rather the number "10"
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I want to set the popular gallery to smugmug small. I tried this but it is not working. Could you please check if I am missing something? <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
My link
your link should look like this:
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Thanks Andy. Its working now
Hi, I can't get this to work... Can you please give me the command to my case ?
I want to make the gallery
always start as Film Strip whenever they click on "MyFavorites" on my navbar.
Thank you !!!
He's traveling today, and tomorrow.
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