SmugShowBuilder - Quickly generate HTML and URLs for SmugMug Flash Slideshows

I'm pleased to announce the release of SmugShowBuilder! SmugShowBuilder is another little project of mine which I've decided to make freely available to the SmugMug community. (The other is AlbumFetcher.) It's a simple web app that serves two main functions:
1. Quickly create the HTML for embedded SmugMug Flash Slideshows
2. Create URLs for full-screen versions of SmugMug Flash Slideshows
SmugShowBuilder is web-based (hosted on Google AppSpot), so it should run on any internet-connected computer. It's completely free to use.
This DGrin thread will be the project's home page. Feedback is extremely appreciated, and if there are bugs and/or other issues (as there always are), please let me know here. This is a hobby, so I can't hope to live up to SmugMug's standard of customer service, but I will try to help you out if you're having an issue with the app.
Future ideas:
1. Quickly create the HTML for embedded SmugMug Flash Slideshows
2. Create URLs for full-screen versions of SmugMug Flash Slideshows
SmugShowBuilder is web-based (hosted on Google AppSpot), so it should run on any internet-connected computer. It's completely free to use.
This DGrin thread will be the project's home page. Feedback is extremely appreciated, and if there are bugs and/or other issues (as there always are), please let me know here. This is a hobby, so I can't hope to live up to SmugMug's standard of customer service, but I will try to help you out if you're having an issue with the app.
Future ideas:
- Auto-parse gallery URLs
- Add selection of presets
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Just tried it out - cool. Thank you VERY much.
Thanks! Glad somebody besides me found a use for it.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Before I post it, I wanted to get your ok for wrapping your pretty flash with a crusty gadget. I created a google gadget wrapper that you can try out by just adding it manually to iGoogle or some other widget page - Let me know if its ok and how you want to be credited.
By the way, I have updated my old JS gadget too in the google directory since it never worked real well -
Fine by me. I'm actually not sure you need my permission. The Flash Slideshow is all coming from SmugMug and has been offered for a long time; my webapp just makes building the URLs or HTML for embedding much less fiddly. Cool stuff.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Ah, didn't realize that was the built-in one. Guess I'm good to go. Thanks for thumbs up.
<object align="middle" height="700" width="1000"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="flashvars" value="AlbumID=8764703&AlbumKey=dekGt&autoStart=true&captions=true&clickToImage=true&randomize=false&randomStart=false&showButtons=true&showLogo=false&showStartButton=true&showThumbs=true&transparent=true&bgColor=000000&borderColor=747170&borderCornerStyle=rounded&borderThickness=4&clickUrl=blank&crossFadeSpeed=350&forceSize=OriginalURL&imgAlign=top&splashDelay=1000"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="bgcolor" value="000000"><param name="allowNetworking" value="all"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" flashvars="AlbumID=8764703&AlbumKey=dekGt&autoStart=true&captions=true&clickToImage=true&randomize=false&randomStart=false&showButtons=true&showLogo=false&showStartButton=true&showThumbs=true&transparent=true&bgColor=000000&borderColor=747170&borderCornerStyle=rounded&borderThickness=4&clickUrl=blank&crossFadeSpeed=350&forceSize=OriginalURL&imgAlign=top&splashDelay=1000" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="700" width="1000"></embed></object>
But where do I put this and how do I get it to effect this "gallery?"
Do I need to put anything in my CSS?
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
Yes, you can embed that in your gallery. The easiest way would be putting HTML tags in your description section and pasting the code there.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Working on it. I like it!
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
I am not aware of one. SmugSorcerers, do you have any advice?
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
Hi there- I needed this and it works great! 1 thing I can't figure out though is why when I click on the large image in order to be brought to the gallery on my site so that I can purchase the pic, it's coming up 'page not found'? I have a client that is going to embed a slideshow on his site and his clients need to be able to click the picture they want and be brought to my site to buy it. Did I do something wrong int he builder? this is the code I got:
<object align="middle" height="400" width="600"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="flashvars" value="AlbumID=8838035&AlbumKey=SE67k&autoStart=true&captions=false&clickToImage=true&randomize=false&randomStart=false&showButtons=true&showLogo=true&showSpeed=false&showStartButton=false&showThumbs=true&transparent=true&bgColor=e3e3e3&borderColor=ffffff&borderCornerStyle=square&forceSize=MediumURL"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="bgcolor" value="000000"><param name="allowNetworking" value="all"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" flashvars="AlbumID=8838035&AlbumKey=SE67k&autoStart=true&captions=false&clickToImage=true&randomize=false&randomStart=false&showButtons=true&showLogo=true&showSpeed=false&showStartButton=false&showThumbs=true&transparent=true&bgColor=e3e3e3&borderColor=ffffff&borderCornerStyle=square&forceSize=MediumURL" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" height="400" width="600"></embed></object>
This needs to go live tomorrow, so I'm hoping you can help. Thanks SO much in advance
Something weird is going on with your domain name. SmugMug thinks your website is, because that's where the slideshow is redirecting when you click on a photo. But none of your galleries actually work at; they work at (You can see this by changing the URL yourself after clicking on a picture from within the slideshow.)
I see you have a homepage set up at that has links which redirect to different sites, one of them being your SmugMug site.
Check your CNAME settings under your SmugMug control panel. Hope that helps.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
You can disregard my confusion above...THANK YOU SO MUCH for pointing me in the right direction...all fixed!!!
Good deal. I was all set to 'splain things, but I'm sure happy you got it sorted.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I have been trying to customized a slide show that can be easily duplicated for each one of my customer proof galleries and to be able to add new galleries quickly. I have attempted to use the super cool slidebuilder tool, but I keep getting double slide shows, buttons in the wrong place, etc.
I really like the standard slideshow, but would like to make a few simple changes. Can someone please show me how?
Here is what I have:
But this is what I am trying to achieve:
Any guidance, help, insults or general comments are welcome.
Thank you!
asked for variables for controlling some of this. No response yet. Might put
in a feature request.
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you Allen.
I can get close to that I need with the super duper slideshow generator, but I am having trouble with the Fullscreen, Buy & view cart button locations. (They end up at the bottom of my slideshow.) I also end up with duplicate slideshows in the gallery. Grrrrrr. I am a photog and just want to take photos.... Maybe I need to hire a developer.
My Website index | My Blog
Ah, good thinking 99!
Gallery Password: bob
Thank you Allen!!!!!
My Website index | My Blog
Hi Allen,
thanks for looking. I was playing, so you must have caught me between edits. It is there now in all its un-coolness.
There are 2 slide shows appearing, but I dont know why. The top one is the new script in the "description" field, the one on the bottom is the smugmug standard.
I like the look and everything of the smugmug standard, but just with the tweaks that apparently cant be done. So I am trying to do it with the slide show builder. If I could just make some tweaks to the slideshow builder code, I may be most of the way there. Any ideas?
Thank you again.
.gallery_8850855 #photos {display:none}
But make sure that it hides the photos only in this gallery, not in all of your galleries. Now tell me, how did you get the javscript slideshow centered (you used the slideshow generator and put the javascript in the gallery description, right?)?
When I've tried it, it comes out left aligned, unless if I set it up as a traditional gallery and then hide the photos. But when it's set up like yours, with the description for a slideshow gallery, you get the fullscreen button, which I like.
My Fine Art Photography
My Infrared Photography
Ah, that code worked Allen! It suppressed the extra slideshow. Thank you.
I simply used html <center> to put it in the middle of the page. Now, if I can only find a way to put a frame around the container, and not the images and move those bloody buttons to the top of the container.
I have been searching the forums to try and find an answer to this one. I created a slide show using the SmugMug Flash Slide show Builder, great tool by the way.
I am wondering if there is a way to have the slide show start with the fast speed setting instead of the medium setting. Here is a link to the page
I have seen a few places where this is discussed and Have tried a few things on my own but cannot seem to get this to work.