crop thumbnails not working

I've been trying to replace the 1x1 cropped thumbnail (kind reposition the 1x1 crop) and the thumbnails are not updating (after like 15 minutes). I've tried on 2 different computers and 4 different browsers. The thumbnails are still the original ones from when I uploaded them 4 hours ago.
Is there a hangup somewhere? :scratch
Is there a hangup somewhere? :scratch
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
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If I change the crop thumbnail of the image to "a full image", it changes the thumbnail instantly.
If I then go and change it to some "custom" crop, it goes back to the 1x1 cropped image which was auto created when the image was uploaded.
Something is definitely not correct. And needs to be fixed ASAP.
This is the image that I have as my gallery feature thumbnail.
It is now cutting off the grooms head when I have a custom crop thumbnail set.
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Oops, something happened and we couldn't crop your photo
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"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. " ... Ansel Adams
Oh ... at least now I know that it isn't just me.
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holler if you run across this again, okay?
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Thanks ... whatever the wizards did, it is now working. Thanks.
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I have a problem in another gallery ... I cannot change this thumbnail.
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if you see this again, please email our heroes with the details, thanks!
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Andy, sorry to keep bothering you, but there must be a problem with this gallery ... here is another one that I was trying to not chop the groom's head and it won't take the new thumbnail:
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I still wanted you to get fast help
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when this happens,
1. reset crop
2. recrop to 1x1
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Tried that and other combinations ... no help.
Note: "reset crop" sometimes gives me a random crop on the screen, I still click save but never really saves it.
Anyway ... I e-mailed help@ so hopefully they can look into it.
Thanks again Andy.
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I am having the same issue for the past couple of days now. My older galleries seem to work fine. This newer gallery had pics updated to it a few days ago and I cannot crop the thumbnails on all the pics, only some. There seems to be no reason for the ones that I can crop. Some randomly work, others don't. I have tried numerous times, tried reuploading the pic, tried logging out and back in, refreshed my page, etc. Nothing seems to make it work. I am clicking on the picture I want to crop, click on Tools, More...Crop Thumbnail, change to 1x1 and then Save Crop, right? That has been working in the past and still does on some, but not all. What is wrong? Does anyone know? Getting frustrated...
Thanks for any info.
Winnsboro, TX
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This has been going on since this thread was started and it's starting to get on my nerves.
Thanks, Paul
"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. " ... Ansel Adams
Sorry about your troubles. I'll report this one. If I have any news, I'll post it here on the thread. It does look as if there is a problem with newly uploaded photos and cropping thumbnails. I hope that our sorcerers can pinpoint this issue soon.
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I made this gallery last night and I'm having the same problem:
Any word on the issue? I've already sent the gallery link to my client, so it's rather important.
This brings to mind an unanswered question: is it possible to upload custom thumbnails?
Jake: Hit it.
Thanks for the example. I've passed it on. I'm afraid, at this point, we can't do anything else than wait for our engineers to figure out what's going on. I hope they'll be able to pinpoint this with all the data from you. My apologies for any inconvenience.
No, uploading custom thumbnails is not possible.
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Jake: Hit it.
Jake: Hit it.
This is the link to the album I am having trouble with. There are three pictures that worked fine, the luck. I tried to delete all pics and reload them, didn't help. It's been about three or four days I've been trying to figure this one out. HELP US SUPERHERO!
Winnsboro, TX