Show me the logos!
So I'm thinking I need to develop a more personalized logo and would like to know what other photographers have done. In addition to wanting to see them I'd also like to know how you a) came up with the idea and b) how you made it (no step by step, unless of course you want to lol) like what program you used and whatnot.
thanks I have, but I know some people have great logos in their watermark, but not on their card that i've seen.
My logo:
My business card:
Images in the Backcountry
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thank you this is the kind of thing i'm looking for. like mine has an e and r and the name is emerald rose,you'd thing that'd be easy right? wrong lol
If you need help with a logo/card, PM or e-mail me. I have designed a few logos and business cards....:D
Images in the Backcountry
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Worked with a graphic designer on this one. Sure beats my old, sloppy, personally designed, uh, "logo"
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Hi. I worked with a graphic designer on this one too.
It has to serve two purposes - one photographic and one verbal - so I also create word images for my writing clients.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
With a name like yours I would think about something with a green rose in it to start...
Gary Peterson
Award Winning Photographer
Winner Brides Choice Award 2017
Winner Best of Spokane 2016
Winner Brides Choice Award 2016
Winner Brides Choice Award 2015
Winner Best of Spokane 2015
Winner Wedding Wire Couples Choice Award 2014
Winner Best Photographer 2013 Spokane A-List
Winner Brides Choice Award 2013
Winner Best of Spokane Northwest Inlander 2012
Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2011
Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2010
Winner Brides Choice Award 2011
Winner Brides Choice Award 2010
(509) 230-9785
Images in the Backcountry
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That's it. I have always kind of liked it. Simple, to the point, casual, me. (it is my hand writing after all).
That having been said, I was just told that it looks unprofessional and that said someone would 'never hire me' because of it.
I use it as a watermark on my wedding photos on my blog as well as on my main site as well.
Here is a wedding website I created for a customer as a value-add. Comments appreciated.
Founding member of The Professional Photography Forum as well.
Last year I had some help from a Dgrin member in designing a new watermark. She saw what I was trying to do and lent her expert advice and samples to the cause.
Why several....?
-The logo on my website's banner is the same as my current business card. It is something Id like to change before the end of this year, if I ever can get around to it.
-For watermarks...I also use several.
- I use this grungy style watermark for my senior portraits. It's a bit funky....but doesnt look that great stamped onto wedding work.
-For weddings, I use a simple box with my web addy in either black or white. It's a bit more "grown-up" in appearance, and also less intrusive.
(Ill be back....Smugmug isnt letting me into my website to get examples)
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
The logo itself just uses the B and C from my banner logo font, with 3 extra little lines
(Easier to see directly on my site since the "black cat" text in my banner logo is so close in color to DGrin's default background:
I do would like a green rose, but there are sooooo many different ways you could go with that lol
So a friend of a friend, before I even came on here, said she'd do a logo for me, still charging me, but less than most. I figured great, my friend and her bil both used her for their businesses and she does this for a living with a big company. Well I don't know about the options that were given me and I have mixed feelings about what i should do. so here are the options she gave me:
So what do the other professionals think, should I just scrap this, ask to change a couple things and if so then what? If I don't want to use any of these should I still pay her the full fee? I know she did the work so I feel she should get paid for that, but idk? I mean I see some things i like, but
When working with a graphic artist who is designing your logo, I feel it's imperative to have some deep discussions about your company and vision. I also think you need to look at some concept type work prior to the finished product.
If you ask the graphic artist to just go design a logo for you with minimal input chances are your not going to be happy.
Your job is to as best you can detail your thoughts and vision. The graphic designers job is to use their expertise, ans skills to bring this to life.
While I might think they are fine and dandy it's your vision that counts here.
Unless the Graphic artist disregarded your input or didn't follow explicit instructions I think you should pay her.
The others are okay, but not a good logo IMO. Good luck.
Images in the Backcountry
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Atlanta, GA
Realistically it always makes more sense to have several elements as part of your collateral to apply appropriately to various media.
It is not at all uncommon a true logo - think, AT&T Globe; Nike Swoosh; Target bullseye - is used as a monument piece in media with other related identifiers.
Given that you have a foundation in those samples posted here I propose you consider the following. Choosing the center film strip frames, eliminate all text and color the rose emerald green. This can be done effectively and easily reproduced if your color specification is Pantone compatible / CMYK balanced.
Staying away from that horrid cursive font your friend selected, have your corporate identifier done as a separate piece along with contact info.
Imagine the use on a business letterhead:
the [full color rose in film frame] at the top of the page
the business name; "Emerald Rose Photography" with contact info placed in one of three standard locations
a) running across the bottom margin of the page footer
b) in a text box
c) as a graphic line element below the logo but above the body of the letter
Stop trying to create an all-in-one piece. It doesn't work that way.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
thanks for some of those ideas. Can I ask all of you why everyone is against 'pretty' fonts? Is it because you're mostly men and so of course don't really identify with flowy fonts (fyi women in general like those types of fonts it makes them feel pretty or more high end- I asked this same question about which logo to a forum of all women and no one picked the plain text, but even when they disliked the design they liked the font)? Just curious since so many seem to put down any type of flowy or non-standard font.
"pretty" is subjective and this has nothing to do with male or female sensitivities it has to do with good design. The fonts displayed are just simple, overused TTFs anyone can find on their Windows platform.
Here are samples of 5 cursive fonts I use regularly in my designs and I am NOT a woman.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
thanks in general lol those are nice, i guess there are just more fonts out there than i realize lol what are those fonts if you don't mind me asking?:D
First and foremost, you should definitely pay her some fee. Any graphic designer worth their salt is not going to demand a full fee if the client wasn't happy. However, you agreed to have her do work for you and knew that you would be charged, so you have an obligation to pay her something. The hard part is agreeing on what that will be.
Second, you and the designer should have had both a contract, and lots of discussions about what you wanted. While that's still no guarantee that her vision will match yours, it's a lot more likely than when people say, "Oh, just do something simple." It's possible that detailed discussions did happen, but I get the sense they didn't.
Third, I'm not at all impressed by the work. In fact, I somewhat question whether she really spends her days doing logo design. Four of the logos are the same thing, with just the font and some of the text locations changed.
Lastly - you're on the right track though. Working with a designer for logo, business card, stationary, and other material design is the right thing to do. The right designer will be able to hit a home run and your image (and perhaps even your business) will benefit. I just think in this case, you haven't found the right one. Shop around. Look at their portfolios. If they catch your interest, spend time talking with them about your vision. Eventually you'll find someone that's the right fit.
Because they're hard to read. While you want something attractive, it's more important that it be effective. Also, to be quite blunt, a script font or too many fonts is a sure sign of an "amateur" design. You can spot them a mile away.
Nikon D300, 18-135/3.5-5.6, 70-300/4.5-5.6, SB800
thanks for this, I guess I'm just going to have to lay it all out and either let her try something new or go a different way and if it's the latter then figure out a good fee for the time she gave.
Angelo is the man! What great advice.
I know he helped me with my business card.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
First, did you see other relevant work produced by this person that gave you confidence and assurance s/he had the skill and experience to deliver suitable work for you?
Second, did you think about, specify and communicate your needs and expectations clearly, for example stating the type of photography and the business image or style you wanted the logo to convey, and by providing examples of other photography business logos you have identified previously with ideas or elements that appeal to you, etc?
If, in effect, you simply said "give me some logo suggestions" and they were produced to the best of this person's ability (whatever that might be), then that's what you got and that's what you should expect to pay for.
The expression "you get what you pay for" also comes to mind.
I saw some things and I had personal references. I told her what type of work I do, the feeling I wanted and whatnot, but no I did not give her examples of stuff I liked besides what I was using for now (her designs are not anything like what i'm using). I gave her my site, and she didn't ask any questions so I assumed (yes i know what that means lol) we were going to be on the same track. I wanted something with vines I guess, something like this person is having a contest for here (thought about doing this, but they've changed it to where the lowest you'd pay is 232) or what this lady does here but of course incorporating the emerald rose, heck I'd even consider a normal rose with an emerald colored stem or leaves that look like emeralds or something lol. I think this is what I need to send her and see if she can do it and if not move on. DO you guys think that's a good idea? I did reread her email and she said if i was happy with the designs then I'd pay the fee, so ...
Ok so before I email the designer that did those other logos I decided to go through and find other logos i like to give her an idea and I think i found basically what i'm looking for in a design someone did for another photographer (the photographer did not choose this design so it's not like i'm copying one that's already out there- this is from a contest on
So here it is:
What do you guys think, I mean of course the name would change and the color would become a green... And maybe a little more flare at the end to balance it out. I wanted your opinions before emailing her and now if she can't do it I know who to contact lol
here are some other links of images i liked: another contender the tree various ones including the winner
ok so what do you think? any more suggestions?:ivar