Be Social - Sharing Problem

I have just tried out the new Be Social sharing feature, only to receive the following error when I tried to share with facebook...
Invalid argument
The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL ( must be in the same domain or be in a subdomain of an application's base domain ( You can configure the base domain in the application's settings.
Seems like you have to use url... but I have a domain switcher code with always changes my url to
Any ideas??
I have just tried out the new Be Social sharing feature, only to receive the following error when I tried to share with facebook...
Invalid argument
The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL ( must be in the same domain or be in a subdomain of an application's base domain ( You can configure the base domain in the application's settings.
Seems like you have to use url... but I have a domain switcher code with always changes my url to
Any ideas??
And that domain switcher code, well, for these reasons I don't recommend it.
We're trying a workaround to make up for the facebook issue, stay tuned.
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Ok, have got rid of the domain swapper, and posted a comment... but I cannot see it displayed in Facebook anywhere!! Where should it appear??
Michael - main website - smugmug site
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What you do affects more than just you...
What you do affects more than just you...
I click Facebook and it asks me to log in to Facebook, but when I do, I get a window with the SmugMug home page. Nothing happens in Facebook.
I have SmugMug 'turned on' in Facebook.
Am I supposed to see my smugmug site on Facebook?
Or, what happens in Facebook that is related to Smugmug?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Oh, I see, thanks. Next question: I was able to post 2 links to galleries, but could not post a link to an individual photo (which was a video). Is this supposed to work for only galleries? I should say the process went through as if everything was working, attached a message/title, sent to stream, etc., but on Facebook nothing showed.
Also the first time I tried it (after I switched to It didn't post anything, I filled it all out a second time and it appeared in an instant.
Not sure if this is a bug or just me but it's bedtime here in the UK so I'm giving up and will check it out's going to be a great feature though once I can get it working right
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Ok, I still couldn't get this to work today but after much messing around trying this, that and the other I discovered that most of my gallery's would post fine to Facebook, just not the one I really wanted to post. After a process of elimination I worked out that some of the photo's in the gallery that wouldn't post had two lines of text in the caption field, once I reduced this to one line the gallery would post!
So problem solved! I shall just have small captions in future Member
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks Andy, this worked great! The ability to add text to it as well to get the word out my galleries are up for viewing and purchasing. When the features we are all waiting for are up we can even put in the coupon codes and such. That will be cool.. Member
Once again, #FAIL on a new feature. I mean seriously, SmugMug doesn't have testing of custom domains as part of the standard test plan and test cases for all new features?
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I know you also wrote our help desk - we'll handle here please, so that we don't have to do double answering, ok? Thanks and sorry again for the hassle.
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I entered to following into the 'Be Social' share box on SmugMug
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Thanks a bunch for stating and restating till it finally sunk in for me. Your patience is beyond my comprehension. I hope they double your attaboys.
You folks indeed wrote,
"Gotcha: At this time, Facebook Connect doesn't work through custom domains, so please view your gallery through your SmugMug nickname (, instead. Sorry!"
That's on the help page in here under Sharing --> Be Social:
The reason my brain didn't register? Perhaps because the text reads
"VIEW your gallery through your SmugMug nickname"
as distinguished from
"LOG IN to your gallery through your SmugMug nickname."
Doh! I get it - that amounts to the same thing.
Perhaps that text could be tweaked.
After getting the weird domain blah blah message from Facebook, I figured things out by searching this forum. All now appears functional.
Thanks again, Andy!
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