Chal 41 ginger comments?

Is this the idea if I figure out how to do the movie type, etc. Who the people are. I just threw this together. The only thing I know here is the Movie Title and what I put up here.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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It is solitary in country like I bird in. I had to find out the title, when I remembered that she wrote The Yearling, I looked "her" up last night, early morning?, found that book she wrote. I knew it would be mentioned if I could find her.
It is her surroundings that looked important. As I remember vaguely. It is florida, I think Cross Creek was the name of the settlement, a small one. I have none of those people. I have been on the lookout for a photo that could look like the are she was in. I thought this would be it.
Did you see the movie?
"lose the lettering" now makes me rethink my first attempt and what I was planning.
As Andy posted:
challenge 40 is about "movie titles," it's very wide open
So how about you make your own movie poster based on your own movie idea. Totally imaginary.
The creature from the green lagoon...Feathers and Fish....Eating Nemo...
<img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Originally Posted by ginger_55
any movie titles where southern landscapes, beach landscapes, or birds, but not like "THE BIRDS" could be used. Am willing, but reluctant, to pay to get into Boone Hall to shoot "the" plantation for Gone With The Wind, but would want to make my 15.00, or whatever count. Obviously would need morning or afternoon. Don't think it is open late. But would it even be worth it, I have this problem: no people to put in shots anywhere.
So, landscapes, birds, plantation? And I bought, yesterday, a book with a gazillion movie titles in it, but there are too many. I was never a big movie fan............can't do The Yearling, don't have the deer or whatever.
I am a little stymied. Any ideas?
Also, can we do a poster?
"Don't blame the camera, it's only doing what you make it do." . . . . . . . . <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Ginger, why do you make things more difficult then they actually are? This is not rocket science, god knows I would have failed long ago if it were. But in my opinion you constantly beat yourself up over the littlest things. It's a contest, period. Stop beating yourself up over it!
You said
I don't have any thoughts of my own along those lines. Coming up with my own title, selling it etc was stopping me from entering.
With all the knowledge and life experience that you have I find that statement hard to believe. A simple google search would provide you with plenty of motivation. I've provided a link to pretty much all the Movie Titles ever produced.
I hope that you find it useful.
Joe B
hiya Ginger,
I probably did things a little backwards when trying for an entry to this challenge. I take a lot of photos and happened to get this great one of a fostered kitty sticking to my leg (earlier post somewhere). I was like, "wow, there should be some movie with a title that fits that!" So, I went to the Internet Movie Database ( and started typing in some keywords - kitty, cat, attached, anxiety...and found a title called Separation Anxiety. Voila!
Though I'm sure some have ideas where first the movie title happens, then the photo shoot to portray their method was more freeform. Take the a cool pic, then find a title to fit it :-)
Imax, you could make me very angry, very fast. I am not as motivated about these challenges as you are, don't care that much.
I am not making things difficult, I am doing what I want to do, my way. I have been entering these things for over a year. I am not going to beat myself up for a challenge, not right now.
When I post, infrequently here, I am just talking, for the most part.
You enter, you do it your way, I will do it mine. OK? I have not been critical of you or your work, not that I know of. And last I heard, you wanted the rest of us to work a bit harder on this thing.
Been there, done that, am not doing that right now.
6/19/2005 photography by ginger
Without the lettering, but a bit different from each other???
His comment was my inspiration to go that route also. Now that Andy told you to "lose the lettering" I'm lost as to what is permissable in this "wide open" challenge.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I should be on your thread, Angelo. I am not confused as to what to do about that. I am going to hold off on the lettering. Andy is at least 1/2 of the people who choose the finalists, if I am lucky enough to get any advice from him/them, I will take it. But I don't think it was a rule, just advice. That is how I took it.
Also, it is wide open, IMO. I could think up my own title if I wanted to. I just don't want to. I loved "eating Nemo", could use it, we have an aquarium, no sharks, though, but I could use it, just don't want to, even if it is a winner, I don't want to. I never wanted to watch that supposedly wonderful movie. I even rented it, but only watched a little while.
I would rather honor a movie I loved, albeit a long time ago. So I am going with Cross Creek. Particularly as it so fits my interests now. And I am not going to put lettering on. That is really a relief to me as I don't have a strong desire to do a poster right now.
So, what should you do???? I have no idea. You could put your entry into the critique thread. That is why I have not done that: I keep thinking I have only one entry a week I can put in there, maybe I will want it for a photo I am thinking of entering in the Challenge. So, that is an option for you.
I really like your poster, with the exception of the one line across, I don't know what I would do if I were you. I guess we all make our decisions based on different things at different times.
I am just looking to honor a movie in the best way possible.
But Angelo, I so appreciate your posting a comment here, haven't heard that much from you for awhile. Maybe I have, just haven't listened. Anyway, with me it is Cross Creek or die (no, don't take that seriously. You all take me too seriously).
I will probably start a new thread and ask for opinions between the two possibles for that. They are the ones most adaptable to that movie, I think, that were done in the time frame for the Challenge.
I am sure her "creek" was like our creeks, a loose term, different from a mtn creek. I am sure she lived with the egrets, herons, the same as I do when I am not at home. I feel a closeness here, I am just trying to best illustrate it. I know that the movie poster emphasized the people, but I can't/am not going to do that. I am trying to emphasize the environment she loved at that time in her life.
Does this make sense to anyone?
I am not trying to make this complicated, just meaningful to me.
Not trying to make you angry Ginger, but for someone who trys so hard and critiques herself as you do I find it difficult to believe that you don't care that much.
I am not making things difficult, I am doing what I want to do, my way. I have been entering these things for over a year. I am not going to beat myself up for a challenge, not right now.
And if I'm not mistaken that is what someone recomended you do in an earlier post. Do it the way you see fit, enjoy it. Life is too short to worry about the BS!
When I post, infrequently here, I am just talking, for the most part.
And that's great. Talk all you want. No one suggested that you do otherwise!
You enter, you do it your way, I will do it mine. OK?
I always have Ginger.
I have not been critical of you or your work, not that I know of.
Nor have I been critical of you or yours. I've always enjoyed your photographs. I guess that it's just the tone of your posts that gives me the idea that you are beating yourself up, and that was the reason for mine.
And last I heard, you wanted the rest of us to work a bit harder on this thing.
That's a choice that only you can make Ginger, working harder, and beating yourself up are two completely different topics. If you read the heading in my post to you it stated that I had no intention of being mean to you or making you mad. They are just words and there are three things you can do with them.
1. Don't Pay Attention To Them.
2. Pay Attention To Them And Take Them Negatively.
3. Pay Attention To Them And Use Them In A Positive Way.
The choice is yours.............
Joe B
They are for Cross Creek, all four of these, I don't know which others would relate to best. I like all of them, naturally, they are my creations, smile.
I am going with the movie Cross Creek, I just would like an opinion on which you think represents that movie best.
And, I do wonder, if people just choose titles they don't know the movie, or titles where the rest of us don't know the movie, how are we going to know how well the photo represents the movie?
Anyway, I have seen this movie, it was years ago, I loved it then, and it is the one I want to represent. In the early 1900s, around 1930, a woman Marjorie Rawlings who wrote later, or during, The Yearling, she spent 10 yrs in a small area rural Florida area with marshes, birds, small animals, etc. There was a population of people in that area, too. The movie posters depict people. I want to depict the type of area which she loved. I think it is represented well by many of the areas I go.
I have worked up 4 photographs, I don't know which speaks best to others.
hi Ginger,
I love the ones with the clouds! In particular the first one with that glorious glow in the middle of the stack. My only question - how much Photoshop did you do? I ask b/c it seems like the orange and pink seem a bit, what's the word, oversaturated or overcontrast-ed?
I like the ones where you can see the creek over the ones with the bird and fence b/c you can't really see the creek.
As to your question about capturing the essence of a movie - I'm kinda figuring that the actual title of the movie to title the image would explain the image in a way the viewer would either (1) connect with the image and title, face value, or (2) know the movie and "see" the movie in the title, or (3) someone will make a pun on a movie title and have a totally unrelated pic (think Rainman as a picture of rain falling on a bald head).
I myself, whilst titleing Separation Anxiety with the kitty (and, if anyone in the Tucson area thinks she is sweet and wants to adopt her, please send me a message! Did you know the HUMANE society EUTHANIZES!!!gah!!!) I digress....anyhoot - I've never seen this Separation Anxiety movie, but boy, did it describe that pic! In your Cross Creek, I see the creek and the southern feel to the pic and unfortunately don't think much of the actual movie itself b/c I haven't seen it. (sorry)
Also - I emailed Andy and he posted a sticky...real movie titles :-)
ginger (am tired, am posting a collage, they don't like them, but I do.)
I am seeing really great shots with lots of saturation and defined edges. I would like to know how to do that. So I am experimenting.
So, if you get a chance, you could go down to the whipping post, say you don't like it, or whatever, then maybe others would respond, too.
This is something I really want to know about.
I did get more in the clouds through RAW, but I did not have to have flourescent, almost, colors. I am interested in this heavy approach I have been seeing lately, though.
You know how I don't like some criticism, well, this is one time I want it, and people could be afraid to give it to me.
now THAT is a movie title image! I get a really good feel from what you've shown...the bird, the bird skimming over the water (can you bring that out a bit? I can see the water b/c I know it's water...the ripples are nice), the southern mansion...I read "Cross Creek" and I totally get the idea of a movie being set in SC.
I'll post on Whipping Post, but only b/c you've asked
Oh yes, and I asked Andy b/c I didn't want to get in the middle of you and Imax's discussion.
Don't know the film tho'.
my stuff is here.....
Congratulations, you hit the jackpot. Now, tell me how you did it!!!:D
But I got into this last night. Just decided to put it up. You are right probably most would not know. That is probably why I originally used the bird on the dock. Most places have docks, though that one is a bit new, but it is over a marsh with a bird, very simple, thought it would work, didn't seem to.
I can't get ahold of, and rewatch, the movie before Monday.
No one in town has it. I tried calling all around yesterday. The library has it, but it is checked out, and we kept getting disconnected.......problems....
But I do know the type house you are talking about. Not to duplicate it, though. So would rather show area.
I don't think the sunset ones really work, that problem being is that I know where they are, and it is towards the harbor side. I picked the ones with the most marsh in them. Even the little house is not right.
Going to get coffee. Thanks for helping me. Or trying. We, at least, are on the same page.
A thought, if I go back out to the gardens, there is a row of slave cabins. I could use one of those for the house and try to set it up with a marsh shot. It would have to be a collage, and I would have to go back out there. Probably today.
But which one says it to you, and are the colors too bright?
The one I was referring to was of course the one with the house added. I really love the idea of adding the old slave quarters that you spoke of. On her property is the old cracker house that she lived in no fence of any kind ever. She didn't want to keep nature or her beloved neighbors out. Not far from her there were the old slave homes. I think that idea is worth a try. I must say, this is one of your best images. That I have seen anyway. Just my opinion!
Good luck, and even if you don't win or place in the finals look at what a wonderful image "YOU" have created!!!
Share instructions with me on how to make an image like this, I have always wanted to try just didn't know where to start!
The last line from the book is incredible:
"Cross Creek belongs to the wind and the rain, to the sun and the seasons, to the cosmic secrecy of seed, and beyond all, to time"
What a way to end an incredible story!
The only library that has the book is downtown. Will try to do a google search, then go to magnolia, I am so late today.
I did one more collage, no house. A vert. Am going to put it up, then eat, then something, gotta get out of here.
The collages are a technique, the only one, and they are a bitch to do, totally unpredictable, but not complicated, though it took me months to fill in what he left out. I got them from Scott Kelby's Photoshop CS book for digital photographers.
You have to make a new layer, copy, or something, of the photo to be moved on top of the main photo. The good news is, you can keep deleting that from the layers until you like it. The bad news is that it is so not controlled. But I like it.......if the effect is good, it is very good, if bad............horrid.
I use a copy photo, am terrified of losing my original.
ginger: so late, so little done...........I have to start sleeping at night.
thanks for coming back.