Toroweap Sunrise

Well, the Toroweap shoot this weekend that Aaron Nelson organized has come and gone. However, the memories and the pictures will last a lifetime. It was great seeing this location and hanging out with friends old and new. Major thanks and kudos to Aaron for taking the initiative to organize the trip. :bow
Lots of pix to go through and process. But I figured I'd toss this one up just so that I can be first. :wink

Lots of pix to go through and process. But I figured I'd toss this one up just so that I can be first. :wink

It was great to hang out with you again, F-stop!
Re: picture: easy on the blending. I does look overprocessed.
Thanks, Eia. Sunrise was at 6:30 AM or so. Yes to the tripod. Three shots blended in Photomatix, F22, ISO100, exposures were under a second.
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Thanks! So you've been there as well then. Not an easy place to get to, eh?
Thanks for the comment!
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Hey Nik, it was great to see you again and to hang out and shoot pics.
Not sure why you feel this shot looks over-processed. Looks ok to me.
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(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
A bunch of guys together you would think we would find arguement with politics, or football, but no, we argue photomatic vs. PS
my only suggestion would to maybe add some luminance to the clouds.
It was wonderful to finally meet you, and I look forward to the next time!
Didn't get to meet many people I was looking forward to meeting :cry
Didn't get to hang with Nik and Joel again :cry
Now I have to sit here and see shots like this come up over the next week. :bash
Nice stot Joel. Can't wait to view this at home on a better monitor. Look forward to seeing many more shots from this shoot I was so close yet so far from being apart of.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
A shot like that makes the heat worth it, if you ask me!
I love the size of the sun star you got here!
Great meeting you and I'm lookin' forward to see more of your shots!
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Thanks, Jack. Yes, you're right. Although I think with 3.2, they just call it HDR now. Fusion is actually the old Tone Compressor. I think that's right. This was the first image I processed with 3.2, so wasn't quite sure what I was doing.
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Not a bad idea on the clouds. I'm going to reprocess this shot. Turns out I screwed it up by leaving two exposures out of the image. It was actually a five shot HDR and I discovered this morning I used three.
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Yeah, what a BUMMER about your car woes. You got so close! But honestly, it sounds like you guys turned lemons into lemonade and found some great shooting opportunities yourselves. I won't spoil the surprise for the others, but I know you got some great stuff.
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Great picture, I think I was standing right next to you when you took this one ... if I get something even close to this I'll be in heaven
Thanks, man. Not only were you standing right next to me, but you pointed out the puffy clouds to me that had just caught the light. So thanks for that!
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Great meeting you and and hanging out in heat. See you again some time.
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Same here, a lot easier to shake loose for a weekend within a days drive than a days flight unfortunately. Looks like you all had a great time!
Joel - perfect composition on this shot and the diffraction star is money
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
It was great meeting you. Hope we get to do it again some time.
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Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
I was thinking of you guys while sitting on the beach enjoying the cool ocean breeze...
Compositionally I think this shot is spotless. It looks a little underexposed though, maybe because the sun was so bright? With a shot like this I think it's OK to really stretch that histogram and let the light and colors fly!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Hey Bryan, thanks a lot, man. As I think I've mentioned before, I'm originally from MA myself. So I think that makes me qualified to say, yes you should convince your wife to move out west.
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Thanks, Ron. Your comments mean a lot.
The trip was a lot of fun, and I'm glad I went. Someday you and I will end up meeting at some shoot somewhere, and I'll look forward to that.
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Thanks, Dan! Great meeting you as well, and I appreciate the comment. Oh, we'll do it again some time.
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Thank you, sir! And it was a pleasure to meet and shoot with you.
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Oh, man. You really know how to hurt a guy.
Thanks, Bill. Really appreciate the comment.
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