No shortage of entries from Seattle but I'll throw a couple into the mix (I won't include the one from MC #3, but #2 is similar and in color).
#1: I have a million variations of this composition (dusk, dawn, sunset, sunrise, moonrise, fall, summer, winter, spring...), I like this one because of the rare conditions (snow with a clear day!). Also it was a tricky exposure, I had to use a 3-stop and 2-stop GND filter combined. These days I might try manually blending multiple exposures instead.
#2: Dusk in the Emerald City. Shot from my top secret location
I was hoping someone would enter a tilt-shift cityscape. I love the look of these. Jeff, did you do these with a special lens or via PP? Would love to know how.
I responded to the first photos (Danny's) before I saw the others and triple HOLY COW! You guys are GOOD! Super amazing stuff.
I think I'm not going to enter this one - I don't live in/near a city and don't travel as much as I'd like either, ghinson! But I sure will sit back and enjoy the show here! Amazing stuff. Gargoyles, Florence, tiny cities, Ft. Lauderdale, even Can You Hear Me Now?s!
I was hoping someone would enter a tilt-shift cityscape. I love the look of these. Jeff, did you do these with a special lens or via PP? Would love to know how.
Thanks! No special lens. Just post-processing magic. I use Capture NX 2.2, but you can use Photoshop to achieve the same look. Just google "tilt-shift photoshop" and you'll see a number of tutorials.
More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it] Jeff Meyers
Alright kids, here's what I've got. Not spectacular, but better than nothing, right?
Gainesville, FL: Looking at the tallest building in town with the stadium on the horizon off to the right (aka The Swamp - go Gators!) from the roof of the second tallest building in town. No laughing at our tiny town!
NYC from the Empire State Building taken with a powershot back in the day...
Bonifacio - The southernmost point of Corsica (also taken with a powershot back in the day....)
Here's my entry, taken probably March this year up in Chicago, IL. The camera was a Canon EOS XSi. At the time I was just living on my kit lens and my 50mm, so I think that this image was taken with 50mm (somewhere in the processing, I lost the EXIF... doh!).
Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
I am very new here and also a beginner when it comes to photographing.
My name is Helena and I live in Sicily, and we dont have much of cities around, more like small towns, so this is the best I can do at the moment...
There are no tricks to this photo, I was just "bulbing" away for a couple of seconds...
I am not sure if this qualifies as a cityscape, so if it doesnt, just ignore it!
“ You’ve got to push yourself harder. You’ve got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You’ve got to take the tools you have and probe deeper. –William Albert Allard
"Can You Hear Me Now?"
Miami Beach, FL
San Juan, PR
#1 Old Court House in the Center
#2 Toy Town
#3 Busch Stadium
Jeff Meyers
1. Sunset
2. Afternoon HDR
3. Queen Anne from the Space Needle
#1: I have a million variations of this composition (dusk, dawn, sunset, sunrise, moonrise, fall, summer, winter, spring...), I like this one because of the rare conditions (snow with a clear day!). Also it was a tricky exposure, I had to use a 3-stop and 2-stop GND filter combined. These days I might try manually blending multiple exposures instead.
#2: Dusk in the Emerald City. Shot from my top secret location
#3: This one's from Vancouver, BC
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
Ummm, trying to remember why I thought I might enter this one . . ...
I think I'm not going to enter this one - I don't live in/near a city and don't travel as much as I'd like either, ghinson! But I sure will sit back and enjoy the show here! Amazing stuff. Gargoyles, Florence, tiny cities, Ft. Lauderdale, even Can You Hear Me Now?s!
What a treat for the eyes. :lurk
Thanks, Mahesh!
Thanks! No special lens. Just post-processing magic. I use Capture NX 2.2, but you can use Photoshop to achieve the same look. Just google "tilt-shift photoshop" and you'll see a number of tutorials.
Jeff Meyers
Yeah, I second that.
These shots are just absolutely gorgeous. Unbelievable stuff, guys.
I think I'm gonna go hide now... in my town where the tallest building is 6 stories.... :hide
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
1) Old Shanghai - The Bund
Gainesville, FL: Looking at the tallest building in town with the stadium on the horizon off to the right (aka The Swamp - go Gators!) from the roof of the second tallest building in town. No laughing at our tiny town!
NYC from the Empire State Building taken with a powershot back in the day...
Bonifacio - The southernmost point of Corsica (also taken with a powershot back in the day....)
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Amazing song...
In regards to the challenge. LoL. I'll gracefully bow out. But I will slap this one up for the hell of it.
NYC - A veiw from the middle of the water...
The images so far, are sell worthy. Great job guys.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
"Chicago Lights"
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
My Gear List
Mexico City
Granada (Spain) ...... Facebook
San Jose, Costa Rica
Pittsburgh, PA
Chicago Bean
San Diego, CA
Hey -- I can see my "Can you hear me now" towers from here -- they are at the extreme center right of your photo (on the river).
I am very new here and also a beginner when it comes to photographing.
My name is Helena and I live in Sicily, and we dont have much of cities around, more like small towns, so this is the best I can do at the moment...
There are no tricks to this photo, I was just "bulbing" away for a couple of seconds...
I am not sure if this qualifies as a cityscape, so if it doesnt, just ignore it!
Chattanooga TN
Tower Bridge Sacramento CA
Does this count as a landscape
A view of New York City from Elmhurst, Queens.
I do like the city in silhouette.
Seattle from Kerry Park:
Seattle From Jose Rizal Park:
Seattle from dowtown Waterfront: