People Forum

"People" is such a wide category. Has there ever been any thought about splitting the People Forum into Portraits and PJ- Documentary-Street categories? Some of you do absolutely wonderful portraits, but I don't feel qualified to comment on them because I know nothing about lighting or portraiture. I'm sure some of the portrait people might feel the same about wading through lots of street or pj photographs to get to the portraits. There's no way to tell until we click on a thread whether it is about portraits or documentary work. Just a thought.
Tina Manley
Stay tuned, Tina. We're working on it. Hopefully, it won't take much longer.
That's the best news I've heard all day.
Thanks, Richard!!
I love to look at both, but sometimes I want to concentrate on people portraits and other times I am really interested in seeing What folks are doing on the documentary/pj front. I would just love it if we could make it easier for us all to enjoy and learn.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
We do our best to make the categories clear and comprehensive, but inevitably, some pics don't quite fit. When that happens, just pick the one that's closest in spirit if not literally, and remember that we also have an Other Cool Shots forum as well.
Don't let the lack of a forum hold you back. Ask away
I'd suggest that if there's going to be bifurcation here, that it create a Candid People forum, which would include everything other than the formal portraiture and cheesecake stuff. I'd suggest putting that in either a Studio or Posed Portraiture forum.
I would not, however, isolate street, pj, documentary, or simply informal shooting of people, as they are all related, and really are quite broad categories.
On the other hand, I'd rather not see the People forum split up. We do all learn from one another, whether it's the street people learning techniques from the studio people, or vice versa. However - I would ask whether the cheesecake stuff really belongs in this wide-open forum. Am I the only one who assumes that there are a not insignificant number of women in this group who are offended by the scantily clad women draped over cars and motorcycles? Why not move that work into a Cheesecake Forum where those who enjoy shooting it and looking at it can do so?
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
I guess I would be considered a "cheesecake" shooter, though motorcycles and cars have yet to make an appearance in my shots.
"Go Figure" I consider more for artistic nudes, which is different than cheesecake in my head. I wouldn't have separated artistic nudes out, either. But again, I may just be the odd one out. :giggle
But putting cheesecake in a different forum doesn't mean others can't still look at it. I won't. I don't do lighting or posing and don't feel I can critique or learn anything from those posts. I definitely skip over them now if I can tell from the title that it's going to be cheesecake.
I don't think it's essentially "splitting" People up. The sub-forums are still in the same meta-forum, but the individual forums make it simpler. My humble opinion is that it would be easier to give a critique when the expectations of the asker is clearer, i.e., when he/she puts the picture in the more specific sub-forum.
I'm not sure if I'm completely making sense because now I'm hungry. Cheesecake...yum yum...
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
Simple, for example:
Bubbles in the wind - PJ
Vamp Shoot - PT
Beach Day - CD
Survival - DM
Hot chicks on cars - CC (LMAO)
If your shots include more than one genre, you can add more markers like:
A day in the life of Regan Blisten - PT DM CC
From now on, I'll put these 'tags' on my posts, it will make it easier to know what the thread is about.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
Er... given some of us have no clue what the tags mean... I'm not sure I'm any the wiser! Ok, PJ is obvious, but the others? Sorry, I'm not quite clueing in here, but then again, it would'nt be the first time I missed the obvious
Personally, I think having "people" divided up into general people shots (incl formal portraiture)/street+pj+documentary-style/go figure (nudes and/or provocative enough to be nsfw) would be a really nice setup. Child boards as subdivisions of "people" for everything other than the very active and specific dedicated weddings forum works for me! I read them all anyway (tons to learn from ALL branches of photography - I'll be honest and admit that all of my recent performance shoots hugely benefitted from perusing the weddings forum, learning great low-light techniques and also educating my eye for some more interesting angles and processing ideas to grab some shots that were more artistically interesting alongside the more typical "shoot what's there" pictures)
I agree with the divisions here, since each have differing goals from the others.
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
But here's the problem with breaking it up:
We may all have different end goals, but there's something wrong with us as photographers if we can't learn from one another.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Right but as been said before, nothing is stopping you from clicking on the other sub-forums. I personally will be looking at all of them. I just feel like it'll be cleaner this way and allow people like Tina (who don't want to see some genre) to zero in on the ones she does want to see.
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
I couldn't agree more. But am I that unusual in reading boards outside my own areas of immediate interest/skill regardless of my personal inclinations?
But other than that? I look at 'em all. TONS to be learned, applied, and crossed over. I kind of assumed everybody did that, but maybe not....
In any case just my overinflated 2c for what it is (or isn't) worth
No, no, as did I lol. Actually, I even thought this morning that I should check the Sports forum more often
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
There's no reason we can't look at more than one forum, BD. Most of us do that anyway.
It is still under discussion as are a number of other changes as well. We pay close attention to opinions expressed in threads like this one, but I'm sure you understand that it's the job of the mods and admins to make the decisions. Be patient and keep posting.
For instance, the sole reason for the current GF existence (imho) is to allows us pour souls who shoot scantily clad subjects to publish our work without the risk of exposing it to those who is not ready/fond to be exposed to it, especially by a random browsing. And Wedding definitely deserves its own niche since it has a lot of specifics - and frankly, we have a lot of wedding photographers here.
My only personal request would be to add "Pets and Kids" (as a single entity), since those seem to be an eternally popular subject, especially for the novice crowd...
But as the things are, I'm totally happy with the current structure.
Thou shalt not want...
It's OK. Lot of variety.
"Cheesecake" could go with Figure, but, it is People too - though for me the most distinct sub-set. Maybe for those who don't want to view them, posters for that type could indicate it on the title somehow - "risque' " or something.
Anyway, I like the variety as is. Otherwise, you can get 85 forums "B&W", Portraits", "Color", "Candid", "Street", "Abstract Treatments", "Rhode Island Short People", .......
Just my 2 cents based on my experiences.
I was a grinner before we created our own little world for weddings.
Since then it has been fine, BUT we wedding folks get much fewer comments then we did before because the audience is smaller. Not the biggest of deals, (and I am not complaining in the slightest) but essentially it cuts down the number of views and therefore feedback considerably to limit the content of a section. After the wedding forum was created I did a little experiment to see the response from an e-session posted on the people forum vs the response if a similar thread was posted in weddings. The people thread had many more comments and views because of the broader topic more people frequent there. I am afraid if we compartmentalize further it will discourage folks from viewing outside of their specialty. I would be much happier with a clearer form of titling, so you know what you are looking at before you open a thread, like Franks idea with the code.
Essentially it's a holy war between two approaches - hard folders (e.g. typical file system) and "virtual folders", aka tags/labels (e.g. gmail). Folders are efficient, but very rigid and do not allow for one item to be present in multiple places. Tags can be assigned in swarms, but tend to be a bit too loose (famous conundrum: plural or singular?) and, unless firmly controlled (you say "nude", I say "nudity":-), ultimately less effective. Given the current status of the forum software (Visual Bulletin) and its "hard folder" oriented architecture, I don't think we have too many options...
Speaking of wedding forum and the decreased amount of views/comments... Naturally our goals differ, but I'd rather have one serious comment from Scott, Aaron, Sean or David (and quite a few others - sorry, too long a list:-) than a dozen pats from the people I never met before (but yes, I take those, too :-)
I guess our mods are well aware of the situation and trying to find the best approach giving the software limitations and known best practices... Thus far they manage to do quite well in this regards and I have all the faith they will continue to do so:-)