Quite a nice feature for pros, I suppose, but I doubt that I'll be making much use of it...
As I understand it, we can quote the gallery name without the galleryID, and (as long as we don't change the NiceNames), then everything works OK, for example
is now an automatic redirect to
If so, then I can see that this will lead to a future "Virtual Gallery" feature, once Smugmug changes
to be a customisable gallery with all of the photos with both keyword1 and keyword2.
The second advantage I see is that you can still links consistent, even if you change the NiceName, so
also points to the same gallery, as does
It looks as if 3 levels works, but no more, so
is a redirect, but not
Does "category names are now less restrictive in terms of characters they can contain" mean that we can have Unicode characters in categories? If so, then does this mean that this is the first step towards Unicode support in keywords?
As I understand it, we can quote the gallery name without the galleryID, and (as long as we don't change the NiceNames), then everything works OK, for example
is now an automatic redirect to
If so, then I can see that this will lead to a future "Virtual Gallery" feature, once Smugmug changes
to be a customisable gallery with all of the photos with both keyword1 and keyword2.
The second advantage I see is that you can still links consistent, even if you change the NiceName, so
also points to the same gallery, as does
It looks as if 3 levels works, but no more, so
is a redirect, but not
Does "category names are now less restrictive in terms of characters they can contain" mean that we can have Unicode characters in categories? If so, then does this mean that this is the first step towards Unicode support in keywords?
i was hoping it would be more like
where you can control the entire url and put in the long url it redirects to.
with snipurl you can change the long url that goes with the short url
you can even delete the short url if you want to.
so you would be able to change a long url to something short like and have it point to a specific gallery
then if you want to point it to a new gallery the next year...just edit the long url that it redirects to.
i can only imagine the complexity of this though...
and not knowing all the intricate may not even be possible with smugmug...???
good job guys...
keep up the good work.
One question: I could not delete the nice name on a private, but not-password protected gallery. Doesn't that make the gallery easier to find by snoopers? I guess I could just add some gibberish as a nice name. Hmmm....
My understanding from the release notes is that for a private gallery, the gallery ID plus key is still compulsory; it is only optional on public galleries. (I'm not sure about public, passworded galleries...)
B/c we had dupes in the database
you can change them now to any nicename you want!
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K. It's possible that I had different galleries in the past with the same names and reorganized them out of existence, dunno. But there weren't dupes in my current set, at least that I could see.
I was ready to publish a post on this when I fortunately saw I got beaten to it!
[Now for virtual galleries
Love you, SmugMug!
Rich Mar Photography - Sydney Family Photographer
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EDIT: I was informed I'm wrong, I was thinking of something else. Sorry!
Please post your request on our features request forum, thanks so much.
Sorry for my mistake!
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So you need the albumID and albumKey.
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I look forward to the new releases. Now my family can quit nagging me 'can you send me that link again?'
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oh. darn. :cry :cry
You had me all excited...that's a real bummer that it's not already in the plans. I am thrilled about nice names, but having to include the category and subcategory in the url defeats much of the purpose. The links look MUCH better and make much more sense, but they aren't memorizable for others.
I really do appreciate the step!
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Hello everybody!
My whole website no longer works since the nicename feature is "active" ... but I haven't made any changes.
For example:
If you want to visit one of the subgalleries >>> the link doesn't work!
What can I do???
Its very bad for me, because no one can see any picture on my webpage.... :-(
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This is how the corresponding feaure behaves on Zenfolio. You can create a "Friendly URL" for any gallery, group or collection. (Groups are folders and collections are virtual galleries) There it seems to be uncoupled from any category or group system, however you can add forwardslash to indicate belonging to one.
I have a gallery on this frienly URL:
But I could have named it "nature/birds/rainbow_lorikeets"
...I'm on a learning curve here so please bear with me.
Is it possible to change category names without messing up galleryies, pictuers, etc?
I want to change my "arts and crafts" catgegory to something like "arts" so my clients will have even a shorter web address to pass out.
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What is its purpose? I dislike the restrictions placed on Title naming. Did I somehow ask for this feature? It just suddenly showed up this week!
That fact that it might screw up how a standard user does things carries little weight as standard users are not Smugmug moneymakers.
Your choices are: If you would like to have your images found by search engines, you must now use NiceNames. If you don't care if your images appear in search engine results and NiceNames are really annoying, you can disable their use in your Control Panel --> settings tab --> by setting Hello World to "No"
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How does it screw up how anyone does anything? Pro or otherwise?
I'm curious how it's annoying? I find it extremely helpful to have a simplified web address that I can give people rather than a long string of random characters. Not trying to start an argument or anything, I'm just wondering if I'm missing something.
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How does this new nicename feature screw up anything? All pre-existing URLs still work. And, now the new form of the URL looks nicer and is easier to remember. Why are nicenames annoying in any way? If you don't care about them, then don't do anything with them. You can safely ignore them. They will get a default nicename based on the category/gallery name just like categories always got a default nicename. Now nicenames extend to sub-categories and galleries.
Yes, if you care about search optimization, nicenames will improve that. If you don't care about search, you haven't lost anything.
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email programs when pasted in and wrap to two lines. They will have to copy
and paste the two lines together to use. Plus it's not clickable in the email.
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How about sending this?
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Keep up the good work! I hoist a Heineken on a fine Friday afternoon, to you and all of your sorcerers!
Eddie F. ·
So should I wish to share this picture so that it will also open to my web page, I now am presented with a link that looks like:
instead of:
Of course you don't see any difference with the way the links are presented here.
I think it is annoying and screws up the way I've named and structured my gallery.
But what I think doesn't matter anyways.
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