Logged in issue - toolbars not showing up
Its like I am not logged in but i am, so i am not able to delete or change any of the photos to different galleries etc. - what i am trying to is add and delete photos from the slideshow on the homepage., and the tools tab is not there at all!! Help...
If I go to my Home page I always have to click on any navbar button to bring up the admin buttons - 'Add photos', 'Tools' etc. It's always been this way which is fine. I do this to make double sure that my visits are not incluuded in the stats.
However since the update if I click on any navbar button, bring up the admin tools and then go to a category page and then on to a gallery (or my Info page) the admin buttons are missing from that gallery and I have to go back to the homepage and start again to kick start the process.
I have been keeping a very close eye on my stats since the recent update and it is certain that when the tool bar is missing or invisible then the stats are including visits from myself which makes them useless.
Previous to the update all I had to do was click on a navbar button which would bring up the admin tools which would in effect recognise/reset my log in and my visits would not be included in the stats.
I hope this makes sense?!
I think I am seeing similar threads about missing tool bars etc on this forum.
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Let's check to be sure you guys are accepting 3rd party cookies in your browser (since you have custom domain) and that you you are logging in from www.smugmug.com, going to your site, then refreshing to 'set' the logged in cookie for your custom domain.
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I always go straight to where I am always already logged on.
I don't have to log on unless I clear my cache (which I have done several times since the update).
However just to test it, I just logged out, cleared my cache, logged back in via Smugmug.com, went from my homepage to a gallery page and the buttons are missing again. I had to go back to Home again before they showed up.
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When I revist the Homepage (or any other) and try again then it's fine until I close ie8. When I come back to the internet again I get the same problem.
Your IE8 security level is set to-- ?
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My security level is Medium High as it always has been.
Are you running any addons in IE? What about extra security software as well?
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What, every time I visit my site
I have just visited it again after refreshing last time and the problem still exists.
I am running no other addons and no security/anti virus software.
no, just once is normal.
Something's not right, Sebastian will investigate further.
Have you tried a different browser, like Firefox, to see what's happening there? You're certain your cookies are set for 3rd party cookies in IE?
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Yes, third party cookies definately enabled in ie8 and FF3.5
Just tried Firefox and I'm afriad the same issue occurs.
What software do you have running besides your browser? List all programs and also check the tray area next to the clock in your taskbar. Hold your mouse over the icons and tell us what icons you have there.
You might have some more of security software that you don't know about that is interfering with your browsing.
I just checked your site in IE8 and I get logged in right away after refreshing the page in my browser if I'm on your custom domain.
SmugMug Support Hero
I am running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I have disabled most of the junk that runs in the background with Vista - there is nothing on my taskbar except the clock.
In the task manager there are no other applications running apart from this and Outlook Express. I have stopped or disabled many of the unnecesary Services - I did all of that as soon as I bought this computer. The login issues were not showing up at all before the latest NiceNames update. I have NO security software running and Defender is long disabled.
Try going back to my site again after closing and restarting an internet session. Go from my homepage to a gallery page via the category page - are all of the admin buttons showing? Without refreshing?
We'll look into it.
SmugMug Support Hero
My stats now mean nothing as most hits are probably from me before I remember to Ctrl F5
I was hoping something would have changed after last nights maintenance but - no joy.
sisandcamsmom are you still having this issue too?
I can't tell you how many times I've cleared my browser cache (with CCleaner as well as via Internet tools - and I mean completely emptied the cache and scrubbed it clean!), switched to Firefox, restarted my internet session, logged into and out of Smugmug via Smugmug and via my custom domain - nothing seems to work.
If it's any help - as long as I click on a button on my navbar on the homepage to bring up the admin toolbar first then I can go to my Info page and any of the Category pages and still see my admin navbar, but as soon as I go into any Gallery, I have to refresh first before I can see all of my buttons (and before the statcounter doesn't pick up the vist).
It's annoying to us, too - trust me. {JT}'s working on it, but it's going to require some more intricate surgery. IE has changed the way it handles some things. More soon, I hope.
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Thank you Andy. I was worried that it might have been forgotten!
I shall wait for further news
I modded the urls in your hard-coded navbar. Made them 'relative' not absoulte.
You had them as
they just need to be
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If I go in via Smugmug.com then it says I am logged in but if I open a new window and go to my custom domain I am logged out.
If I click on 'Your Photos' via Smugmug then I have my admin buttons again but still not in my Gallery pages.
edit -
OK so if I open my custom domain site in one window - I am not visibly logged in.
If I then open Smugmug.com in another window I am logged in on that screen. If I then click on 'Your Photos' on that screen then my site comes up and I am visibly logged in. Then if I go back to my Custom domain (which is still open in another window) and refresh that screen then my buttons appear again as if by magic.
However if I close all the windows and open my custom domain again - I am not still visibly logged in.
1. go to http://www.smugmug.com/
2. log in.
3. go to http://www.laurencecounter.com
4. refresh
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If I do exactly as above (by clicking on your links) then yes I am logged in once I refresh (but still not on the Gallery pages until I refresh again). If I go straight to laurencecounter as a new session then I am not.
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If I use your links then I am logged in when I click on the Macro Category page and in the Galleries. If however, I go to Smugmug, click on Your Photos and then on to a Gallery page, I am not logged in until I refresh.
Like I said though going in straight from my domain and I am not visibly logged in anywhere - (and going in straight form my domain is what I would want to do, not via Smugmug).
I'd be interested to know what you changed so that I can't go in through my domain anymore?
you can! Why don't you put the login link back on your footer
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