MC#5 - Make it Stop!

Yikes I am the first one to enter into the gallery - I hope that is ok?

Shot this yesterday, the exposure is about 4 seconds with several strobe pops while the shutter was open to achieve the motion effect. This is a collage of about 6-7 of the loudest images.
Feedback is welcome. Hopefully its not too "dark" for some of you.

Shot this yesterday, the exposure is about 4 seconds with several strobe pops while the shutter was open to achieve the motion effect. This is a collage of about 6-7 of the loudest images.
Feedback is welcome. Hopefully its not too "dark" for some of you.
My Photographic Adventures
Nikon D7000 | 10-20 | 50 | 55-200
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Each of the separate images that you see in the EXIF gallery seem to stand on thier own to a point but I hoped a triptych style would effectively bombard the viewer even further in the the chaos.
It is always great to hear how an image is absorbed and it's reaction.
Thank you.
If there was not a however - how would we know how to push towards bigger and better things?
Thank you so much Emily! Your insight and eye are invaluable.
Duuuude! This image captures something primal - I can so totally relate - reminds me of the first time my neice made me watch a Lady Gaga video on YouTube!
Dark?? yea maybe a little underexposed but I think it adds to it
Thanks CoryUT, JAG, Mad Cat, and Chris for taking the time to comment.
Now I just have to resist the temptation to OVER work it and continue playing, sometimes I find a first crack is better left alone for fear of contamination.
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
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That's what it reminded me of! Thanks Diva
Very interesting.... I like this, in some weird sort of way.
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Thank you so much Kinkajou, for your kind words.
I have to agree with your comment about the level of creativity here it is one of the reasons why I love to participate in every round if I can. Each participant offers so much in inspiration and learning that even just the act of following the challenge is invaluable.
Oh My - I'm glad you put brackets around (strobe pops), for a second I thought you were screaming at the bowling alley. It's only a gutter ball
Thanks for the support. I hope you get a Strike with yours!
(looking at it again even the color scheme is somewhat similar, freaky :cool)
Thanks Aaron! - getting a reaction from you like this is, truly cool
Thank you Jermbubba, adbsgicom and dnie for commenting. I am glad that it's not sending people screaming for the hills.
Sean, this is really good. I would not change a thing.
Resist....resist... listen to the voices in your head telling you to resist....
- As always ...... Facebook
Smeagle from Lord of the Rings (no offense
Well, you already know I have a warped sense of
Peace and best of luck in the challenge.
Thanks for the positive vibes Tatiana
No offense taken - it isn't me in the photo and now that you bring the correlation to my attention ~ Smeagle is a very tormented soul so that comparison is a compliment in my books - thank you!
Why thank you! I'm so glad you like it.
Very well done, Sean. I have been admiring your photo ever since you posted it. Awesome work!
Nice work...