Blue Angels

The Blue Angels came for the airshow a few weeks ago. Its just amazing to watch them fly. Lucky for me and sad for my dogs...they practiced right over my house. Photos aren't great, but still somewhat nice to see. Heard somewhere they fly only 18" apart....that's close :yikes Hope you enjoy them.

There's a bird flying above the planes...not a good thing.

There's a bird flying above the planes...not a good thing.

It never occurred to me to try getting access, because I'm no big name newspaper, but with online social media being a buzz right now they were very open to getting photos of the event in various online places.
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Thank you for the information Tim -- I would of loved to of had a press pass for this. My only way of photographing the Blue Angels is from my backyard or at the park. I'm cheap -- won't pay the money to get in
Online media -- my hubby keeps telling me about getting involved in that.
You should post some of your photos -- I'd love to see them and I'm sure others would like to see them to
Just took a look at your photos -- they are beautiful
I'll post one that is my favorite. It's the pilots doing their pre-flight ritual (I don't know the technical term is). Without the press pass I wouldn't have been able to get this shot. Shortly after we watched them taxi onto the runway. Didn't realize how loud it would be, or that we'd get blasted with the heat from the engines lol
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Awesome photo
When you took this were there a lot of press people around?
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Even though I'm not a pilot, I'm pretty sure that a bird flying above the jets is MUCH BETTER than a bird flying level with the jets
It looks like you had some decent conditions for shooting, too often I'm faced with shooting into the sun at airshows - the organizers don't seem to things up with photographers in mind, although an airport on a turntable might be a neat thing to have
The line of pilots approach their aircraft in the order in which they are parked (1-6). As they reach each aircraft, the pilot of that jet salutes the crew chief and begins to board, while the rest of the pilots continue down the line, each breaking off at his aircraft and saluting his crew chief.
Thank you Andrew
We've been lucky the last three times the Blue Angels have been here -- no rain.
Randy your right
Thank-you for commenting Moose
It is wonderful to have these planes fly over the house, but kind of scary too. As for the time of day that they fly....I've always wondered about that since it was around 2:30/3:00pm each day. The sun it just terrible for photo taking and I would think it would be hard for the pilots too. When I went to the park I was on a hill so I could shot in any direction. The ones I took into the sun I dumped
Just wish I had the longer lens I was hoping to get this summer :cry
Thank you Azzaro
The last one was taken towards the sun in my backyard. I almost dumped this one, but thought it might be a keeper anyway. I'm happy you liked it.
Just took a look at your site. Your a plane guy
Have you heard of the Happy Hooligans?
Snow Birds?
I'm going to have to see if I can score a Press Pass for the JSOH next year!
Neal Jacob
Neal Jacob
Yeah it looks like you better apply
I'm glad you enjoyed the photos
They're the ND ANG guys, quite well known in AF circles.
I got to see them perform this year for the first time in 20+ years - they joined the Thunderbirds at the Jones Beach Air Show on Long Island over Memorial Day. I got to meet some of their team members - really great folks!
I see from your profile that you're from ND - I spent a night in Minot back in December 1986 - we had two weather diverts trying to get home to Indiana in the tanker, and since the snowstorms had passed through Minot, that's where we ended up. I'm pretty sure the temps were in the single digits when we got there!
I see where you get your interest. Planes are they can stay up in the air. As you can tell...I'm afraid to fly :cry
Minot does have an Air base, but I never get up to Minot very much. Thats 1/2 way across the state for me -- Single digits up here in the winter time is a heat wave
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
I'm happy it brought back some good memories
You know that awesome feeling when they are flying low over you. It is a feeling that never leaves you.
These are darn good shots considering the limitations you had. I live in Jacksonville, FL. and the Blue Angels perform here quite frequently. They alternate sites between the Naval Air Base here and the beach. When they are to perform at the air base, their practice flights are RIGHT above my you. I think I could hit them with a slingshot.
An ex- Blue Angel pilot lives a couple houses down from me. When the team is in town, he gets to go to a nice function they always put on and then gets flight-line access before the show. He has asked me to go with him on several occasions and its a real treat for a plane buff like me. Each time I've gone with him, he gets all the pilots to autograph their current year's poster for me. I've got four of them hanging in my office.
Again, you got some nice shots.
Take care,
I've read that flying is safer than riding a bicycle, or driving a car. I've flown in private & commercial planes and I loved it! I think my favorite is flying in private planes, because they fly lower and you get to see a better view of the country side! But then again, you get to see a different perspective of cloud formations in the commercial planes.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
These days don't know if my heart could handle watching them live.
I have great respect for them, thanks for the pics.
The light helped you out tons in your opening picture. Very sweet pic.
They are so very close as seen in image 3. Gads. I can imagine the sound
of them passing by. The roar of these aircraft still sends chills through me.
I love that. That alone is half the reason I go to air shows.
I'm really liking the high key effect you got going on with the B&W. Very nice
and another sweet grab ta boot.
You could hit them with a slingshot as they fly that close to the house. I tired to get some photos of the house in the shot, but none of those were keepers. The planes fly to fast
Ex-pilot down the street from you -- that would be so exciting to hear stories he had to tell. And the photo opportunities you have going with him...that would make my day
It's the latter that I'm afraid of
When I first flew I loved it, but the second time...not so much unfortunately. It really puts a damper in the decision making on where we go on vacation. Flying lower and shorter distances would help I think.
But...if I ever had the chance to ride with the Blue Angels I'd take it in a heart beat. Thats a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Your welcome -- I'm glad you enjoyed looking at them.
We all had such wonderful "want to do's" when we were young