I assumed the 'painterly' portrait was what Mom wanted, and believe me I understand the need to give the client what the client wants. So my comments have to do with Mom, not you -
I like both versions, although my preference is the au-natural version. Is it possible to do the processing somewhere between the two? I might also show the client both versions if possible, you might double your sale. (Stranger things have happened to me along these lines. )
Joel, she will be proofing both versions. The "painted" version goes for a good bit more.
My own taste is for the more natural image, but the processed one is a fine rendition within that very specific "oil painting" style that some people like - I'm sure it does look great on canvas ... within that style.
I'm with BD - you took a great picture and processed it according to client request, and made a good job of it, even it it's not the look I want in my own pictures of for my own daughter (I'm with BD - the comments are more to do with mom's artistic taste than your competence at delivering it!!)
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