Congrats to all the finalists, and thanks for including my shot on the list. A very fun challenge and a great way to hone those photography skills. I know I've found myself relying on post adjustments, especially cropping, more than I want to admit. This has inspired me to work harder behind the camera instead of in front of the computer. Good luck to everyone and good work all round.
What an honour to be on this list! Thanks judges.
I now feel totally justified in pushing in front of that older man to take this picture. (just kidding):D
Hi all,
Major congratulations to Beachbill and the top 5.
I was honored to be included in the finalists period--This was my third round, so for me it was a major improvement. My next goal if I make it in to the finalists again is to get one vote:D .
Wow, thank you everyone! I am totally humbled. I never expected to win this one. There were so many great entries! Congrats to everyone for doing such a fine job SOOC!
Hi all,
Major congratulations to Beachbill and the top 5.
I was honored to be included in the finalists period--This was my third round, so for me it was a major improvement. My next goal if I make it in to the finalists again is to get one vote:D .
I'm with you. I've made it to the finals twice in half a dozen rounds and have yet to get a vote. I kind of expected it this time, because I thought there were others that were better on theme. The first time was totally disappointing, but I realized it is a completely different thing to be selected as a top 10 (by a judge or anyone else) vs. a top 1.
High Five, Bill! (insert hi-five smiley here). CONGRATS to you for the "most moving" shot, and to all the other finalists! I'm humbled and grateful to be in the top 5 - thanks!
As I said earlier, each of the entries was a showstopper. I was blown away by them all.
Swoosh, though, was the only one that made me feel motion in the pit of my stomach the instant I looked at it. Add to that good framing and exposure and I can see why it won.
Congratulations Beachbill!! clap
And bravo to all of the finalists!! Superb work from all of you. bow
_______________________________________________ "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I now feel totally justified in pushing in front of that older man to take this picture. (just kidding):D
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Also to the top 5. Neat challenge.
The following five participants are now eligible to compete in the next Mega-Challenge:
Los Angeles dance photographer
Kudos also to MichSwiss, NightPixels, Benjer and Quark on being in the final 5!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Congrats to all the finalists too
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Facebook Fan Page
Way to go Bill!
An extra bonus for you I'm sure you'll appreciate me beating Aaron by 1
My Photographic Adventures
Nikon D7000 | 10-20 | 50 | 55-200
Congrats to the others in the top 5. You all made it tough to choose a top 1.
Major congratulations to Beachbill and the top 5.
I was honored to be included in the finalists period--This was my third round, so for me it was a major improvement. My next goal if I make it in to the finalists again is to get one vote:D .
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
I'm with you. I've made it to the finals twice in half a dozen rounds and have yet to get a vote. I kind of expected it this time, because I thought there were others that were better on theme. The first time was totally disappointing, but I realized it is a completely different thing to be selected as a top 10 (by a judge or anyone else) vs. a top 1.
Swoosh, though, was the only one that made me feel motion in the pit of my stomach the instant I looked at it. Add to that good framing and exposure and I can see why it won.
Congratulations Beachbill!! clap
And bravo to all of the finalists!! Superb work from all of you. bow
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus