#36-Creepy "Disturbia"

Alternate title "Tell Me You Love Me!!!"
or "Til Death Do Us Part"
Please help select the title from the above three and please pick your favorite shot.
FYI--This has been the funnest shoot for me to date for the challenges.
A huge thank you to my little sis--my muse as of late.
I am totally creeped out by these--My mom saw the photos and loved them and then quickly said a prayer for my sister--YEAY!!!!



or "Til Death Do Us Part"
Please help select the title from the above three and please pick your favorite shot.
FYI--This has been the funnest shoot for me to date for the challenges.
A huge thank you to my little sis--my muse as of late.
I am totally creeped out by these--My mom saw the photos and loved them and then quickly said a prayer for my sister--YEAY!!!!




Liz A.
#1 has a bit of a Courtney-Love-out-on-the-town look to it...you know where she's had a little too much of a "good time" and has her makeup smeared all over her face.
As far as the creepiest of the 4 go, for me it's a toss-up between #2 and #3. In #2 she's just evil and sinister. In #3 you're not sure what to think, which is creepy in and of itself.
For captions: #2 - "Til Death Do Us Part"; for #3 - "Tell Me You Love Me".
Excellent shots!
Thank you Linda!:D
Honestly this is the most content and satisfied I've been after a shoot for any of the challenges, so I love that you find them disturbing as well.
I actually prefer number 1, but the knife didn't come out in the frame:(--and you are right in that it's a little Courtney Love--but it just freaks me out so much.
My sister has requested that these pictures are never shown to any significant other at anytime, lol. She does look crazy...I told her she should make it her FB avatar.
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I agree--here is the original---what do you think of just as is?
This shows some of the knife, but I'm not sure if it works as much as the film strip version.
Here is one with the knife--but not so sure about this one.
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Thank you Dan!!!:D
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Now THAT's disturbing
About the "don't you love me anymore?" that's the quality I wanted--that whole "Fatal Attraction" needy, crazy, clingy, LOVE ME!!!! look, lol.
Still can't decide for sure which one to go with---2 is def in the running though.
Decisions, decisions...I'm glad I have so many to choose from this time around.
#3 Almost looks like she took off part of her own pinky. I say that is creepy.
I think my vote is for #2, but then I realize I don't often agree with the crowd. I don't know which title I like better - they both work.
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Thank you John, Brian, Dave and Michswiss for adding to the thread.
Funny how everyone has a different favorite for "creepy" and what they find most disturbing. So far I think it's a toss up between #1, 2 and maybe 3--One and two in the lead.
The problem with #1 is the original version shows the knife but I think the hand is too blown out and I'm afraid that might be a huge nit with the judges--the cinema version doesn't show that portion of the hand which is blown out but it also doesn't show the knife
Thank you all for the encouragement--
hey there,
I'm starting to agree with you--plus I just noticed the "glint" on the knife (I think it's the flash) but it works!
Plus as John (JC3d) already pointed out, her pinky looks like it's missing, what a nice bonus! lol.
So it's #2 or #3--those so far seem to be the favorites.
Although #1 scares me more, that knife missing in the PP version and the blown out highlights in the original kind of kill the image--no reshoot possible.
I really like #2, with 3 next in line. The others are too camp for me and without some degree of "reality" under the grimace, it's not as scary. #2 is seriously Fatal Attraction stuff, and nails it!!
My goodness Kerry has brought out the macabre in all of us.....
For me, far and away #2 is a clear winner here. The other shots IMHO look like someone is trying to make creepy shots.
Excellent image...
Thank you Divamum,
I'm telling you I'm lovin' this round!
I do agree that some are a bit overboard as in campy.
Great to see you in these parts! Now when are you going to enter?
Thank you for the comments, glad number two creeps you out. My work is done
I will be posting #2 into the gallery in just a bit.
Thank you all for your help and input--greately valued.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
If you only knew:D
Also thanks for the thumbs up Linda--glad it's in the bag. Just enjoying all posts in this challenge thread now.
Shawn--Funny how it strikes a chord within most of the men that view these photos, and that each find different ones disturbing, I wonder what it says about the individual people looking at them--I almost titled it "I'll Not be Ignored Dan!" lol.
Ok folks, I feel as though I've done a bit of a disservice to my little sister, Andrea. So I am posting a photo of her with my mom, taken just yesterday.
I assure all she's quite sane---Except when she's not
I've thrown a couple of shots in the contest before, and quite honestly, I'm glad they didn't do well. They were shots that I had taken that coincidentally fit somewhat into the contest at the time.
I really like seeing photogs win that have put a good bit of effort into creating their image specifically for the contest. I think that's "in the spirit of the game" if you will.
I hope your image does well, for it is a good one!
I did that with the last contest--it was sort of a coincidence and I felt kind of guilty about it.
As for the rest of your comment
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Thank you Tylwydd---I entered #2.
Looks like she should spend sometime in your Abbey no?