new recent photos box on homepage

I like the idea of the box showing recent photos on the homepage, but it isn't working for me. I have uploaded new photos almost every day since that box appeared on my homepage and I've clicked on the link for adjusting the # of photos (set it to 12 and 18), but no photos are appearing in that box. Only a message telling me I have no new photos and suggesting I upload some. Which is silly because, as I said, I upload new photos nearly every day.
Is this new thing just not working yet, or is there a mysterious setting I haven't noticed or what?
Is this new thing just not working yet, or is there a mysterious setting I haven't noticed or what?
Howdy, it's working for lots of folks, please give us a link to your homepage, or your account name, so that we can take a look and see why it's not working for you. Either here or drop our support heroes an email:
I love this feature. Thank you sooo much. Could I ask, though, it does not seem to include videos? I increased the number of photos to a very high number to make sure the videos would be included, but they are not.
For example, these should be showing up in the list:
Also, is there a way to opt out some photos that are shown, leaving just certain ones?
It does show my two most recent photos, but then after that, it shows photos from 2008 (taken and uploaded in 2008). I've uploaded a ton of photos in 2009. How is this recent photos box suppose to work?
Interresting feature. Can somebody tell where to find more info about this.
I tried but there's no link working (yet).
And protected galleries are excluded !!! Why ???
And what means "recent"? does it only work on the update-time or can you control that?
The new Recent Photos option for the Homepage is great but I've noticed that it doesn't seem to automatically update itself. Several times in the past few days I have uploaded new photos and noticed a few hours later that that they haven't turned up on Recent Photos and don't unless I hide and then show the feature again.
Surely it's supposed to be automatic?
(My Recent Photos box is on my Info page)
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I compared your timeline with the most recents and they appear the same. The ladybird photos are the most recent showing for me.
Are you missing other photos? For all of you, can you show me examples? links etc? I need to check the gallery settings. Privacy settings do trump the sharing settings so keep that in mind if you have passwords etc.
I agree "Recent Photos" doesn't work properly. You can check if you like...
But I'm also think this feature will be much more interesting when it shows "Recent Galleries" ISO "photos". And the possibilty to exlude certain galleries should be very nice to, I think... :wow
You didn't read my message correctly -
I hid and then showed the Recent Photos feature again and the new images showed up. Refeshing the page didn't work, waiting and coming back to the page didn't work - the only thing which worked was disabling and re-enabling the feature. I have no private or password protected galleries.
I use the standard java uploader.
Some new information... it looks like the problem with my photos at least, is the timeline is messed up. I was looking at the timeline by date uploaded (starting with latest uploaded) and see a bunch of photos that were uploaded a long time ago listed as being uploaded very recently. Some photos uploaded in 2008 are listed as the latest uploads from 2009. The recent photos is showing these photos from the timeline so it appears recent photos is correctly showing what it is being told are the recent photos. The timeline is just screwed up.
Very helpful BeachBill!
I tried to figure out how to manage this but it looks like it's imposible. see: and
This is a great idea Nicolaas. I'll add it to my list of new homepage boxes to build.
Thank You! I hope it will be great ideed.
Are we waiting for the recent photos to show recently uploaded, instead of file date? (I'm trying to decipher this thread). Also, I'm wondering if that's why videos I recently uploaded aren't in the list, or if there's a bug omitting videos from the file formats. Thanks.
These videos should be showing in my list... Will the recent photos section eventually show videos?
The new Recent Photos addition does not change after new photos are on my site either. We are awaiting the resolve!~
We are not including videos right now. We may add it as an option, or add a Recent Videos box. What does everybody think?
Everyone is probably thinking is this fixed or not?
Yesterday I thought it was - today I had to disable/enable Recent Photos again before the most recent would show up.
Can we have a sitrep please?
"Use site-wide setting" is ON.
I think since you generate thumbs for videos, they should be intermixed.
I suppose options to not include videos or a separate section might be nice, but I think more people would be interested in a Recent Galleries box first.
Also, pagination of Galleries displayed by "galleries" (not categories) would be nice too, so JT can finally not have such an incredibly long home page.
(I love how the documentation says that 100 galleries on a home page is a bad idea, but only gives the suggestion of displaying by categories, instead of fixing the problem, especially when there is no other way to show all of your albums in reverse-chronological order, which is why JT leaves his site like that.)
"Display either categories or galleries" (but honestly don't bother with galleries because it kind of sucks and has for years!)
I also think this is a waste of time.
An other option is to have an easy possibility of hiding galleries of all (sub)categories on the homepage (in gallery mode), but not one (Recent Galleries). I tried to figure out this... see: and The problem here is, you have to ad a code for every single gallery in your CSS to manage this. So that's not handy at all. If you just can hide all galleries of a categorie with just one code... that will make things much easier
Make it a "Recent" box with options "Photos", "Videos" and "Photos and Videos".