Hi Folks,
As Andy said we are here 365. Sometimes we get a bit behind. But we answer every email So if we are remiss, or late, in answering. Please contact us again. We don't need you to send an email an hour. But one reminder that we owe you an answer is often helpful.
As Andy also mentioned, as frustrating as this is. 99.9% of Smugmug subscribers see no uploading problems. The problems we do uncover, are normally fairly subtle. So please bear with us and try to answer the questions we ask. And follow the directions (usually running tests), we give.
If you have, or continue to have uploading issues. We can throw more resources at the question/issue on the Help Desk. Then here. So please contact the Help Desk. You can add Attn: Cavig in the subject line. Give us as much information as you can. If you were able to upload and now can't. Please focus on any changes that have occurred since you were last able to upload successfully (hardware, software, connection related, applications, security settings or security suite updates, firewall changes, etc...)
I just answered Decal's message and am awaiting his reply. I will continue to monitor this thread too.
I already tried rebooting and disabling my firewall, no luck. I have not changed anything on my end. I sent a 500 meg file to your yousendit address, it went thru fine, I cut it off from my end.I just uploaded 10 gigs of stuff to Photo Reflect to see if I can upload there, worked like a charm. I will give this a week or so, and as much as I hate to, I guess I will just have to change my forwarding. When all this started I just thought it was the Sunday thing........
I could not get it working, so I tried the Star*Explorer utility last week, cost me $50, but that is only $2 an hour for all the hours I spent trying to figure this out. Well, that did not work either. I emailed Nikolai, (the developer) and he said he would figure it out, and I was not the only one having problems, but we thought it might have something to do with Vista and 64 bit OS. It took a couple tries, but whatever he did, it works. Something about all 7 threads working.
I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ON MY END, because I did not have any problems. Smug Support needs to incorporate his knowledge into the uploading. I highly reccomend this program, and I hope the Smug Chiefs pick it up if he decides to drop it in the future.
It is nice to have it all working right for a change
I could not get it working, so I tried the Star*Explorer utility last week, cost me $50, but that is only $2 an hour for all the hours I spent trying to figure this out. Well, that did not work either. I emailed Nikolai, (the developer) and he said he would figure it out, and I was not the only one having problems, but we thought it might have something to do with Vista and 64 bit OS. It took a couple tries, but whatever he did, it works. Something about all 7 threads working.
I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ON MY END, because I did not have any problems. Smug Support needs to incorporate his knowledge into the uploading. I highly reccomend this program, and I hope the Smug Chiefs pick it up if he decides to drop it in the future.
It is nice to have it all working right for a change
WOOT!!! Thank you for letting us know about this. We are happy that this is resolved satisfactorily. I have sent an email to Nik to get his input. We will incorporate whatever information he gives us, into our upload trouble shooting process.
Sorry you had to spend $50 on this program. We have inserted 5 $10 referral credits into your account. This will save you $50, at your next renewal.
Given that someone mentioned uploads worked fine on one computer yet not the other, I wondered if any of these suggestions could help remedy the situation - I've seen some reports of network latency problems in Win7 and Vista where the network performance would degrade quickly. This site has a suggestion to add two values to the registry to help resolve the issue:
Open a command prompt with admin rights. To do so, go to the following location: Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories
And then right-click on Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator". If you have disabled the UAC, then you can just open it normally.
Either type, or copy and paste, the following into the command prompt, and then press 'Enter' on your keyboard: netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp
This turns on Compound TCP, which increases the TCP window much quicker than the traditional TCP algorithms allow for. This means that when a sudden burst of larger packets comes in, or goes out, Windows adjusts its settings faster than normal to compensate for it, allow for faster data transfer on broadband connections and lower latency while gaming.
I already tried rebooting and disabling my firewall, no luck. I have not changed anything on my end. I sent a 500 meg file to your yousendit address, it went thru fine, I cut it off from my end.I just uploaded 10 gigs of stuff to Photo Reflect to see if I can upload there, worked like a charm. I will give this a week or so, and as much as I hate to, I guess I will just have to change my forwarding. When all this started I just thought it was the Sunday thing........
I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ON MY END, because I did not have any problems. Smug Support needs to incorporate his knowledge into the uploading. I highly reccomend this program, and I hope the Smug Chiefs pick it up if he decides to drop it in the future.
It is nice to have it all working right for a change
WOOT!!! Thank you for letting us know about this.
Sorry you had to spend $50 on this program. We have inserted 5 $10 referral credits into your account. This will save you $50, at your next renewal.
Another site also mentioned running this command to resolve similar issues
Open a command prompt with admin rights. To do so, go to the following location:
Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories
And then right-click on Command Prompt and select "Run as Administrator". If you have disabled the UAC, then you can just open it normally.
Either type, or copy and paste, the following into the command prompt, and then press 'Enter' on your keyboard:
netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp
This turns on Compound TCP, which increases the TCP window much quicker than the traditional TCP algorithms allow for. This means that when a sudden burst of larger packets comes in, or goes out, Windows adjusts its settings faster than normal to compensate for it, allow for faster data transfer on broadband connections and lower latency while gaming.