Lightroom 3 publishing: SmugMug support?
Lightroom 3 is introducing a new way to publish photos to online sites (Details here). Anybody know if SmugMug is planning to officially support this, or if we're going to need to rely on third parties?
?? are you asking if Smugmug will provide the plug-in, or somehow ship with Lightroom? Or something else?
Since Jeffery Friedl already provides this capability, and in fact is mentioned as driving this effort in LR3, not sure what is needed or missing from LR2...we already have much of this now, and LR3 looks like a nice improvement. (concert photography) (concert photography) (everything else)
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Jeffrey Friedl's SmugMug Lightroom plug-in has supported the new LR3 format for a while. From the release notes:
As far as official support, no idea.
No other solution is required IMHO!
Maybe I am misunderstanding this, but isn't the new feature in LR3 meant to be a 2 way and update-able publish? So that if I make a change to an image in LR it will "automatically" be uploaded and replace the image that was previously on Smugmug? I don't believe that Friedl's plugin allows for this, nor does it allow for keywords and such to be pushed back from Smugmug into Lightroom.
I am also getting tired of JF's rules and ridiculous nag messages. Why would SmugMug make us beholden to him!?!?!? Can no one else create these plugins? Is there a template that one can use to create a new one?
By the way, you must check the box in the plug-in that forces embedded keywords to be read by Smugmug. If you do not, you will not get keywords. The plug-in also provides a place to manually add keywords as well.
Vote with your wallet, or with your hands (ie write a plug-in yourself) if you don't like the plug-in, don't buy it. For me, its a fantastic, time saving tool, and I am only too happy to give Jeffery some extra walking around money to credit him for his time and effort.
Jfriedl's plugin is incredibly robust and feature-rich, is updated constantly at no charge, has a ridiculously long trial period (6 weeks, something like that?), and allows the user to register the product for as little as a penny.
Truly, no good deed goes unpunished.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
And by the looks of it, there will be at least one more RC before we get to LR 3.2 final.
nope, it just went live
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Either they've found and squashed some serious performance bugs, or they're still there!
And, does it support a two way sync of keywords, comments, etc?
Hey Mark,
We were a bit restricted with time due to Adobe's release schedule for Lightroom, but given the timeframe and that it's our first does accomplish quite a bit imho.
I have a dev version that searches the catalog for images that already exist on SmugMug, and also does conflict resolution if multiple images matching a given criteria are found. I'm not sure when this version will be publicly available, but I/m hoping sooner than later.
At this point, we aren't syncing images keywords or captions from SmugMug back to LR, but image comments are syncing directionally.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Wasn't complaining-- genuinely curious and trying to weigh the pros and cons of this versus jfriedl's plugin. Each has their merits and I don't want to be stuck switching between the two in order to get what I need, feature-wise.
hehe, that's cool. One thing that our official plugin supports that Jeffrey's doesn't, is the ability to create categories, subcategories and albums and populate them within LR while being offline.
Also, if an error is encountered during an upload, the whole batch won't be blocked from uploading while it waits for the user to click continues and then displays a summary of errors at the end of uploading, just like if you had issues during an import.
I'm sure there are plenty of other differences, but nothing comes to mind atm.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
There doesn't seem to be a way to sync up and existing gallery with the publishing collection. It that the case? Adding new stuff to an existing gallery is no problem.
Is that how the publisher is supposed to work?
G'day Dan,
It's late here in Australia... 1am. I'll explain tomorrow, but there is some error handling that looks for existing images within a given gallery before uploading.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
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it's not a bad idea, it just won't be as functional as it will be once i have image syncing working.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Checking in on this topic, do you folks have an ETA for sync'ing keywords and captions from Smugmug back to LR? If not, can anyone comment whether Jeff's plugin will accomplish this?
Too, I'd read on another post that changing keywords in LR of a pic that's already published, triggers a full re-upload of the pic to the Smugmug gallery - is that still the case, or are now only the changes (i.e., keyword updates) transmitted?