large videos failing to upload
I have more trouble getting large videos to upload to smugmug...argh. I'm going to guess about 50% of my attempts fail...sometimes they never show up in the gallery, sometimes they just show up with the processing image icon....and yes sometimes the do post.
If they are listed, the upload log always shows the same thing
Wrong bytes received. Was your connection interrupted? Please try again, and contact a hero if the problem persists."
All videos are less than 10 minutes long and are less than 600MB, most have been between 400-500MB
If they are listed, the upload log always shows the same thing

All videos are less than 10 minutes long and are less than 600MB, most have been between 400-500MB
No error messages, no log messages.
I'm trying to upload to
deleted one other video, and suddenly I see two "Processing Image" thumbs.
Somethings happening out there...
Okay, whatever is going on there: Would one of you heroes care to explain that? Out of PURE technical interest...
EDIT: No need to write them now.
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Please do contact us on the help desk so that we can see if there is a pattern to what is happening. There may be something on our end. I just checked and I am seeing a bunch of videos currently uploading and processing so I am not sure where the issue may be without your test data.
A few days prior to this pattern, another video uploaded properly.
Any time I used the "Simple" method of uploading, I would run into problems. There were many times when it showed my video was uploaded and complete, then going into my album there was nothing . . . Blank.
Sooooo . . . . I switched to the "Olde Faithful" uploader. I've not had a problem with uploading videos using that method.
And btw, I have a very good connection.
I've had seen some strange uploader behavior today with it not allowing to skip duplicates.
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I only have one entry in my upload log: a failed one because of codec problems. Tried another codec, uploaded using Java applet, it said upload successful, and then nothing: nothing in the log, nothing in the gallery. Tried both the Java uploader (twice) and the HTML form (once).
I am having these troubles as well with larger files. I vote for FTP.
I've contacted support and we're investigating. I've been told I used bad size, and was asked to visit the following links: Since I use Linux, the suggested application may not be the best way for me, but may help others. I've tried reproducing the required settings using FFMPEG (a command-line converter), but still no good. I've been asked to share my files with support. I'll do that once I'm home; I'll report back here if a solution is found.
A suggestion: if something is wrong with the files, it should be shown in the log. (As far as I know, unknown codec and length over the 10-minute limit are already shown; I think all problems should be reported, with maybe pointers to the right codecs/settings if that is the case).
A question: I had thought no matter what size I upload, smugmug would resize to the pre-defined sizes; that is, even if I'm limited to 640x480, I could still upload HD, and SM would create the resized versions, then discard my original (HD) video. Is this not the case?
As for the FTP, we do not support FTP and because of the way we store files, it is not an option. Once I can figure out what is causing this failure, we should be able to get the normal upload method working.
After trying many times on both simple and oldefaithful, I gave up. Nothing ever showed as even a thumbnail or error message in the log. So I opened the file in PE7 and did "close empty tracks", even though I have no idea if that is supposed to help. Then I re-converted the file, and tried uploading again, to Simple, and it worked the first time.
One added oddity - two additional processing thumbnails appeared in the gallery along with the new file - but their file names were the OTHER file name, of the first version I had attempted. But it had been DAYS since I had tried with that version, where NO thumbnails ever appeared. Then, those 2 thumbnails never processed, so I tried deleting them just to get things right, and on my first effort (which I repeated several times), while the delete option appeared to work, the processing thumbnail did not delete. Then I tried deleting the 2nd processing thumbnail, and it did delete, and then the 1st did delete.
I don't know whether this is helpful to anyone, but thought I should mention it.
From support:
I love it when I get confirmation that I'm not crazy.
Glad to hear we got some confirmation on the issue. I've got some HUGE upload batches coming up in the next day or so.
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I am also experiencing this problem. loaded 1 large video about 3 days ago - nothing. today loaded about a 446mb video - nothing.
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See earlier posts, e.g.
The "HTML form" is "the old faithful uploader".