Smart Gallery Issue - Having to re-save smart settings to populate gallery
Okay -- so maybe this is something I'm doing in the wrong order or something
Category - Sports, Sub-Category Football 2009-2010 contains multiple
galleries for Football events.
Created a new Sub-Category Football 2009-2010 by Player
Created a gallery for each player and made each gallery "smart" by entering
the year+school code+player# (2009sgp72).
I then entered the corresponding info into the keyword section for each pic.
The galleries did not populate automatically even after quite awhile & would still show as empty. I then reaccessed setting for the player galleries and re-saved the "smart" data that was already there. The photos populated immediately.
After the gallery no longer showed as "empty" --- any new additions seemed to populate without having to re-save.
I tried this again today with Drill Team and in the same order.
New Sub-Cat under Sports, Drill Team and created 5 new galleries by dancer.
Again -- I have to re-save to get them to populate.
Is it me?
Category - Sports, Sub-Category Football 2009-2010 contains multiple
galleries for Football events.
Created a new Sub-Category Football 2009-2010 by Player
Created a gallery for each player and made each gallery "smart" by entering
the year+school code+player# (2009sgp72).
I then entered the corresponding info into the keyword section for each pic.
The galleries did not populate automatically even after quite awhile & would still show as empty. I then reaccessed setting for the player galleries and re-saved the "smart" data that was already there. The photos populated immediately.
After the gallery no longer showed as "empty" --- any new additions seemed to populate without having to re-save.
I tried this again today with Drill Team and in the same order.
New Sub-Cat under Sports, Drill Team and created 5 new galleries by dancer.
Again -- I have to re-save to get them to populate.
Is it me?
It seems to work fine & populate quickly with no re-save of the smart rule IF
I enter my keywords on the images in the original gallery and then create the new virtual gallery, add the smart rule & save. It populated immediately.
Ironically, I did the steps in other order (create virtual gallery, entered smart rule, then entered keyword on the images in the original gallery).
20 minutes later it still has not populated (this was done before the above).
It must be something to so with the order of creation/entry
If you need to check functionality
keyword, create virtual, enter smart rule & save ---- was done with Sports, Drill Team 2009-2010 by Dancer, Chey-Anne Jessica 2009-2010 - immediately populated
create virtual, enter smart rule & save, enter keyword in original ---- was done with Sports, Drill Team 2009-2010 by Dancer, Chey-Anne Laura 2009-2010 --- still has not populated. The images that were coded and are still not populated are located in the Chey-Anne Santa gallery (keyword calaura0910)
Another example: See Sports, Drill Team2009-2010 by Dancer, Chey-Anne Chloe 2009-2010 ---- just code 1 image in existing album
with cachloe0910 (previously entered smart rule) --- it still shows an empty gallery. Same scenario order as #2 with calaura0910 above.
Thanks, Monica
So...... 7 hours later --- both galleries (Chey-Anne Laura & Chey-Anne Chloe) still have not updated based on the smart gallery rules.
I accessed the Laura gallery & re-saved the existing smart rule -- it populated the 6 new photos immediately.
I left the Chloe gallery as is for testing purposes.
Thanks, Monica
#247 Dan Streiffert vbmenu_register("postmenu_1327579", true);
Beginner grinner
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2
The new Smart Galleries are great. When adding keyword based photos to an existing gallery, it works fine. The problem is that when I add new photos later on, with the same keyword, the smart gallery is not updated.
The smart gallery
is based on the keyword "skagit flats" and includes several photos from other galleries. I recently added a new photo to my "Recent Photos" gallery with the same keyword, but it does not show up in the smart gallery. You can verify this by doing a keyword search, which shows 40 photos with keyword "skagit flats", but there are only 39 in the smart gallery.
Big grins
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 75
Originally Posted by Dan Streiffert
The new Smart Galleries are great. When adding keyword based photos to an existing gallery, it works fine. The problem is that when I add new photos later on, with the same keyword, the smart gallery is not updated.
The smart gallery
is based on the keyword "skagit flats" and includes several photos from other galleries. I recently added a new photo to my "Recent Photos" gallery with the same keyword, but it does not show up in the smart gallery. You can verify this by doing a keyword search, which shows 40 photos with keyword "skagit flats", but there are only 39 in the smart gallery.
Hey -- I reported this issue under Bug Reporting --- see thread -- they are looking into it. See also my post in this thread #242. I found that if I re-save my smart rules-- it will then populate immediately. However, not the way it should work & a pain in the butt if you've set up a ton of virtual galleries.
Thanks, Monica
Thanks, Monica
I added a new album under Sports, Dril Team 2009-2010 called Chey-Annes Danceline Candids - Feb 2010. I then added keywords that correspond to
already established smart/virtual galleries by dancer. The photos did not populate. Tried re-saving the smart settings (as I had to before to get it to populate) -- but it still doesn't populate.
By Dancer
i.e., Chloe, Emily, Bria M, Margaux.
Thanks, Monica
There is something wrong with the way the keywords are updating and we are looking into that. I think it might be related. Please hang in there.
Thanks, Monica
We have some fixes going live very soon that are related as you mentioned in your other thread. I cannot replicate the problem on our test system I think maybe because the problem has been fixed. Let me know after the next release if this fixes the problem. I will keep this open and get back with you.
I love love love this feature!
Thanks, Monica
Working with Individual Galleries by Dancer (By Dancer Category) ---- images within Category Competitions, Danceline 2010 being coded with keywords.
I still believe there may be some bugs
in checking/testing my account -- I found this.
Days ago photo coded with keyword before any recent fixes: margaux0910
Noticed this morning that photo had still not populated into smart gallery
called Margaux (2009-2010).
I tried re-saving the smart gallery rule - it did not populate.
I cleared the keyword, re-entered it, re-saved it.
It did not automatically populate.
I re-saved the smart gallery rule again --- it finally populated.
FYI --- other images coded margaux0910 this morning -- seem to be populating fine (before the re-save of the smart rule).
I will see if I can find other instances of this. I guess what I'm saying is that the fixes may help the newly coded images -- but not pick up the old coded images unless you re-code & re-save the keyword & smart rule.
Thanks, Monica
Created new sub-category 2008-2009 CheyAnnes
Created 2 new galleries 1) Bria M (2008-2009) & 2) Emily (2008-2009)
Added smart rule to both
Went to Events, Events 2009, Banquet - May 2009
Added keywords to a few of Emily & Bria's images
Added keyword to images for Carlie within Banquet - May 2009
Created 1 new gallery Carlie (2008-2009)
Added smart rule
POPULATED immediately
Re-accessed Emily (2009-2009)
Re-saved smart rule
POPULATED immediately
Bria M (2008-2009) still has not POPULATED (did not re-save smart rule left it alone for testing purposes)
Thanks, Monica
I just added a couple of galleries under Sports, Drill Team 2009-2010,
Chey-Annes Danceline Lyrical Practice
added keywords to images.
Checked existing Drill Team by Dancer 2009-2010 (Emily, Chloe etc).
Smart Rules already in place as ANY & NO ---nothing populated.
The galleries that I have keyworded/coded the images are NOT password protected or unlisted.
I changed the NO to a YES (include unlisted & password protected) -- it populated.
This is on
Thanks, Monica
In all scenarios -- galleries where images are keyworded/coded are NOT unlisted or password protected
If smart rule setting is ALL + YES or NO
nothing new populates & all existing images clear out.
If smart rule setting is ANY + yes
it populates fine & immediately
If smart rule setting is ANY + no
nothing populates (but you don't existing images already in gallery from smart rule)
Thanks, Monica
You aren't the only one having issues with this, Runtscal...
Friend of mine setup a Smart Gallery on his SM account with rules to collect shots of him and his daughter (based on keywords) from my galleries.
To date, it hasn't successfully automatically added any pictures to the "smart" gallery. He has to re-save the "smart settings" rules, and then it updates with the current set of matching photos.
For debugging purposes, here's the gallery in question:
Lagging by a few hours or a few days? The photos I was looking for in the smart gallery were added 3 days ago...
Can you check things this morning now that the indexing has caught up? I just checked the rolette site and see ~60 photos that are tagged with Chris and Mary which are the collect keywords for your link. That link shows 67 photos. I say ~60 because some of them are duplicates.
Please let me know.
Monica, I am looking at yours now. But, can you also check. I may not get to dig until later today as I have an appt to go to in a bit.
Chris re-saved the rules on his gallery yesterday (no changes, just hit the Save button again) when we were looking into this. After touching the rules, the gallery content was updated, but I haven't added any new matching photos since then so everything should be correct.
Give me a min and I'll temporarily tag something else and see if it shows up...
Adding and removing keywords directly in SM seems to work fine for the Smart Gallery. The newly tagged photo showed up in the smart gallery as I would expect. It also removed correctly when I removed the matching tag. Worked basically in real-time.
Having said that, I almost never touch keywords directly in SM. I handle all my keywording in Lightroom and SM picks them up from embedded IPTC data. I won't be able to test that until I get home from work tonight, but maybe the issue is in that code path.
Not sure whether Smart Galleries are a push or pull implementation... For a pull model, how the keywords get there shouldn't matter because it would just query for matching photos whenever someone opened the gallery. For a push model, I could easily see forgetting to 'tickle' Smart Galleries when importing new photos with embedded keywords.
I have a smart gallery called "Recent Photos" that is supposed to pick up pictures taken over the past few weeks. But when I upload new photos to new galleries, they don't show up in Recent Photos.
Here's a new gallery of photos I just uploaded that were taken on the 26th.
Here's the Smart Photos gallery:
(Interestingly, some photos I think I uploaded yesterday just showed up ...)
What kind of turn around time should we expect from when we post photos until when they show up in the smart gallery?
I am going to be digging so you might see some slight changes on your sites as I check a couple things.
I will have to wait until this problem is resolved. Hopefully soon.
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